Psychology of Trading Series Eight-Part Audio Series – Van Tharp


The Psychology of Discipline:Discipline is the key to trading well. Van interviews one of the most disciplined people he’s ever met—one of his Ultimate Traders. This trader’s methods have been an inspiration to the rest.Belief Change and Mental State Control:Beliefs, in essence, are strongly held models of reality. Mental states are your state of mind (e.g., confidence or fear). Most people consider their mental state to be beyond their control.  This is not the case, but to control these states, first, you must recognize them. Van works with selected traders through belief and mental state changes.How to Fix Mistakes and Two Tasks of Trading: Rehearsal and Daily Debrief:Learn how to fix mistakes and develop important habits from an interview with a hedge fund manager who has done extremely well at times and extremely poorly at other times. The difference between the two, he says, involves following the top tasks of trading and other disciplines.Games People Play:All of us play games in life, and the rules of those games are usually made up of many others. Often we don’t realize what games we are playing. But to win at any game you have got to understand it, and you have got to make up your own rules, where applicable. In this section, Van discusses the trading and investing game with a special guest.Self-Sabotage:As human beings, we tend to “judge our feelings” so we avoid negative feelings. Negative feelings then become suppressed in the body as knots. These knots continually create the very emotions we are trying to avoid and lead to self-sabotage. Van discusses the topic of self-sabotage with one of his clients whose life has been altered as a result of taking both Peak Performance courses. Learn how the process works and how it changes lives.Creating Your Future by Goal Setting and Manifesting:Are you truly committed to being a winning trader? Van reiterates the importance of commitment and having a burning desire to achieve your dreams.He goes through the importance of knowing what it is that you really want, and how to set the goals and objectives to achieve it. He works with traders who have already done this, as well as answering questions for traders that are just starting the process.Personality Type and Trading:The Myers Briggs and Enneagram personality types and how the trader/investor fits those types.Format:We offer this item as MP3 files and downloadable documents via our e-learning course site.To access the materials you will need to log in with a Google ID. A Google ID is an e-mail address from G-mail or YouTube or from any e-mail account hosted on Google.If you do not have a Google ID, you can set one up by going to here to see more information about how and why you need to use a Google ID.If you prefer the cd set instead of the download, please contact us at [email protected] for a link which will calculate the additional shipping required for the cd sets.Get Psychology of Trading Series Eight-Part Audio Series – Van Tharp, Only Price $49 Tag: Psychology of Trading Series Eight-Part Audio Series – Van Tharp  Review. Psychology of Trading Series Eight-Part Audio Series – Van Tharp  download. Psychology of Trading Series Eight-Part Audio Series – Van Tharp  discount.