Psychic Experience – Millard Longman


In this age of Internet hyperbole, it would be understandable if you were to regard the preceding statement as more of the same – self-serving marketing hype, designed specifically to promote the latest half-baked idea to arm-chair mentalists who spend far more time on popular magic forums than in front of paying audiences.Rest assured, however – Jerome’s testimonial is the real deal, simply because the presentation Millard teaches in The Psychic Experience is, in the final analysis, real magic.Give Your Audiences Something RealUnlike the magic where an audience sees what they know is merely a clever bit of stagecraft – say, a Las Vegas-style stage illusion or a prodigious display of sleight of hand – the real magic experienced in Millard’s presentation takes place in each person’s mind. This is an important distinction to make, because as scientists have established, the human brain has difficulty distinguishing the difference between what is imagined and what is actually experienced. If you doubt this, try a simple experiment.Think back to a time in your past when someone did something that made you mad. Picture what they looked like… what they said or did… how you felt. After about 30 seconds of this recollection, you might be surprised to find your heart racing or your mood changing to one of anger as your body and mind re-live the experience… as if it were actually happening all over again.This is the power of the human imagination, and the beauty of it is that it can be used to create positive, uplifting experiences. When harnessed by the presentation you’ll learn in The Psychic Experience, your audiences will …Receive an accurate aura readingTake an astral tripExplore a past lifeCommunicate with departed loved onesExperience a psychic healingThis e-book is short and sweet (a mere 29 pages), largely because the concept itself is so extremely simple. Don’t underestimate the power of the presentation, however – once mastered, you will have at your command the ability to, at the very least, make people happy, with the added potential of actually enriching and changing lives.The Perfect No-Props Act?Many of us spend a lot of time envisioning “The Perfect No-Props Act”, perhaps because we worry about the airline losing our proverbial luggage, or perhaps because we just want to simplify our lives by eliminating the need for props. The Psychic Experience act certainly qualifies as a Perfect No-Props Act, since strictly speaking, you need only learn the script to present it at any time, and in any place.The Psychic Experience presentation is also extremely flexible. As described in Millard’s e-book, a typical performance will run a little over 30 minutes. Depending on the situation, however, it can be shortened to 15 minutes by doing only a few readings and just one of the trance segments, or it can be presented as a full evening show by using one or more of Millard’s suggestions that are included in the book. And, as many professionals have already done, you can use The Psychic Experience as a dynamic closer for your Q&A act.If you have been active in the field of mentalism for more than a few years, you will most likely remember Brother Shadow’s “Have Seance, Will Travel”. It was, quite simply, a game changer for many of us. Millard’s “Crossing Over” segment, which is just one part of The Psychic Experience presentation, is similar in some respects, but takes the concept out of the private séance room and into far more potential venues. The Psychic Experience can be used for public performances, private parties, one-on-one readings, workshops at your local New Age shop or continuing education center, lectures at psychic fairs, appearances on radio, television, the Internet… the list goes on and on.If you’re familiar with Millard’s Psychic Skills Workshop, you already know that he places a great deal of importance on working as real as possible, whether it is for a group presentation or an individual reading. For those of us who debate the ethics of deception, The Psychic Experience is of great value. With this presentation under your belt, you can thoroughly entertain audiences while eliminating the dreaded “Magician’s Guilt” completely, since there is nothing to hide – you are doing exactly what you say you’re doing!“If you’re looking for the real stuff, look no further — here is your chance to learn from the master!”– Neal ScryerGet Psychic Experience – Millard Longman, Only Price 17$Tag: Psychic Experience – Millard Longman Review. Psychic Experience – Millard Longman download. Psychic Experience – Millard Longman discount.