Prune Harris – Summer Energetics – Embracing Abundance


Rediscover your passion for life, your creativity and spontaneity and fall in love with yourself and your unique and precious life, Format File: 42 MP4, 17 PDF, 3 MP

Prune Harris – Summer Energetics – Embracing Abundance


Summer EnergeticsEmbracing Abundance

What’s included:

31 daily videos
Energy exercises, tools and techniques
Guided meditation
Six recorded webinars
Weekly nourishing nature lesson where I explore summer herbs and nutrition
Lifetime access to videos, meditation and recordings of webinars so you can listen whenever you want

Find out more about Summer EnergeticsEmbracing Abundance
Come on a summer journey with me!Rediscover your passion for life, your creativity and spontaneity and fall in love with yourself and your unique and precious lifeGet immediately download Prune Harris – Summer Energetics – Embracing Abundance
Course curriculum


Welcome to Summer Energetics

Week 1 – How to Ground in Summer

Welcome to Week 1

Workbook Week 1

1 – The Earthfire of Sustenance

2 – Fire and Water

3 – Stellar Diamonds

4 – Balance not Burnout

5 – Putting your feet up!

6 – Earth Electrics

7 – Nourishing Nature – Mint

Mint – Properties, Health Benefits and Recipes

Week 2 – Burnout or Bliss?

Welcome to Week 2

Workbook Week 2

8 – Massaging the Heart

9 – Listening to the Story of the Heart

10 – Heart Loop

11 – Barefoot Routine

12 – Welcome the Warriors

13 – Fanning the Heart Flame

14 – Nourishing Nature – Rose

Rose – Properties, Health Benefits and Recipes

Week 3 – Spontaneous Expansion

Welcome to Week 3

Workbook Week 3

15 – Dreaming your World

16 – A Strong Container

17 – Easy Expansion

18 – Relieving the Pressure

19 – Peace and Balance

20 – Sharing Abundance

Additional Meditation: Adrenal Bliss

21 – Nourishing Nature – Lemon Balm

Lemon balm – Properties, Health Benefits and Recipes

Week 4 – Living in Abundance

Welcome to Week 4

Workbook Week 4

22 – Loving Right Now

23 – Temporal Tap

24 – Connecting into the Cosmic Web

25 – Illuminating Your Template of Health

26 – Connecting on all levels

27 – Sacred Space

28 – Nourishing Nature – Self Heal

Self Heal – Properties, Health Benefits and Recipes

Week 5 – Summer Gifts

Welcome to Week 5

Workbook Week 5

29 – Doing Nothing

30 – Simple Summer Routine

31 – Wow! You made it, you are fantastic!

2021 Recorded Webinars

Webinar 1 – Joyful Fire, Joyful Life

Webinar 2 – Why Your Thyroid is So Vital for Health and Vitality During Summer

2020 Recorded Webinars

Webinar 1 Video – Healing from Lockdown

Webinar 2 – Relationships and the Magical Space In Between

2019 Recorded Webinars

Webinar 1 Audio – What the energy of summer looks like and how it interacts with your energy fields

Webinar 2 Video – Adrenal Health

Webinar 2 Audio – Adrenal Health

Webinar 3 Video – Joy!

Webinar 3 Audio – Joy!

Herbal Suppliers in the UK and US

Herbal Suppliers in UK and US

Here’s What You’ll Get in Prune Harris – Summer Energetics – Embracing Abundance