Prune Harris – Energy Essentials for Everyday Living


Energy understandings, tools and techniques to help you feel healthy and energized EVERY DAY. This course will teach you what you need to do physically and energetically to empower this choice and make it real.

Prune Harris – Energy Essentials for Everyday Living


Energy Essentials for Every Day LivingEnergy understandings, tools and techniques to help you feel healthy and energized EVERY DAY. This course will teach you what you need to do physically and energetically to empower this choice and make it real.

My objective for this course is that you are able to:

Discover your six different energy systems and how they are structured within and around your body
Understand how the energy systems interrelate to keep you healthy, vibrant and empowered to live your fullest life
Feel empowered that simple energy exercises can help you feel energized, joyful and healthy every day of your life
Be able to choose which exercise is most powerful and effective for you when you need it
Learn why it’s so important to be grounded, and easy ways how to ensure that you are

What’s included

20+ Short VideosEnergy understandings and techniques in bite-sized 10 minute lessons to bring balance to nine areas of your daily life
21 Page Course EbookFull of all the exercises and recommendations from the course to support every step of your learning
Two bonus handoutsYour Amazing Energy Anatomy and The Fabulous Fundamentals of Energy to deepen your understanding
Techniques to help you with many daily challengesCovering stress, fatigue, insomnia, immunity, pain, sadness, anger, brain fog, work to home transition
Energy Anatomy ModuleDiscover how your six energy systems are structured within and around your body
QuizzesTo keep you on track and help you consolidate your learning
Lifetime AccessCome back to enjoy the content whenever you want for the lifetime of the course

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Course curriculum

Let’s Get Started

How to navigate around this course

FAQs about Prune

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Welcome from Prune

Getting the most from this course – setting an intention

What is your intention for this course?

Let’s check in – how are you right now?

Course Handouts

Course Handouts

Module 1 – Energy Anatomy

An overview of your AMAZING Energy Anatomy

Your Aura

Your Chakras

Your Energetic Core

Your Meridians

Your Elemental Rhythms

Your Heartfield

Your Amazing Energy Anatomy

Energy Anatomy Quiz!

Module 2 – Understand your energy, Understand your life!

Do you want to live your small life or your big life?

Feeling stable, strong and resilient

What is going on with your energy when you don’t feel great?

Fabulous Fundamentals of Energy

Understand your energy quiz!

Module 3 – Your Every Day Energy Tools

How to use this section

Fatigue – what to do when your energy slumps

Stress – what to do when you’re feeling under pressure

Physical pain – what to do when something hurts

Insomnia – what to do when you just can’t sleep

Sadness – what to do when you’re feeling low

Anger – what to do when you’re about to explode!

Brain fog – what to do when you feel spaced out

The transition from work to home – creating energetic resilience

Immune boosters – what to do when you’re feeling run down

Main Course eBook

Next Steps…

You are essential and always, always enough

Congratulations! My wish for you…

More resources for you

Before you go…

Here’s What You’ll Get in Prune Harris – Energy Essentials for Everyday Living