Profit Architecture – Mariah Coz


Salepage link: At HERE. Archive: now $299 $2750, Profit Architecture – Mariah Coz Course.The premiere program for course creators, coaches, and digital product CEOs creating an ecosystem of profitable offers and evergreen enrollment engines for year-round revenue.A Library of Launches. An Encyclopedia of Evergreen. A Collection of Cash Campaigns.Profit Architecture is your All-Access-Pass to every single strategy, funnel, template, and training you need to build a thriving hybrid evergreen education business fueled by courses, coaching and digital products.STRATEGIC SIMPLICITYFinally, you can get EVERYTHING (and I mean everything) you need to build your hybrid course & coaching business, in one place.Master the holistic ecosystem of products and programs, evergreen funnels, and enrollment events to grow your hybrid, online education business without constant live launching, sales calls, or a huge team!No more piecing together random trendy tactics from 10 different places, barely moving the needle. We only focus on strategies that work!Profit Architecture includes all of our premium programs and curriculum, in one integrated and upgraded experienceWe’ve combined our renowned, best-selling programs and courses such as High Ticket Hybrid, The Accelerator, Evergreen Engines, Webinar Rockstar, Virtual Event Blueprint and more into one holistic ecosystem where everything works seamlessly together.If you’ve ever just wished you could tap into everything we’ve ever created, all of our strategies and systems in one place – this is it!Imagine what it will feel like…You’re finally creating your evergreen products and programs, seeing your happy clients chatting in your community and seeing new students enrolling as you provide value in your course group and coaching program.You wake up and see an email from another student who tells you that your course completely changed their lifeYou feel so light and spacious looking at your calendar for the weekYou do a little happy dance when you get that “ding” on your phone: another client has joined your course or high-ticket offer without a sales callYou get to take a few weeks off with your family over the summer without worrying about your revenueYou are trusting yourself to make decisions, tuning into your intuition, and your friends and family tell you that you just seem more confident in yourself and your business.You finally feel that true fulfillment from your work, knowing you are impacting people all over the world both at scale and on a deeper level (even though you work from home in your PJs!) BECOME THE ARCHITECT OF YOUR LIFEWhether you want to travel the world, make more money while working part time hours, or take 3+ months off every year to go adventuring, it’s time you design your online education business model around YOU.What would it mean for you to…Add a new revenue stream where one client is worth 10-20 normal course sales?Enroll high-ticket clients into your group programs without sales calls?Double your course business without needing twice as many leads by adding a high-touch, group program that builds on the courses you’ve already created?Enroll clients in your courses and coaching programs year-round?Teach, serve and mentor hundreds of clients at scale, without the delivery bottlenecks holding you back?A TRULY HYBRID BUSINESS MODELYou’ve had enough of the either/or, this vs. that, right vs. wrong, binary thinking when it comes to building your online course and high-end coaching business.You’re over the endless debate of Courses vs. Coaching, High Ticket vs. Low Ticket, Energy vs. Strategy, Evergreen vs. Launching.The key to unlocking your next level is the strategic and intuitive integration of all of these powerful elements into one, holistic ecosystem.Your evergreen engine funnels feed your next live enrollment event, promo or launchYou step into the upgraded mindset that supports your decision-makingYour strategic low-ticket lead gen offer seamlessly leads to your programs and coursesYou combine courses, high-ticket and low ticket into a profitable product suiteYOU’RE WAY BEYOND BORING BLUEPRINTSIt’s time to put an end to the “copycat coach” and “copy-paste course creator” culture.You know you can’t just “copy & paste” your next level – you need to learn how to start thinking like a CEO and making empowered decisions.The days of seeking approval and permission from other people, abdicating your power and peeking at everyone else’s paper are over.Too many coaches and course creators are copy-pasting templates and swipe files without actually learning the strategy and nuance behind why and how it works!You’re ready to truly elevate your course & coaching business into an evergreen ecosystem that is simple, streamlined and sophisticated – by your own design.You have an opportunity to do things in a totally fresh, fun, and fabulous way. It’s time to become the architect of your business!“THE BIGGEST THING WE’VE EVER DONE. We launched our high ticket program and received 215 applicants. Our total sales during cart open: $306,832! My brain has still not comprehended the magnitude of what just happened.”EMYLEE WILLIAMS & ABAGAIL PUMPHREY  “I wanted to say how grateful I am! I turned my investment with you into $2 MILLION in course sales and it’s been a life changer. I remember right at the end of the program I posted a photo of a dream house in the group, a few months later we got the exact house I had posted all thanks to a whole lotta course sales! When I tell my husband about investments he’s usually a little skeptical but when I said I wanted to invest with you he was like “DO IT”! Just wanted to say thank you!”PAIGE BRUNTON“I’m finally going over 2020 in detail. My first 7-figure year. Total revenue: $1,056,927. Profit margin: 52%. Ad spend: 0%. No ads. No sales team (THANK YOU, MARIAH.) Looking forward to using ads to grow in 2021!”MAYA ELIOUS“We are not even in the middle of the year and my business already made half of a million in revenue (whaattt?!) I have to admit that I just don’t realize what is happening right now. I made 40x my investment! The best investment EVER!”ANNELISE HARRISBuild a cyclical, sustainable, integrated course, coaching, and digital product business.PREMIUM AND PROFITABLEPrograms & ProductsEach product in your offer suite serves a purpose and serves your audience in a unique way. These offers seamlessly flow from one to the next as upsells, cross-sells and down sells. There are 3 categories of offers that can fit into your product suite:Low-Ticket: $10-$200Self-Study Course: $200-$2,000+High Ticket Group Program: $3,000-$20,000+You can choose to create a business around just one premium offer, or you can incorporate 2 or 3 of these offers. Design the product suite and model that makes sense for you!“RINSE AND REPEAT”Signature Sales SystemEstablish a repeatable, signature sales system that you can re-use and deploy over and over again. We provide the tools, training, templates for the spectrum of enrollment events from super simple to sophisticated, so you can choose the best option for you, your style, your bandwidth.Simple Email-Based Flash SalesValuable, Profitable WebinarsEngaging Paid Live WorkshopsEpic Virtual ConferencesWe give you all the strategies, tutorials, and templates for each of these powerful enrollment events, and you’ll make an empowered decision about which strategy you should focus on.FUELED BY FUNNELSEvergreen Enrollment EnginesTurn the powerful sales assets you’ve created into a system for year-round enrollments so clients can join your courses & programs every day. Design your course and high touch programs to be ready for evergreen onboarding, and then set up the evergreen sales systems so you’re never turning away a client who is ready to join now!Learn how to take your webinars, sales pages, emails and turn it into an evergreen enrollment engine with the help of automations, systems, and super simple tech.There are a lot of moving parts to an online course & coaching business.Webinars, promotions, evergreen funnels, and oh yeah… actually delivering your course, products and programs to your students and clients! It’s a lot to wrap your head around, but there’s no reason for it to be so complicated. And definitely no reason to do it alone. We’ve helped hundreds of our clients escape the revenue roller coaster and make more money doing work they love.  You’ve been thinking about going evergreen with your online course or high-ticket coaching business for months or even years, but have struggled to put all the pieces together in a simple way.You are maxed out with clients, 1:1 coaching, freelancing, or providing services and know you need a scalable income stream to break free of your current plateau.  You dream about the freedom and impact that comes with being a renowned course creator and premium coach in your niche, but are still stuck in comparison and overwhelmYou don’t have the systems to scale your impact and revenue, which is currently causing you to cap clients and close enrollments (oh no!)You want a premium course & coaching business – with minimal overhead, designed around YOUR lifestyle and your unique personality, but you keep putting it off to finish “just one more client project” or “one more launch” (even though you know deep down, the only way to break out of that vicious cycle is to create an evergreen enrollment engine, aka funnel, for your products and programs.)“June marks our first month on evergreen. We are celebrating 6 evergreen enrollments, and 50% paid in full! To go from not seeing evergreen as a possibility for a $10k program, to now having 6 in our first month is just mind-blowing! No sales calls. No launches. Pure ease + authentic connection in DM’s.”LIZ SIMPSON“I grew my course sales from $28,000 to $91,500, which is more than I ever made in my corporate career. I now have more time to spend with my family. I’m making 3X more now than I did before joining. I could go on and on about how grateful I am that I found this program, but I’ll sum it up by saying thank you to Team Mariah Coz for changing my life.”DESIREE BOOKER“I promote my evergreen webinar organically which got me to a million dollars the last 12 months, even with a maternity leave and no paid ads. Then, this year since January I have had consistent $50k-$70k months WITHOUT launching and while working a lot less, which has blown my mind! I have run everything pretty lean so far, and I work 20-30 hours a week while raising 4 young kiddos.”MORGAN RAPP“I have all the tools to grow my business as big and evergreen as I want to and I finally have the freedom to run my business my way.”ARI HALE“By the end of the year, I will have surpassed half a million dollars in revenue. Just me and a part-time assistant, and one evergreen course. My mind is blown. My attitude around money has changed so much since working with Mariah. This is the least stressed out and the most fun I’ve ever had in my business, and I would never have believed these numbers were anywhere close to realistic.”MARIE POULINLet’s hop off the revenue rollercoaster and ditch the monthly live launches.Stuck on the launch roller coaster, living in feast and famine mode, with no way to bring in sales when you’re not promoting live or on back-to-back sales calls? It’s time to hop off the live launch roller coaster, ditch the draining sales calls, and let go of the “one-size-fits-all” blueprint by designing a simple, sustainable and sophisticated product suite with an evergreen enrollment engine.It’s absolutely essential that you create true sustainability and consistency in your online education business.Stop stressin’ and go evergreen.Your best customers do NOT want to wait 6 months for your next launch.Stop turning away dream clients and students because you don’t have a way to enroll on evergreen!Some of your best customers and students do not need to go through days or weeks of free content from you to be ready to buy something!Your dream clients literally just want to buy the solution to their problem immediately when they see it. Think about it: people opting in for your free webinar or applying for your program waitlist need something in that moment. Your job is to give them that solution without barriers and without forcing them to jump through hoops. Don’t make them wait!Bottom line, you’re not serving your customers if you don’t give them the option to enroll when they actually need it most.Break out of the monthly launch cycle. Building an evergreen business isn’t just great for your clients and students, increasing their motivation and sense of community. It also helps you break out of the feast-and-famine live-launch cycle. Having an evergreen engine in place (aka an evergreen funnel for all of your offers!) is the difference between a business that makes sales every month, and a “string of promotions that you hope work”. Create a process that gives you the freedom to step away when you need to take a break – without breaking your business!“DING! You just made a sale”…While you were watching a movie with the kids…While you were at the farmers market on a Saturday…While you were hiking a mountain, totally off the grid…While you were out to lunch with friends on a random Tuesday…While you were dealing with some life sh*t (it happens, right?)…And yes, even while you were sleeping!There’s nothing better than those little “cha-ching” notifications popping up on your phone while you’re living your life, serving people all over the world, and doing what you love.“Before learning from Mariah, the whole process was daunting – she broke it down and made even the technical elements very simple. Thank you Mariah & team! The first solid iteration of my evergreen funnel for my course on magic has been on for about 4 months. In that time, I had 84 sales at various price points. Overall, the funnel brought in about $54,000 in sales with an average of about 21 sales a month, so the funnel brought in about $12,600 each month.”CAROLYN ELLIOTT“I sell about 10 a month organically (like, zero marketing).  I LOVE that I have something to offer new people who find me now. I love that now that the funnel is in place, my work is just to tweak it and make it better. I have had a very successful course selling for 4 years now, and the extra evergreen sales are icing on the cake!”  REBECCA TRACEYAn Elevated, Expanded Experience for Coaches, Course Creators and CEOsWe combine world-class training, tools and templates with convenient asynchronous support so you have everything you need to build your simple & sophisticated course and coaching business.Design your custom roadmap to a profitable course, coaching & digital product businessEach client’s journey looks a little different. We empower you to follow your strategic plan and become the “architect” of your business through these powerful programs. You can follow our step-by-step paths, or create your own adventure!High Ticket HybridHigh Ticket Hybrid is our unique application-based enrollment process for scaling an evergreen high ticket group program without sales calls. This program is everything you need to validate, pre-sell, launch and evergreen a high ticket program.Evergreen EnginesStreamline your online course sales with an elegant, effective evergreen sales funnel your customers will love! Hop off the revenue rollercoaster and ditch the monthly live launches. This program will show you how to validate, pre-sell, launch and evergreen your signature self study course.Your First 1KGet your first or next 1,000 email subscribers with our timeless list-building techniques. Launch & evergreen a low ticket digital product, following our step by step action plan and fill-in-the-blank templates.Virtual Event BlueprintEvery single template, script, and SOP for hosting profitable virtual conference style events that sell your high ticket program or signature course. This is the exact process my clients and I have used to have our biggest launches ever and bring in hundreds of warm leads at a time.Low Ticket Lead GenerationLeverage a Low Ticket Lead Gen “Front End Funnel” or paid workshop into high ticket clients and signature course sales. This is our signature “low to high” funnel that brings in hundreds of warm leads, while serving every segment of our audience.Champagne Client ContentThe content marketing strategy specifically designed to sell your courses and group programs! Elevate your messaging and start attracting perfect fit clients. Whether you blog, podcast, make youtube videos, livestream, send emails or post on social media – these timeless evergreen content themes never go out of style.So much more!Scale your current offer, expand your product suite with another product or program, or tap into a new sales strategy. You’ll implement a cyclical, seasonal ecosystem of promotions and evergreen throughout the year for sustainable growth.THE TEMPLATE VAULTNever get stuck staring at a blank page again.Infuse your own creativity into our tried and true templates for everything: webinar slides, sales pages, email sequences, ad copy, social selling responses and so much more!Our belief is that you should never have to start from a blank page (or slide deck!), but you should always add your unique voice and personality to the structure we provide. You’re not just copy-pasting without context: you’re learning why and how the strategies work so you can apply these skills to anything you sell, at any price point,  for the rest of your career!EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE PODCASTQ&A Strategy “Hotline” Private PodcastMariah takes the juiciest, most relevant questions, curates which topics will serve the group best, and records individual audio responses that get added to an exclusive private podcast feed, just for Profit Architecture clients.You’ll get all of Mariah’s best musings, of-the-moment ideas and strategy, answers to your biggest questions, mindset chats, recaps, business experiments and more that you can’t get anywhere else – delivered in the most convenient, time-efficient way possible.No more scrubbing through hours of calls that don’t apply to you, you can just listen to exactly what’s most relevant to you. The private podcast feed is searchable and so simple to use, you will absolutely love this innovative new format of asynchronous support!THE COMMUNITYBrilliant business brains all in one place.You’ll be surrounded by course creators, coaches and CEOs at every level so you can learn from them and level up fast. Get a behind the curtain look at what others are doing to be successful.Ask questions, share wins, and give insights.You’ll be in an inspiring and generous community of course creators, coaches and CEOs who are all working towards their goals together.Exclusive bonuses you can’t get anywhere else!MAP YOUR MODEL ANNUAL PLANNING SESSIONMap Your Model is our proprietary annual and quarterly planning system for course creators, coaches and CEOs that helps you prioritize what to work on in what order for the most leverage in your business.“ICONS” VIRTUAL EVENT RECORDINGS VAULTCrack open the vault of previous virtual conference recordings anytime you need inspiration or want to watch these exclusive sessions!UPSELLS & DOWNSELLS TRAININGSLearn how to add strategic upsells and downsells to your funnels and promotions, email templates included!MILLION-DOLLAR VIRTUAL EVENT DEBRIEFPeek behind the scenes at our own virtual event debrief: all the numbers, metrics, conversion rates, ad spend and more. This is a juicy look inside a profitable virtual event!ALL THE TOOLS, NONE OF THE RULESProfit Architecture holds nothing back.Implement all of the same strategies our clients have used to reach their goals, host life-changing live promos, create evergreen revenue, and more. Mix and match to create your own custom strategy with these action-oriented tools, trainings, and templates. Everything is at your fingertips and ready to go!WebinarsMaster the art and science of webinars for selling both premium courses and high-ticket group coaching programs. We are known for our unique approach to making webinars fun, engaging, and valuable!Included in Profit Architecture!Evergreen FunnelsYou will have the tools, templates, and training to build an evergreen funnel for any offer at any price point. Create evergreen engines for your low-ticket lead generator offers and your premium courses & high-ticket programsIncluded in Profit Architecture!Virtual EventsIf you’ve attended one of our epic virtual events, you know the magic these create for your business! This is a true “swiss army knife” strategy that combines lead gen with brand building, sales and revenue all in one!Included in Profit Architecture!Joint VenturesWe primarily focus on joint venture webinars, but the principles apply to all sorts of partner-based promotions. This is a powerful “all in one” strategy that combines lead generation with revenue and sales at the same time, while building your brand recognition!Included in Profit Architecture!Social SellingSocial selling is being able to answer questions from potential clients in the DMs in a way that helps them make an empowered decision to enroll. We incorporate this personal touch into everything we do, and we give you all the scripts for overcoming objections.Included in Profit Architecture!Paid Live WorkshopsWant to get paid to pitch your program? Paid live workshops are a way to attract warm, qualified leads that you can then invite into your higher-ticket programs after the event. We give you all our strategies for turning a simple paid workshop into new clients!Included in Profit Architecture!Flash SalesFlash sales are super simple and yet very powerful. You can deploy a quick and simple flash sale whenever you need a revenue infusion in just a matter of days. Some of our clients have replaced their launches and live promotions with just a few flash sales a year, with fabulous results!Included in Profit Architecture!Pre-SellingThe power to pre-sell anything means you can validate your new offer ideas before creating all the content. This is a crucial skill for course creators and coaches. Whether you’re pre-selling a small digital product or your most high-end mastermind, pre-selling is essential.Included in Profit Architecture!And so much more!Upsells, downsells, cash infusion campaigns, offer design, product suite, mindset – it’s all covered in Profit Architecture! Over the years, we’ve always created exciting new ways of selling courses, programs and digital products. We continue to innovate and test new ideas, which we always share with our clients first!Included in Profit Architecture!DESIGNED FOR IMPLEMENTATIONWe believe each individual strategy, when implemented, is worth the entire investment on it’s own.Just one webinar, one upsell, one sales page, one funnel, one offer, or one event would be the value of this entire program. When you combine them into a strategic ecosystem, you are literally unstoppable!You’ll have access to all of these signature sales strategies to incorporate into your business model. Whether you choose to focus on mastering just one, or layering on 2-3 of them, it’s all at your fingertips.TIME-SAVING TOOLSWe provide templates for email sequences, webinar slides, sales pages, evergreen funnels — it’s all in here.The tools, templates, and strategies in this program will save you hundreds of hours.The result is that you have everything you need to create a consistently profitable online education business.ACTION WITHOUT OVERWHELMFollow our day-by-day project plans or choose your own adventure.If you like to have a clear path laid out for you, you got it! We’ve got week-to-week project plans for each process you can follow.If you prefer to mix and match, choose your own adventure and be the architect of your experience, we encourage that creativity too!You decide what to start with based on your situation and goals, using our planning tools.Profit Architecture is everything you need, in one no-brainer packageWe’ve been in the trenches building and growing courses and digital products for over 8+ years, we’ve helped thousands of students and clients, and we’ve developed the most implementation-focused, comprehensive, customizable program designed for experienced Coaches, Course Creators and Digital Product CEOs.Get Profit Architecture – Mariah Coz, Only Price $299Tag: Profit Architecture – Mariah Coz Download, Profit Architecture – Mariah Coz review, Profit Architecture – Mariah CozDiscount, profit architecture, non profit architecture firms, mass non profit architecture, non profit architectu