
Product Alliance – Flagship Google PM Interview Course

Original price was: ₹146,700.00.Current price is: ₹16,434.00.



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Product Alliance – Flagship Google PM Interview Course
The ultimate resource for earning “Strong Hire” ratings and converting your Google interviews into a top-bracket PM offer letter without getting down-leveled. Now includes materials for Google’s new Craft & Execution interviews.

Created with the help of 9 current and former Google PMs, including 2 GPMs and 4 hiring managers
17 hours of video lessons
200+ Google PM interview questions asked in the last month, word-for-word

About the course
In our Flagship Google PM Interview course, you will start off by learning Google’s ten-year strategy from insiders so you can begin to think from the perspective of a Google executive. We’ll go deep on hot product areas like Google Cloud, Assistant, YouTube and more!
Then we’ll go over what types of estimation, design, strategic, and behavioral questions you are most likely to get asked at Google and then walk you through the concrete things that Google interviewers are taught to look for in your response for each question type. We’ll also show you tons of mock interview examples of 10 out of 10 answers with expert interviewer commentary along the way.
‍The course also includes materials on Google’s newly-added Craft & Execution PM interview.
Finally, we will share a monthly list of interview questions that our team members and past customers have actually gotten during their recent Google PM interviews. With this course, you can take luck out of the equation for getting your dream PM job at Google!
Our Metrics
total customers
17 hours
of HD video lessons
avg. increase in TC
Explore the Course

Google Product Strategy
Product Questions
Craft & Execution Questions
Estimation Questions
Strategy Questions
Googleyness & Leadership Questions