Price Local Sales Automation – Kevin Wilke, Ed Downes, Brian Anderson


Discover the Crazy Simple method that builds your local agency like no other. It can deliver multiple paying clients to your business, month after month FOREVER!Purchase Price Local Sales Automation – Kevin Wilke, Ed Downes, Brian Anderson courses at here with PRICE $500 $32Course “Local Sales Automation – Kevin Wilke, Ed Downes, Brian Anderson” is available, If no download link, Please wait 24 hours. We will process and send the link directly to your email.Still Struggling Trying to Land Clients for Your Local Digital Agency? Tired of “Fake” Lead Gen tools that fail to deliver? Stop beating your head against the wall trying to be an expert in every aspect of your business! Selling new customers is critical to your success – leave nothing to chance!Discover the Crazy Simple method that builds your local agency like no other. It can deliver multiple paying clients to your business, month after month FOREVER!Best of all, you can set-up this simple system up TODAY, enjoy almost instant results, begin to land clients stress-free, and scalei up as big as you desire.We Knew We Had. Discovered the SINGLE BIGGEST Mistake That Virtually Every Local Marketer Was Making!Here’s the problem: the vast majority of local “offline” marketers simply do not understand the how absolutely critical the “SALES” part of this business is! Without it, you have nothing more than an expensive hobby! So … 95% of the offline marketers we spoke to spent all of their time doing email, Facebook, learning on Webinars – basically ANYTHING other than the dreaded SELLING! They had bought into the Internet Marketer Fantasy Land pipe dream that they can push a button on a $17 software tool and generate clients!Does this sound like you?Some of our students tell me this is a typical day….I’d get into the office, and immediately get on Facebook. I’d catch up on my groups, and see what was happening online with the community!I’d spend the morning taking care of emails and administrative issues, grab lunch, and then come back in the afternoon to catch a 2pm webinar from your favorite “Guru” marketer!?My kids were home around 4, so I would often cut out to go do things with them.I’d “work” for an hour or two at night after my spouse went to bed. But working really meant checking email and Facebook!I could go on… but I’m sure you get the picture.The sad truth is that for so many marketers, they spend LITERALLY NO TIME AT ALL ON PROSPECTING AND SELLING new clients!!!With the above business model – the likelihood of landing new clients for anyone in the above situation is about the same as WINNING THE LOTTERY!Even worse, once you land a new client… the pressure of delivering immediate results will then stop every hit of prospecting/sales activity you were even thinking about doing!I’m thrilled to tell you there is a better way! A much better way!Stop Trying To Do Every Piece Of Your Business Yourself! You Can’t Win If You Don’t Focus!Whoa! That’s right I want you to STOP trying to sell services to clients! I know it’s shocking but let me explain….You see I’ve discovered exactly that virtually every local marketer makes the exact same mistake.They try to be the sales guy, SEO expert, reputation king, mobile media wizard, and yes even the accountant and lawyer for their new company!As soon as you can accept that this model is flawed for over 95% of you — you can begin to put in the system and framework that will allow you to make money. Real money!I know this may not sound like rocket science, but amazingly enough, it is the most common mistake we see with start-up digital marketing agencies!But what you need is a simple to implement, easy to follow blueprint that you can base your local digital agency around – a system that will allow you to generate new deals for your company without relying on the “hitting the lottery method”!Well my friend I have good news! We know EXACTLY the struggle you face, and can help you. And Kevin, Ed and I have been working hard to test and perfect this system and get It into your hands.So, what would it mean to you if…You never have to chase around local business owners?You can develop a large pipeline of clients begging to work with you – without you having to go sell them!?You can truly turn the corner in your business. No more will you have to say you have 0-2 clients, now you can begin to build a real income and enjoy the life you’ve always wanted?Well, you’re about to be able to do just that – in as little as a few hours time. Yes.J said HOURS!Introducing….If you don’t have a sales pipeline of activity similar to this – you absolutely need our training!The dirty little secret about running your own Local Digital Agency is that you have to sell. And….you need lots of Opportunities so that you can close enough Clients!When you can consistently maintain an active sales pipeline of new business, you are in the driver’s seat! In case you don’t know, I’m a numbers guy!But I like all of my numbers to work towards one thing –revenue!What your Local Agency needs is a constant stream of real deals. These deals will fill up your sales pipeline, and eventually, some will fill your bank account!That’s it! It is the missing link that so many people just don’t grasp.Local Sales Automation is a complete, nothing-held-baek, step-by-step documentation of the EXACT formula that we have used to build a sales team – period. It’s extremely simple, based completely on the real world, and can be digested in less than an hour.Perhaps best – you can implement this by yourself  in a literally minutes ! And…within days you will * have numerous QUALIFIED candidates all vying i for the chance toBUILD YOUR BUSINESS! IMMEDIATE ROI for your clients and piece of mind for you!The material is presented in a straight to the point, no-fluff format including both Videos and case studies for your convenience.This is not your typical training filled with hype, fluffed up fairy tale theories that sound amazing but just aren’t applicable in the real world – That’s just not how we roll!Local Sales Automation is a tried and true offline consulting strategy that is being implemented as we speak by a select number of underground offliners.Here’s exactly what you’ll learn inside of the members area:We’ve broken the Local Sales Automation method down into a finely tuned system, which you can duplicate for your business and immediately begin building your business!Module 1: Sales System OverviewModule 2: Company Structure and VisionModule 3: Successful Sales Staffing and ManagementModule 4: Hiring for Sales SuccessModule 5: Training for Sales SuccessModule 6: Scales it UpModule 7: Two Live Q&A calls with Brian Anderson & Syd MichaelAsk all of your toughest questions to both Brian Anderson and Syd Michael. With over 40 years of combined sales & marketing experience, Brian and Syd can help you overcome your toughest challenges!Tag Local Sales Automation – Kevin Wilke, Ed Downes, Brian Anderson Review. Local Sales Automation – Kevin Wilke, Ed Downes, Brian Anderson download. Local Sales Automation – Kevin Wilke, Ed Downes, Brian Anderson discount. Purchase Price Local Sales Automation – Kevin Wilke, Ed Downes, Brian Anderson courses at here with PRICE $500 $32