PR University – Christina Daves


This Will Save You The Thousands, Even Tens of Thousands of Dollars, it Costs Each Month to Hire and Retain a Publicist…Purchase PR University – Christina Daves courses at here with PRICE $1997 $142Course “PR University – Christina Daves” is available, If no download link, Please wait 24 hours. We will process and send the link directly to your email.This Will Save You The Thousands, Even Tens of Thousands of Dollars, it Costs Each Month to Hire and Retain a Publicist….Hello and welcome. My name is Christina Daves – entrepreneur, best selling author, speaker and business coach. I am incredibly passionate about business and have been told it’s infectious.If there’s one idea I want to leave you with today while you’re on this page is the fact you can do PR yourself and have tremendous success.My story is not uncommon. I had invented a product, was filled with excitement thinking about my new venture and just knew deep down I would hit it big. I just had to tell the world my product existed. I had no money for advertising and no money to hire a publicist so I had to figure it out on my own.I started getting myself booked in the media on a regular basis. When I was starting to make some headway, and now had a marketing budget, I thought: “I better hire a publicist now because if I can do all of this, imagine what they can do!”So I hired a publicist and although they promised me the world, guess what? Major disappointment.And would you believe that in my first month in a contract with them, I gotmyself booked on Dr. Oz, FOX, and got articles in Parenting Magazine and the Washington Post.They got me absolutely nothing. So… I fired them.Realizing what I could do by myself, and not wanting to write them a big check once a month for potentially nothing, I kept at it, on my own – working, tweaking, and figuring out what worked and what didn’t work.Turns out I made the right choice because I then got myself on the Steve Harvey Show, three times, and various news broadcasts across the U.S. I’ve also been featured in national, regional, and local magazines and newspapers.Here’s the truth about publicists and it’s very important you understand this…They don’t care about your business as much as you do.They can’t duplicate the passion or energy you bring to the table.They don’t put in the same amount of time you do everyday.Chances are, they have multiple clients they are representing, so you’re not the only person they’re focused on.So not only do you have to compete with your competition, you have to compete for time and attention from your publicist.There’s a better way to do things that will save you the thousands, even tens of thousands of dollars, it costs each month to hire and retain a publicist.I teach people how to generate a massive amount of exposure themselves.And as you can see from all the testimonials on this page, I’m very good at it.I’ve helped a countless number of small business owners and entrepreneurs just like you take their business to the next level.If seeing your competition with inferior products on TV shows, in magazines, and newspapers makes your stomach churn, then it’s time to take full control over your business.Stop relying on other people to do the work. It will be much cheaper and much more effective to do it yourself.You can pitch the media better than anyone else because you know your business inside and out.You will be building relationships along the way with key people and decision makers. There’s no middle-man, they are dealing directly with you.So you get to “know people” who “know people” and that’s one of the fastest ways to scale your business quickly.These relationships will not only impact your current project, but future projects as well.I’m Doing Awesome Stuff and Meeting New People All The Time…A few days ago, I was invited to attend Sage Summit 2015.After winning the Entrepreneurial Rule Breaker Award in 2014, I presented the award to this year’s winner.While I was there, I spoke on two panels – Entrepreneurial Rule Breakers and Women In Business.I was interviewed on 3 radio programs, including Bloomberg and even got my photo taken with Chad Hurley, founder of YouTube (since I talk about YouTube a lot).When you know how to manage your own PR, it opens up a ton of doors.The hardest part is at the beginning.It’s those few weeks when you really don’t know where to start and the entire thing feels overwhelming.Most publicists hide certain information and contacts from you when they are representing you.They don’t want you to get to know people or try to do it yourself. Because if you do that, you wouldn’t need their services anymore.They don’t get paid and you get to put all the money in YOUR pocket or reinvest it into your business.If I can do this, you can do it. When I got started, I had ZERO connections.I want to make things 100 times easier for you.I want to cut out the learning curve for you so you can start doing things day 1.I’m fast tracking your path to success….Introducing The PR University Training Program…The Ultimate D.I.Y. PR  Training Program – Discover Hot To Get FREE Media Exposure For You, Your Product/Service or Business…Module 1: BrandingI’ll Show You How to Brand Your Business Effectively, Why Branding Is So Important and Why It Is the Cornerstone of Your PR Efforts.Video Running Time: 12 Minutes + Companion PR For Anyone™ Branding WorksheetModule 2: Becoming An ExpertThis is Where We Build Your Foundation for Success. You’ll Learn What Your Expertise Is and How to Build On That to Gain Media Exposure.Video Running Time: 10 Minutes + Companion PR For Anyone™ Becoming An Expert WorksheetModule 3: BloggingI Share All of the Essentials of Blogging and Guest Blogging, How to Do It, and Why It’s So Vital to Your Business and PR Efforts.Video Running Time: 14 Minutes + Companion PR For Anyone™ Blogging WorksheetModule 4: Gain ExposureI’ll Show You 11 Ways to Gain Exposure, How to Validate Exposure, and What to do When You Get Exposure.Video Running Time: 19 Minutes + Companion PR For Anyone™ Gain Exposure WorksheetModule 5: Free Media and How To RespondI’ll Show You How to Effectively Use and Respond to Free Media Query Sites to Get in the Media and Start Building Relationships with Reporters, Producers, and Writers.Video Running Time: 17 Minutes + Companion PR For Anyone™ Free Media WorksheetModule 6: Press Release/Targeted Story PitchI Explain the Difference Between a Press Release and a Targeted Story Pitch, How to Write a Great Hook to “Lure” the Media into Reading More, and How to Create Newsworthy Content.Video Running Time: 17 Minutes + Companion PR For Anyone™ Press Pitch WorksheetModule 7: Magazines, Newspapers, Trade PublicationsI Show You How to Gain Media Exposure in Magazines, Newspapers, and Trade Publications, How to Find the Proper Contact, and Then How to Reach Them.Video Running Time: 16 Minutes + Companion PR For Anyone™ Printed Publication WorksheetModule 8: Find The MediaHow Do You Find Out Whom You Need to Contact At a Media Outlet? I’ll Show You How to Figure Out Who the Producer of a Show is, Whom the Appropriate Magazine Editor is, and Who Writes About Your Topic.Video Running Time: 9 Minutes + Companion PR For Anyone™ Find The Media WorksheetModule 9: When To Submit To The MediaDid You Know That it Really Matters When You Submit Your Ideas to the Media? I Show You When the Right Time Is and Then How to Set Up an Annual Calendar So That You Are Effective When Pitching the Media.Video Running Time: 8 Minutes + Companion PR For Anyone™ When To Submit WorksheetModule 10: Outsourcing PRYou Don’t Have to Do It Yourself. I Show You How to Find an Affordable Virtual Assistant and What They Can Do To Help In Your PR Efforts So You Are Free to Deal with Customers and Make Sales.Video Running Time: 7 Minutes + Companion PR For Anyone™ Press Pitch WorksheetModule 11: Social Media and PRIn This Module I Show You How to Set Up All of the Mediums of Social Media, How to Connect With Journalists, and How to Effectively Deal With the Media Using Social Media.Video Running Time: 21 Minutes + Companion PR For Anyone™ Social Media and PR WorksheetModule 12: Celebrity SellsThere Is No Arguing That Celebrity Sells. If a Celebrity Wears Your Product, Endorses Your Business, or Talk About Your Service, It is a Tremendous Endorsement That Will Turn Into Sales. I Show You How to Reach Celebrities and Use Their Star Power.Video Running Time: 10 Minutes + Companion PR For Anyone™ Celebrity Sells WorksheetModule 13: RadioRadio is a Great Way a Gain Exposure in the Luxury of Your Own Home. I Show You How to Find Radio Programs, Then Whom and What to Pitch to be a Guest on a Show, and How to Have a Great Interview and Get Invited Back.Video Running Time: 8 Minutes + Companion PR For Anyone™ Radio WorksheetModule 14: Getting On TelevisionIs Your Dream to Appear on Television? I Show You Sure-Fire Ways to Gain Local Television Exposure and How to Parlay That For a National Television Appearance.Video Running Time: 13 Minutes + Companion PR For Anyone™ Getting On Television WorksheetModule 15: Your Television AppearanceYou’ve Done It! You’ve Gotten Your First Television Appearance. In This Module I Show You All of the Ins and Outs of Television, How to Look, What to Wear, and How to be Fully Prepared for the Interview.Video Running Time: 13 Minutes + Companion PR For Anyone™ Your Television WorksheetMy Proven Formula – PR to PROFIT™ & 3 Pillars to PR Success System™In addition to the 16 modules above, you also get instant access to my PR to Profit™ training course.PR to Profit™ will make YOU the next media darling in your industry. YOU will be the one getting exposure. New customers will be coming to YOU. And YOU will be able to charge more being seen as an expert in your industry.MODULE 1 – Be NewsworthyIn this module I teach you step-by-step how to think outside of the box to create newsworthy story angles.MODULE 2 – Create Great HooksThis is the key for getting a journalist to read your email. You’ve got to have something compelling in the subject line. I show you how to stand out from the crowd and get your story pitch opened.MODULE 3 – Find the Right JournalistYour business pitch isn’t going to get read if it’s send to the food editor. Learn how to find the right person in the media and how to get all of their contact information.This course alone sells for $997…Plus, $500+ Worth Of Bonuses…The Sure-Fire Way to Overcome the Fear of the Interview, Bryan Toder, The Fearless Communicator™Brand Content Editorial Calendar – Jennifer Dalton, Brand Mirror.5 Secrets to Build a Powerhouse Brand Online – Nadine N. Bone, Design Strategist, Nadine N. Bone International, LLC.Self Promotion Sucks (but it doesn’t have to) Co-Authored by Susan Newman, Suzy Brandtastic.Creating Video in Google+ Hangouts, Ronnie Bincer, The Hangout HelperThe Power of Video, Marty Skibosh, e3studiosHow to Pitch to Magazines by Gay EdelmanTop 20 Syndicated Radio Shows with Contact Information by Alex Carroll, Radio PublicityHow to Maximize your Business Presence on Twitter, Nika Stewart, GhosttweetingInstragam Basic Instruction Manual, Sue B. Zimmerman, Insta-GalHow to Get Your Product in Celebrity Hands, Sarah Shaw, Entreprenette“All I Can Say Is, WOW! Christina’s Infectious Enthusiasm and Expertise Is Amazing!”You Get Instant Access To Everything Inside The PR University Training Program Members Area:Module 1: BrandingModule 2: Becoming An ExpertModule 3: BloggingModule 4: Gain ExposureModule 5: Free Media and How To RespondModule 6: Press Release/Targeted Story PitchModule 7: Magazines, Newspapers, Trade PublicationsModule 8: Find The MediaModule 9: When To Submit To The MediaModule 10: Outsourcing PRModule 11: Social Media and PRModule 12: Celebrity SellsModule 13: RadioModule 14: Getting On TelevisionModule 15: Your Television AppearancePR to PROFIT™ Training:Module 1 – Be NewsworthyModule 2 – Create Great HooksModule 3 – Find the Right JournalistPR to PROFIT™ Training:The Sure-Fire Way to Overcome the Fear of the Interview, Bryan ToderBrand Content Editorial Calendar – Jennifer Dalton5 Secrets to Build a Powerhouse Brand Online – Nadine N. BoneSelf Promotion Sucks (but it doesn’t have to) Co-Authored by Susan NewmanInstragam Basic Instruction Manual, Sue B. ZimmermanCreating Video in Google+ Hangouts, Ronnie BincerThe Power of Video, Marty SkiboshHow to Pitch to Magazines by Gay EdelmanTop 20 Syndicated Radio Shows with Contact Information by Alex CarrollHow to Maximize your Business Presence on Twitter, Nika StewartTag: PR University – Christina Daves Review. PR University – Christina Daves download. PR University – Christina Daves discount.Purchase PR University – Christina Daves courses at here with PRICE $1997 $142