PPV Game Killer – Bank


How A Game Obsessed Computer Nerd Turned Into A CPA Superstar Making $800 A Day Promoting Fun Gaming Offers…Purchase PPV Game Killer – Bank courses at here with PRICE $47 $23Ebook “PPV Game Killer – Bank” is available, If no download link, Please wait 24 hours. We will process and send the link directly to your email.How I Bank Up To $800+ A Day With Fun CPA Gaming Offers And How You Can Do The Same!Still struggling to make money with CPA offers?How A Game Obsessed Computer Nerd Turned Into A CPA Superstar Making $800 A Day Promoting Fun Gaming Offers…And How You Can Quickly Setup Your Own Profitable Campaign Today!Hey there,​My name is Bank and I’m a full time CPA marketer.Over the last few months I’ve been absolutely killing it with CPA game offers.​They’re fun to promote and convert like crazy.​But when I first started CPA marketing it was incredibly frustrating.I Was Chasing Shiny Objects And Wasting My MoneyI jumped from niche to niche…​…bought product after product desperately searching for that magic bullet.I spent a lot of time and money implementing methods and “loopholes” without much success.It got to a stage where I was about to give up.But deep down I knew that if I could just find the right niche I could really make this work.​Games Are Fun.​Earning Money From Them Is Even MORE Fun!I love playing games online…Actually, and I’ll be the first to admit…I’ve wasted a GREAT deal of time playing them instead of working!I’d never thought about making money online by promoting them.One day I was looking for an offer to promote and one jumped out at me…it was a game.​Worth a shot, I thought.I’d learned about PPV in the past so I figured I’d setup a small campaign to see what happened.After running the initial campaign my stats looked good.So I kept at it.This was the first time I’d actually had positive results from a CPA campaign like this.Before long I was making good money with CPA offers…I was getting a positive ROI on my campaigns.It seriously snowballed from there.Just have a look at these current results:$831.80 In A Single Day​I’d like to show you exactly how to do the same.Introducing: PPV Game Killer​PPV Game Killer is a detailed 41 page guide outlining everything you need to know to dominate gaming CPA offers by using PPV traffic.I’ll take you from start to finish and you’ll discover what you need to so to bank with CPA gaming offers.You’ll also get instant access to my 35 pages PPV For Beginners book. If you’re new to PPV this is the fastest way to get started.​Inside you’ll discover:The best type of game offers to promote (so you know they’ll convert like crazy!)Top 3 CPA networks to find game offersThe 3 most important tools for you to use to analyse your demographics so that you KNOW your offer will convert…How to come up with your angle so that you separate yourself from the competition (and dramatically cut your costs in the process)What you need to remember about high trafficked websites (this alone can save you a ton of money on advertising costs)A weird trick to choosing websites for your PPV campaign that actually increases conversions…The simple 6 step process to getting your PPV setup and ready to rockExactly what you need to do to design the perfect landing page to ensure that your campaign converts like crazyA smart trick that will help you build your landing pages so that they work perfectly with the pages you’re bidding on (this drastically increases your conversions)The 6 elements you need to know about to create the perfect landing pageReal life example of how an ugly landing page out converted a professional looking landing page…How to effectively and professionally track your campaigns to maximize your ROIHow to choose the right hosting for your tracking needsTwo different types of tracking software to help you keep a close eye on your profits…The 7 things you need to make sure you track for a successful campaign8 possible scenarios you will come across with your campaigns and exactly what you need to do to ensure that you optimize for a maximum ROIHow to take PPV traffic to the next level and scale up!Tag: PPV Game Killer – Bank Review. PPV Game Killer – Bank download. PPV Game Killer – Bank discount.Purchase PPV Game Killer – Bank courses at here with PRICE $47 $23