Power Primer 2.0 – Eric Bach


This course is available – Download immediatelySame author: Eric Bach Lifetime support – Unlimited downloads.The quality exactly the same as salepageOver +12,000 Courses, AudioBooks, eBooks available.Purchase Power Primer 2.0 – Eric Bach courses at here with PRICE $47 $32Attention:Discover the hacks regular guys use to add muscle and shed fat. You’ll unleash a body that looks, feels, and performs like a professional athlete. Would you like to finally have the lean, athletic body that you deserve?Would you like to train like an athlete and feel like a superhero?Would you like to become your best self?99% of programs chase empty promises: six minute abs or 20 inch biceps.  But chances are they’ll leave you feeling old and broken, as though your athleticism has abandoned you.And you’ll never build the body you want and need:  a body that’s jacked and athletic, a body that screams power and strength.It doesn’t need to be that way! There is no reason to suffer from aches and pains.Say goodbye to being weak. Say goodbye to pathetic athleticism. Say goodbye to choosing between between physique and performance.Say hello to the total package. Say hello to a body that’s lean, athletic, healthy, and powerful. Say hello to a body that performs in the weight room AND the world.Want to look good naked? Or get more athletic? Why choose? You don’t have to sacrifice one goal for the other. You can have both.Discover the Secret Methods Athletes Use to Get Strong and RippedSpecifically designed to unleash optimal athleticism, shed unwanted body fat, and build muscle.As Seen In..I’ve struggled, too.Seemingly impossible training plateaus…being teased for being chubby as a kid… and feeling pathetic after getting crushed in sports…Been there, done that.It wasn’t pretty.But it doesn’t have to be that way.I have your solution.Your workouts should improve your life, not consume it. They should improve your performance, not just your physique.You should have a body that looks awesome, yet is powerful and capable of handling anything life throws at you.For nearly a decade I’ve trained pros and ordinary Joes … from elite athletes to everyday men and women.And guess what? Everyone wants the same thing.  No one  wants to JUST look good or JUST be more athletic….they want both!They want a resilient body that feels strong and athletic … that screams power and authority … yet looks shredded and muscular.  They don’t want one or the other. They want both.I’ve analyzed and isolated the most important training components to building your ultimate body. A body that looks and performs like your favorite athletes.Now, I’ve unlocked the secrets to powering up your training for awesome results in my new program.Through years of working with my amazing clients, I’ve discovered the truth. It takes multiple training methods to build the total package. Sports performance techniques, Olympic lifting, bodybuilding, and powerlifting can all play a role.Rather than chasing one training style as the cure-all and feeling beat-up, weak, and unsatisfied, my clients started to feel energized, powerful, and athletic.Joint pain diminished.  They lost unwanted body fat. They gained explosive athleticism. Best of all, they started loving training and their bodies again.I’m Eric Bach. I’m a fitness expert and author.I’ve been a coach for nearly a decade.  I’ve worked with college and pro athletes. And I’ve helped former athletes feel, look, and perform like people half their age. I’ve also written hundreds of articles about improving performance, fat loss, muscle building, and nutrition.I’ve been fortunate enough to be featured in such top media outlets as CNN, The Huffington Post, Livestrong, Bodybuilding.com, The Personal Trainer Development Center, Muscle and Strength, and T-Nation.  I’m not bragging, just pointing out that you may already have read some of my articles.My passion is helping people get better every day. I show them how to build bodies and lives that are strong, athletic, and capable of handling any of life’s challenges.But it has taken me years to get to this point.I want to tell you an embarrassing story, but first…​If you feel completely overwhelmed, like you’ve tried hundreds of programs and diets…​If you’re beaten up, sore, and unathletic from poorly designed programs that hurt you more than they help you….​If you know your way around the weight room, but are stuck at a frustrating plateau…​If you’re still gaining weight, losing muscle, and getting more unathletic from bodybuilding routines created by meathead trainers…​If you want to be athletic, play basketball with your buddies, catch up with your kids, and compete in events without looking stupid……then I ask:Have you ever looked in the mirror and wondered what more you need to do to build your best looking athletic body?I know I have. It’s an awful feeling. The lack of control means you end up feeling desperate.Today I’m putting an end to that helpless feeling  and cracking the athletic body code.You should feel empowered, strong, and athletic. You should be confident and capable of handling anything life throws at you, while looking great in the process.I’m going to reveal the hacks to improve your athleticism,  shed fat, and build lean muscle.The secret?It’s all about performance training. You’ll improve your power and athleticism by first generating your current levels of strength faster. It’s the key to unlocking a stronger, leaner, and more athletic body.But before I go on, you’re probably wondering…Who is this guy, and why should I listen?That’s a fair question. And I should have covered it sooner.I have to admit, this story is extremely EMBARRASSING to tell you.I wasn’t always athletic.When I was freshman at Pulaski High School, I was the smallest, weakest kid in my class.I’d been called every name in the book: Tiny. Pipsqueak. Puny. Even “Little Bitch.” (That one really hurt!)So I was timid, constantly comparing myself to others and skipping challenging situations. I lacked confidence in my body’s appearance and my athletic abilities.Then, one day everything came to a head. It was first semester gym class and we were playing flag football.The idea of flag football is to avoid contact. Instead of tackling an opponent, your goal is to avoid collisions by pulling a flag.Well, that’s the idea.I found myself between Jason, a bigger guy in my class, and the end zone. Rather than run around and try to avoid me, Jason decided I provided less resistance than a blade of grass.He trucked me, laughing and taunting me on his way to the end zone.I was firmly planted on the solid Wisconsin grass.Physically, I was a mess. The wind had been knocked out of me. I couldn’t breathe. And my shoulder throbbed and ached from the impact.But the mental impact was even worse. I felt pathetic, weak, and insignificant.Stumbling to one knee, then onto my feet, I wavered.The hair on my neck stood up. My skin tightened. My cheeks flushed to a rosy red tone with embarrassment. As I walked away, chin tucked and arms cradled, I felt the eyes of my peers piercing my skin, and the echos of their taunts in my ears.Long story short: I was completely embarrassed, physically beat up, and emotionally wrecked.But it was a turning point. As I walked off the field, I decided I’d had enough.That’s right. At 14 years old, I’d had enough. Just a few years prior, I had been teased for being fat.Get Power Primer 2.0 – Eric Bach, Only Price $32Now I was the opposite: skinny, weak, and unathletic.I got my act together and dedicated myself to working out and eating better. I started lifting weights.I built strength with big exercises like squats, and deadlifts. I got explosive with Olympic lifts, jumps, throws, and sprints.I even jumped rope like Walter Payton.Still, I felt small and weak. When I was 18 I needed to get bigger to play sports in college. So I changed gears.I started training like a bodybuilder, adding tons of volume and trying every magazine workout I could find.Still, I wasn’t building the lean, athletic, and muscular body I wanted. The body I needed eluded me.Workout after workout, week after week, I chased more weight on the bar only to realize the startling truth. Sure, I had more weight on the bar. But my coordination, power, and athleticism were all pathetic.Worse, I found myself spending more time injured and fixing an achy back or sore knee than training and competing. Sure, I could lift a lot of weight. But I wasn’t athletic, healthy, or happy.My sports career was over, but my training stayed the same. All the so-called experts said “just get strong and add weight to the bar,” as if a heavier squat would solve all my problems.Sure, I was strong, but I was in constant pain, as if my body was crumpling in on itself. I could hardly jump rope without tripping over my feet.Along the way, I became a coach. I even coached college athletes. That’s when it got really embarrassing.I knew it was time to change when I tripped over my feet at a seminar. I was surrounded by 40 colleagues — all strength coaches, personal trainers, and therapists. We were doing basic skipping drills, like the ones we used to do in Elementary school.Well, we were “supposed” to be doing skipping drills. But I was pathetic. I had worse coordination than a drunk college kid stumbling home after a long night. Soon, I tripped over my own feet.The feeling was familiar — my skin flushed and the overwhelming feeling of embarrassment filled my body. I tried to laugh it off, but my jaw tightened and throat closed up. The embarrassment of not being able to skip like all eight year olds can highlight a huge problem.My athleticism was sprinting full-speed in the wrong direction. I might have been strong. But I was beat-up and unathletic.Angry, uncoordinated, and embarrassed …. I needed a change.I read hundreds — probably thousands — of research studies and books. I analyzed old workouts from my sporting days. I found I wasn’t the only one who wanted to know how to become the total package. My clients did, too.Athletes, non-athletes, men, and women alike all wanted to be stronger, leaner, and more athletic.Finally, I figured it out. I read a study based around a principle called the Size Principle. I knew I was onto something big. The size principle is based on the fact that we can increase muscle fiber recruitment (use more muscle when training) in two ways. We can lift heavier weights over time. Or we can lift lighter weights as fast as possible.And you know what? My clients and I had exactly the same problem. Lifting heavy was fine, but it was beating up joints. Further, we weren’t sprinting, jumping, throwing, and pushing lighter weights faster. We weren’t giving our bodies any reason to be athletic.I started to wonder: was training with maximum explosiveness the key to rekindling athleticism and building the ultimate body?The Solution: Explosive Power Primer TrainingAnd so it began.The next few weeks were a turning point in my training — and more importantly — in my life.I started training differently. My workouts took a new turn. I still lifted heavy, but added in lighter, more explosive exercises.I started jumping.Doing explosive push-ups.Focusing on perfect rep quality, rather than just the weight on the bar or the number of reps.And it worked.I got leaner.I didn’t cringe the day after squats. Joint pain disappeared.I actually got stronger, and I re-discovered my athleticism. This training took me back to best years.My competitive drive pushed me to improve so I could teach my clients the same skills to give them well rounded, athletic, and lean, muscular bodies.Three Principles:Incorporating movement and conditioning to get strong​Lifting lighter weights as fast as possible​Performing explosive bodyweight exercisesAnd yes..I still love lifting heavy weights and adding weight to the bar. But that’s not the only piece of building a strong, lean, and athletic body.Your training needs to translate to real-world athleticism. That means explosive movement and being an athlete. I was hooked, and so were my clients.The Power Primer 2.0 revolutionizes your training to help you transform you body and get more athletic while enjoying your time in the gym.With the the Power Primer workouts, we’ll build your strength and athleticism to uncover your most athletic, best looking body.So, it doesn’t matter if you’ve made mistakes along the way, have never been an athlete, or just beat yourself up in the gym.None of this is your fault.But if you’re going to put all that effort into your training, why not train with a program that works?If you’re new to training, why not use an expertly designed plan to help you develop your best body with your athleticism and physique in mind?Sure, chasing strength is important if you’re a powerlifter. But once you’re strong enough, adding more strength isn’t going to get you the lean and athletic body you want.If you’ve been doing bodybuilding workouts to build muscle, are you actually getting bigger and improving the way your body performs? Or are you getting beat up with overuse injuries?I’ve trained men who gave up their bodybuilding and powerlifting training. Within weeks, they improved their athleticism, lost body fat, and still stayed strong and muscular. If you still don’t believe training like an athlete can help you build muscle, lose fat, and get the results you want, just ask folks who have used the program.Introducing the Power Primer 2.0The Ultimate Comprehensive Workout-by-WorkoutTo Unleash Your Inner AthleteWhat Does the Power Primer 2.0 Include?The program includes the keys to building a strong, lean, and athletic body. There’s no need to sacrifice your athleticism for a better looking body. The Power Primer bridges the gap with its revolutionary workouts.The Power Primer is built to last. Use it year after year for non-stop progress that’s pain free.The Power Primer will help you discover:​The important movements for building total body athleticism.​How to lift and and move faster to decrease joint stress and shed body fat.​Why more explosive lifts helps you shatter training plateaus, building total body strength and power.​The tools to cut through information overload to and get real results.​How to unlock athletic strength, so you can take your hard work and apply it to the game of life.​The secrets that supercharge your nervous system to unlock new, untapped muscle fibers for growth.The Power Primer 2.0 Includes:The Power Primer Strength Guide $47 Value12-Weeks of Programming to Unleash and transfer your strength to real world athleticism. Strength is the foundation that you build on to improve your power and athleticism.The Power Primer Athletic Muscle Guide $47 ValueUse the perfect combination of bodybuilding methods and performance training to improve your athleticism. You can add 8-12 lbs. of lean muscle.The Power Lean Guide to Accelerated Fat Loss $47 ValueMove like an athlete. You’ll supercharge your training and diet to strip unwanted body fat while preserving muscle. Your ultimate lean, athletic physique will be revealed for the world to see and admire.The Power Primer Exercise Library and Video Database$197 ValueThis is a highly focused collection of over 100 training videos and written cues for exercises in the Power Primer. Trust me: these will come in handy. You’ll perform your exercises correctly to maximize results and minimize injuries.BONUS – The Power Primer Exercise Modification Library $39 ValueNo access to a power rack or stuck without a barbell? Missing equipment can be a problem, but I have you covered. I’ve included this entire eBook on exercise modifications to help you modify any program. There’s no need to completely switch gyms or break the bank on a home gym.BONUS – One Rep Max Testing Guide $29 ValuePieces of the program are based on training percentages. This eBook gives you all the tools necessary to either Test or predict your strength levels.But That’s Not All!Get Power Primer 2.0 – Eric Bach, Only Price $32Tag: Power Primer 2.0 – Eric Bach  Review. Power Primer 2.0 – Eric Bach  download. Power Primer 2.0 – Eric Bach  discount.Purchase Power Primer 2.0 – Eric Bach courses at here with PRICE $47 $32