Power of Visioning 2019 – Michael Bernard Beckwith


This program is for people who’re dissatisfied with modern goal-setting which leads to so many of us waking up one day in our 40s and beyond wondering what on earth happened to our life. This happens because we often set goals not on what our soul wants us to do, but what society wants us to do. Forget society. Listen to your soul. This program teaches you how to manifest your soul’s deepest longings.Purchase Power of Visioning 2019 – Michael Bernard Beckwith courses at here with PRICE $597 $102For those who want nothing more than realizing and fulfilling their divine purposeThe Power of Visioning: Manifest from Your SoulCarefully Designed From Over 40 years Of Experience By Michael Bernard Beckwith, This 6-Week Program Takes You To the Next Level In Your Health, Wealth, Relationships and Contribution, Using ‘Visioning’ – A Powerful Universal Technology That Goes Beyond Traditional Goal Setting & Manifestation To Help You Tap Into What The Universe Has In Store For YouThis program is for people who’re dissatisfied with modern goal-setting which leads to so many of us waking up one day in our 40s and beyond wondering what on earth happened to our life. This happens because we often set goals not on what our soul wants us to do, but what society wants us to do. Forget society. Listen to your soul. This program teaches you how to manifest your soul’s deepest longings.What if the path to your most fulfilling life has already been written by the universe, and all you needed to do was accept it?As per Michael Bernard Beckwith, there are no extra people on this planet. Each and every one of us is born for a special reason, a unique purpose which only we can fulfill. The best part is — The Universe is ALWAYS friendly and is constantly working for us to realize our unique purpose.Still, most people ignore the call of the Universe.Why?Why Is It That The More You Gain, The Less Fulfilled You Feel?You did everything right.You made the right moves.You spoke the right words.You worked, struggled and strived for everything society told you needed for “a happy life.” And on all accounts, you should be… happy.Yet, you still feel it. That emptiness. That nagging void that has yet to filled.A feeling that leaves you wondering…“Is this all there is to my life?”Is there more to life than being stuck in hours of morning traffic, monotonous 9 to 5 routines, and the seemingly endless need to strive for the “next big thing” that you were told would make you fulfilled?And after all that, what are you really left with?More stuff. More prestige. More novel experiences.All of them offering you nothing more than fleeting moments of excitement disguised as fulfillment.But there’s something else you feel behind that emptiness.A calling within your soul that you were meant for so, so much more.You already know this to be true.If only you had a way to hear, with complete clarity, what your soul really wanted for you.If only you could strip away all the societal pressures, our parental expectations, and our cultural norms, that is now clouding your judgement, you could finally uncover your true purpose in life.There is a way.It’s called Visioning.The ‘Secret Ingredient’ To Living A Deeply Fulfilled, Purposeful LifeImagine what life would be like,If you didn’t have to go through the struggle trying to reach your goals in life?How relieved you’d feel if you weren’t constantly setting and re-setting your goals trying to find which ones are worth your attention and which ones aren’t?How peaceful you’d feel if achieving your goals weren’t a matter of trying, but rather a matter of accepting, or better yet, creating?The beautiful truth that Michael Beckwith has revealed to us is that’s exactly how life should be.Think about it,Does a rose seed need to discover that it will grow into a rose?Or does it simply need to be put into a fertile environment, so its intrinsic nature has the nourishment required for it to find it’s natural, beautiful, and the highest expression of growth?Human beings are in fact, no different.You are the individualized manifestation of that which is eternal and everywhere, a way for the Universe to know itself through you.And when you are nourished by the right environment, you will also blossom into the divine expression of who you really are.So the big question is,How can you create a such a space in your life?Introducing The Visioning Process — A Six-Week Journey To Master The Universal Technology To Align Your Life With Divine PurposeA journey which will take you beyond the traditional intention-based techniques, and transform your spiritual practice by learning about the Four Stages of Spiritual Awareness, stabilize the eight key areas of your life — including health, career, relationships and community, and create an environment where your soul will begin a new adventure.This is a program where Michael Beckwith uses a technique called Life Visioning which has been in the works for more than 40 years and has changed thousands of lives.When you begin the Visioning Program, you’ll watch as your life changes from glory to greater glory, and transforms with the grace and dignity you deserve.The doors of your new life are opening, and it’s time to take action.Here Are 5 Things That Make The Visioning Course Unique:1. Michael Beckwith has been helping people this way for over 40 years.Beckwith has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Dr.Oz, Larry King Live and has his own PBS special watched by millions of people around the world. However – it’s only recently that technology has allowed us to bring Beckwith’s incredible teachings to the world, on demand. This is how you can tap into over four decades of his amazing powers, from the comfort of your own home.2. Life Visioning transcends mere ‘Goal Setting’ and brings pure inspiration into your life.The problem with traditional goal setting? You have to build up and maintain the proper motivation to push yourself to achieve goals. And there’s nothing wrong with this process – until your willpower runs out. But when you’re operating from pure divine inspiration, you no longer need this conscious effort. The power of your vision propels you towards the life you’ve always dreamt of.3. Visioning & Beckwith are endorsed by famous people.If you’re new to Beckwith’s teachings – you may be skeptical about their effectiveness. (Unless you’ve already watched our Masterclass with him). However, with people like actors Scott Bakula, Hill Harper, along with Authors Ram Dass and Deepak Chopra offering their praise for Beckwith right here on this page, you can be sure you’re in the best possible hands.4. Beckwith’s students report some of the most incredible results you’ll ever witness.The work Michael Bernard Beckwith is doing has some amazingly profound effects on the lives of those who are fortunate enough to experience it. From releasing of false beliefs and feeling as though luck is on your side to incredible transformations like manifesting considerable business success and even recovery from serious illnesses. (See the case studies on this page)5. Community support from a passionate group of “Visioneers”.Visioning may not be a topic that you feel comfortable bringing during your water-cooler break at your office. Hence you may find that you’re alone in this journey. We’re changing that by bringing the biggest element that makes classroom learning effective — peers. When you enroll in this course, you’re joining an online community of passionate “visioneers” who share their learnings and offer encouragement to each other. This tribe alone can be the biggest needle mover on your path to mastery.Get Power of Visioning 2019 – Michael Bernard Beckwith, Only Price $102What You’ll LearnHow The Power Of Visioning Will Help You Uncover Your Life PurposeIn the Power of Visioning, you’re going to discover a spiritual framework that transcends any traditional goal-setting method out there, where you can instead operate from a place of pure inspiration rather than imagination. With that, comes complete clarity of what success truly means to you, so you’re no longer influenced by societal expectations and you’re free to craft a life that sings to your soul.When you Join the Visioning Program You Will:1. Go Beyond Traditional Goal-SettingLearn how to manifest beyond your imagination, and open up exciting new possibilities for more success, more love, and more growth you never knew existed.2. Get “Pulled” By A Vision For Your LifeNo longer feel burdened to “motivate yourself” to achieve anything because you will be pulled by a powerful desire to create a reality that’s aligned with your soul’s calling.3. Free Yourself From Any, And All, External ExpectationsBecome so in tune with your soul’s calling that nothing—whether it’s the media, society, parents, culture, religion, and more—can sway you from living life on your terms.4. Create Your Own LuckOnce you embrace the model of a “friendly Universe” where the world conspires for your success, you’ll instantly experience a deep sense of calm and certainty that you will always be living your highest purpose.5. Embrace Your Divine ConsciousnessUnderstand your true, eternal nature as a spiritual being and watch your life unfold with more love, beauty and plentitude.6. Tap Into Messages From The UniverseDiscover advanced spiritual practices that will allow you to accept ‘downloads’ from the Universe and the collective consciousness where all knowledge originates. This will let you go beyond your limited viewpoint and experience creative epiphanies and certainty.7. Experience “Oneness” For All Forms Of LifeTranscend the harmful ego, so you no longer see a separation between you and the rest of the world, and realize that you are indeed a unique expression of the Universe.8. Uncover The Greatest Version Of YourselfEmbrace the great understanding that comes through the Visioning process, and create the ideal conditions for the emergence of your unique gifts, talents, skills, and how the Universe wants to express itself through you.Power of Visioning Students Can Even Help Others Experience Entire Life Transformations…CASE STUDY #1:Helen heals her kidneysStudent Request: Helen requested a counseling session during which she requested prayer for healing her kidney disease along with being repositioned higher up on the list for a kidney transplant.Beckwith Teaching of Principle/Practice: I recommended to Helen the practice of affirmative prayer for her perfect positioning on the transplant list while simultaneously accepting a healing of her existing kidneys, along with being open and receptive to applying the following:To participate with me in an energy field of affirmative prayer, declaring and accepting her true nature of wholeness in body, mind, and spirit; to know and embody that her inner alignment with this truth-principle activates the Law of Manifestation into tangible form; to pause throughout the day and express gratitude for all the areas of her life in which she is thriving and transmit that positive energy directly to her kidneys; to read on the relationship between our neurological perceptions and healing, knowing that since there is no time or space in the realm of ultimate reality, her healing was not a future event, and that in fact, it was occurring in the now moment.Results: Following our initial two sessions, I had no knowledge of how consistently or profoundly Helen was applying these practices until a few months later when she tearfully informed me that her kidneys spontaneously began normal functioning and a transplant was no longer required.sCASE STUDY #2:Chris discovers a higher vision for his lifeStudent Request: Chris, a student in my Life Visioning Process class (The Life Visioning Process is a seven-step trademarked spiritual technology, originated by Michael Bernard Beckwith), was taught in childhood that his life and its entire circumstances were predetermined by the will of God. He longed for freedom from the mental torment that if he followed what he sensed was his true spiritual path, he would go directly to hell at the time of death.Beckwith Teaching of Principle/Practice: I shared with Chris that his enrollment in class indicated he was ready to grow beyond the concept of a punitive God into realizing he lives in a friendly universe governed by unconditional love and universal law. Our next steps included:Counseling sessions during which Chris began taking dominion over his life, empowering himself through self-love; meditating to align with his Essential Self; spiritual study; daily practice of Life Visioning; and as Chris progressed, we continued private Life Visioning sessions consisting of centering his awareness in the heart center, deep inner listening, and intuitively catching the highest vision for his life.Results: As he continued visioning, Chris eventually received the consistent intuitive response that his path of choice would accelerate his evolutionary progress, and that returning to college for an advanced degree in social work was his right creative expression. His relief was so tremendous it literally brought him to tears as he released earlier false beliefs and actualized the higher vision for his life.CASE STUDY #3:The power of collective consciousnessThe Challenge: Upon outgrowing our Santa Monica location, the Agape Board of Trustees and I were guided to the ideal facility for our rapidly growing spiritual community. The required remodeling meant conducting services in a hotel at the cost of $25,000 a month while simultaneously paying on our new lease. Within five months, we had spent our entire budget.Beckwith Teaching Principle/Practice: Pressed against the financial ropes, I individually asked each board member, “Can you join me in a collective agreement that regardless of not knowing how the funds will come, it is absolutely possible they will?” We agreed to hold a space of acceptance that the means for fulfilling our vision and mission in the world would be met by:Unconditionally trusting that it was not only a possibility, but embodying the principle that the Law of Manifestation would meet the mental equivalent of our collective agreement; gathering regularly to affirm our vision and conviction in an atmosphere of “Yes.”Results: The bank approved our loan application, so that we could continue remodeling. Our building contractor, who was not an Agape member, increased his hours without charging overtime so that the building inspector could sign off on the job in time to open our sanctuary doors and celebrate our yearly anniversary. Thousands gathered to inaugurate our new facility, and the loan was paid back sooner than its due date. Now, 17 years later, when new challenges arise, it is this day that we reflect upon to invigorate our unwavering faith in spiritual law.CASE STUDY #4:Frank makes friends with his subconsciousProblem: Frank, a triathlete with 28 years of sobriety, requested a method for working with the subconscious at the mental and soul levels because, in spite of his outer successes, his mind-chatter continued to undermine his sense of self-worth.Beckwith Teaching of Principle/Practice: First, I encouraged Frank to open his heart to himself and take ownership of having fulfilled his intention to remain free from addiction and for positively directing his energy into athletic achievement. Secondly, to work with the subconscious from two perspectives:Reframing subconscious mind-chatter: Just before going to sleep, to write down and memorize an affirmative statement such as, “My mind is my friend and speaks the truth to me about my inner wholeness as an individualized expression of Spirit.” Begin by repeating the affirmation at a normal volume, gradually lowering it to a whisper while falling into the sleep state. During the waking state, deliberately pause throughout the day and repeat this affirmation; and evolving at the soul level: Take up a meditation practice which allows you to peer into your heart-soul and its pure intention to evolve; and to express your gifts, talents and skills creatively and intentionally.Results: Approximately three weeks later Frank called to let me know that his faithful practice of affirmation and meditation were lightening his heart, creating more restful nights, and that the individuals in his life were taking notice of his newly found self-assurance.Get Power of Visioning 2019 – Michael Bernard Beckwith, Only Price $102Program CurriculumA 6-Week Program (One Hour A Week) That Puts You In A New State Of Revolutionary Functioning In This WorldYou’ll be taken through a 6-week journey of every expanding awareness, with spiritual practices providing the context for insight and revelation to actually change your life. You’ll move through processes so you can embody this knowledge and turn it into a new way of living.In this course, Michael Beckwith takes you through the four stages of Spiritual Awareness and gives you the eight life structures you need to stabilize to embark on this new journey. By the end of it all, a NEW version of you will emerge.Every week, you’ll start one module, which you can access from your computer, tablet or mobile phone.Here’s what each module will be comprised of:1. Recorded group coaching sessions with visioning exercises in them.2. Supporting materials including written explanatory text and homework.3. Techniques and Visualizations to enhance your spiritual practiceWEEK 01The Eight Life StructuresIn Week 1 you’ll learn to identify which of your eight life structures need to be changed. You’ll begin to do processes around certain structures that allow you to evolve them.Outline:Introduction to the Universal principlesIntroduction to the Four Stages Of Spiritual Growth Development And UnfoldmentIntroduction to Eight Life StructuresIntroduction Of Growth Work- Learn the process to identify which Life Structure(s) you are in right now, staring with Stage One.WEEK 02Stage One – Victim ConsciousnessIn Week 2, you’re going to learn the ‘victim story’ that you carry, and that unconsciously runs you and suppresses your growth. When you become aware of the victim story, it loses its power and you can transcend it and begin the process of growth.Outline:Stage One: Victim ConsciousnessWEEK 03Stage Two: Manifestor ConsciousnessIn Week 3, you’ll come to a greater understanding of the Manifester consciousness, and I’m going to provide tools that will let you own a personal affirmation that fits you. We’ll begin to create together, your own ‘best case scenario’.Outline:Recap: Overview of last week’s teaching leading into this week’s.Stage Two: Manifestor ConsciousnessWEEK 04Stage Three: Channeling ConsciousnessIn Week 4 you’ll learn how to shapeshift, and take areas of your life where there’s excellence and bring that energy and vibration to areas of your life that are lacking in excellence, thus creating a balance. At this stage you’ll move more into a channel for the divine flow.Outline:Recap of previous week.Stage Three: Channel ConsciousnessWEEK 05Stage Four: Being ConsciousnessIn Week 5, you’ll learn meditative practices to gain greater understanding of ‘being’ consciousness. We’re going to begin to become aware of the sense of separation that we carry, and begin to break that down. This way, you’re going to have a very dynamic sense of who you are in your state of being. No separation, but one with the presence.Outline:Recap of previous week.Stage Four: Being ConsciousnessWEEK 06The Life Visioning ProcessIn Week 6, I’ll take you through the full-on Life Visioning process. I’m going to teach you the technology, we’ll practice it together, and we’ll harvest the insights that come from the process. You’ll walk away with a greater articulation of your life purpose, a greater feeling of what it feels like, a greater sense of willingness for you to embody and express it.Outline:Full in depth exploration of the Visioning Process, a seven step guided process:Establish a field of unconditional love.Ask an empowering question.What must I become in consciousness for this vision, for my Divine Purpose to manifest?What resources do you already have that are in service of the manifestation of the vision?What must I let go that no longer serves the highest vision of my life and life’s purpose?Embodiment of Willingness.Cultivating the Power of Yes.Access This Course On Mindvalley’s Learning PlatformAll your courses are beautifully available for you on Mindvalley Home — accessible on desktop, tablet or smartphone.Access anytime, anywhereDownload to your smartphone for offline accessSpeed Up or Slow Down VideosAll your courses on ONE platformGet Power of Visioning 2019 – Michael Bernard Beckwith, Only Price $102Tag: Power of Visioning 2019 – Michael Bernard Beckwith Review. Power of Visioning 2019 – Michael Bernard Beckwith download. Power of Visioning 2019 – Michael Bernard Beckwith discount. Purchase Power of Visioning 2019 – Michael Bernard Beckwith courses at here with PRICE $597 $102