Portfolio Secrets – How To Create an Effective Portfolio


Introduction (what you can expect) The Path of the Systematic Trader (let’s summarize the previous steps)

Diversification is key (examples of how a single company can be diversified

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Portfolio Secrets – How To Create an Effective Portfolio

This is a great value. I don’t know what you trade and what your profits are, but I think you’d agree that you won’t need to make too many good trades to This investment will turn a profit …and that this material can certainly teach you how to make a LOT of good trades!
But don’t take my word for it. You’ve got absolutely nothing to worry about because you’re protected by my ZERO-risk guarantee.

Portfolio Secrets

Introduction (what you can anticipate)
The Path of the Systematic Trader (let’s summarize the previous steps)
Diversification is key (examples of how a single market or system can have difficult times)
Tools to use: Excel, MultiCharts and others
What to Analyze
The characteristics of trading systems to be used in a Portfolio
How You can mix different types of systems and time frames
Correlation: Do you need it? How do we measure it?
System’s or Portfolio’s Position Sizing?
Percent f linked to systems’ volatility
Market Position Sizing
TITAN is an Advanced System

Frequently Asked Question

I am only a beginner in trading and don’t have a lot of money. Is this material suitable to all traders?
The material is the starting point for systematic traders. Our flag product, Trading System Supremacy, will teach you how to create automated trading systems that work.
If you’re just starting with systematic trading, you should begin with our manual: “Master the Code & Go LIVE”.
Portfolio Secrets This is for those who want to learn how to make at least 4 trading platforms work together.
Do I get ready-to-use trading systems?
As every product available at Unger Academy, this material offers examples with many different strategies but the aim is not to give expert advisors, but to incentivize research and personal growth indispensable to become masters on one’s trading. That said, many strategies are already available in our students’ forum.
Is the material suitable for a Discretionary Trader?
I don’t believe it’s suited for pure discretionary traders, because they wouldn’t have all the necessary numeric information to evaluate synergies correctly.
How will the material be delivered? 
The material will be delivered via a manual and pre-authorized.-Recorded video classes It will be interactive: you’ll be part of a Private community To interact with me and other students.
When do the complimentary video lessons start and finish? 
They can start now and they are completely self-sufficient.-paced – you can decide when you start and when you finish.
How How long do I have to have the material? 
You’ll have unlimited access to the material for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.
How How much does Titan Software Cost?
Titan will be available for a monthly fee of €97/month.
What Software Platforms do I need to follow the material on? What if I don’t know how to code? 
You won’t need any Trading Platform, although some examples will be given with MultiCharts or TradeStation. To use Titan, you need any platform that allows to download a strategy’s daily profits.
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Portfolio Secrets – How To Create an Effective Portfolio: Sample
Here’s what you’ll get in Portfolio Secrets – How To Create an Effective Portfolio