Podcasters Paradise – John Lee Dumas


What’s this podcasting thing about?Through podcasting you’re able to reach a wide audience, create an intimate connection with your listeners, gain authority and credibility in your niche, and finally share your message with the world.Not sure how to podcast?Welcome to Podcasters’ Paradise!What’s Included in Paradise?Community & WebinarsThe most important aspect of your podcasting journey is surrounding yourself with like-minded people who understand the journey you’re on and who can help support you.In Paradise, there are nearly 3,000 members who are passionate about podcasting and helping support you on your journey.We also host monthly live webinars, so whether it’s a live Q&A session with JLD, or a presentation with a top podcaster, you’ve got front row access to the best of the best!Step-by-Step Video TutorialsNot sure what equipment to use, or how to conduct an interview? What about how to drive more traffic to your podcast, or get more engagement from your listeners? Wondering what types of monetization streams are available to you as a podcaster?We have step-by-step video tutorials that walk you through every step of your podcasting journey, which you’ll have full access to the minute you join Paradise.Resources & TemplatesWe’ve connected with the best designers, voiceover artists, podcast editors, show notes creators and virtual assistants to bring you a resources page that has been tested and proved time and time again.You’ll also have instant access to dozens of email templates and sample documents we use here at EOFire for things like podcast guest invites and sponsorship deals.At this point you might be thinking…I’m not really an expert in my area, so who would want to listen to me?We ALL suffer from the imposter syndrome; we’re only human. Do you think John Lee Dumas was an expert interviewer when he launched EOFire? No way! (Seriously, go back and listen to the first hundred episodes…)If you want to be, DO. If you want to become an expert and share your message with the world, you have to start doing that thing, and podcasting is the perfect medium.I have a lot of other projects going on in my business; I probably won’t have time…Podcasting is a time commitment, and we know what it’s like to have a lot of projects going on in our business. So start with just one single step: learn how to become a podcaster. Once you know what to do, you can start to create systems around the repetitive steps so that podcasting becomes a part of your business rather than just another project.What if Paradise isn’t the right community for me after all?We offer a 30-day no questions asked money back guarantee. If Paradise isn’t right for you, just let us know!Podcasters Paradise Free Download,  Podcasters Paradise Download,Get Podcasters Paradise – John Lee Dumas , Only Price 89$Tag: Podcasters Paradise – John Lee Dumas  Review. Podcasters Paradise – John Lee Dumas  download. Podcasters Paradise – John Lee Dumas  discount.