Piranha Profits Options Courses – Level 1 Ironshell and Level 2 Ironstriker – Adam Khoo


Original Sales Page:https://www.piranhaprofits.com/Lesson 1: Basics of Options Trading (4 Videos)Lesson 2: Setting Up Charts and Trading Tools (2 Videos)Lesson 3: Understanding Long Calls and Puts (6 Videos)Lesson 4: Generating Extra Income with Covered Calls (3 Videos)Lesson 5: Hedging a Portfolio with Protective Puts (3 Videos)Lesson 6: Selling Cash Secured Puts (2 Videos)Lesson 7: Bullish Strategy: Bull Call Spread (4 Videos)Lesson 8: Bearish Strategy: Bear Put Spread (4 Videos)Lesson 9: The Cash Flow Wheel (2 Videos)(Bonus) Lesson 10: Basics of Technical Analysis (3 Videos)Strategy #1: Credit SpreadsStrategy #2: Iron CondorStrategy #3: Earnings Probability SpreadStrategy #4: Long Diagonal SpreadStrategy #5: Long Calendar SpreadStrategy #6: Synthetic SpreadStrategy #7: Protective Bullish Synthetic (Bull Bang)Lesson: Psychology of TradesLesson: Build a Profitable Options Trading BusinessLesson: Construct a Profitable Portfolio BlueprintLesson: Summary – When to Use Each Strategy