PingAutomatic 2.0 – Konrad Braun


Hi, my name is Konrad Braun and just a few short months ago I would have laughed hysterically if you had asked me to reveal the secret to how I get my websites ranked on top of Google, Yahoo, and Bing.The fact is, I have been using this tactic for several years now with exceptional results, and sharing this one secret could easily mean doubling the strength of my competitors. Common sense always told me to keep this to myself, which is why I have never talked about it. Until now.The 100% Automated Server-Based Ping SoftwareYou see… only a few short years ago, I was where you likely are now. I was setting up sites – working long hours and researching every possible approach I could use to outrank my competitors on Google. At the same time I was slaving away building thousands of backlinks, but to no avail.Yes, I did everything right and according to my calculations, the majority of my sites should have been dominating their keywords, but they weren’t. I realized that despite having quality content on my sites and building a ton of powerful backlinks to them, Google did not give me credit for all the backlinks I had built.I don’t know about you, but this drove me crazy. I needed to find a way to get the search engines to recognize ALL of my backlinks. Backlink building is hard work and can get expensive if you outsource the tasks, so the less backlinks I could get away with, the better.I realized that my solution would be a tool that could help me leverage the hard work I was already doing (and had been doing).After many hours of research and a ton of exhaustive testing, I concluded that I needed to create a tool myself because none of the software available online did exactly what I needed it to do AND worse yet, none of them were within a price-range I was comfortable with. This is when I finally had Ping Automatic created.The software worked like a dream the first time I tried it on my sites. In fact it worked so well that I almost felt like I had an unfair advantage over my competition. But then, why shouldn’t I? And why shouldn’t you?As good as Ping Automatic was, my programmer and I continued tweaking it. We made the script run even smoother and made it a ton more user friendly. We also continued to add bells and whistles to it and before long, we ran out of things to tweak. It became the PERFECT automated server based mass ping software.Get PingAutomatic 2.0 – Konrad Braun, Only Price $27Ping Automatic 2.0 is born…The first time I put this sales page up, I sold a few hundred copies of PingAutomatic in a matter of days. People were going crazy over it – right left and center. They loved the software and to this day brag about the original version that I released back then and that was for a reason: the software worked like a charm.Testimonials started coming in, and I started panicking: I had not expected to sell that many copies. I did not want it to become popular among Search Engine Optimization Specialists but it was too late.I ended up taking the “buy now” button down for a while. I figured the software needed more testing still but testimonials and case-studies kept coming in so I quickly concluded that it was indeed a SOLID piece of software. Everyone was seeing similar results as I had seen. What more was I looking for?It was then that I decided to come out with the PingAutomatic WP plugin. It does the exact same thing as the original stand-alone Ping Automatic software, except it comes in the format of a WordPress plugin.You install it just like you install any other WordPress plugin and once installed, you can set up your campaigns – just like you used to be able to in the original version.Watch me explain the plugin under 2 minutes…The question you are likely asking yourself is: Why in the world am I sharing this Killer Software (and now the WP Plugin version of it as well) with you?Fact is, I believe – with all of my heart and all of my convictions – that if one truly seeks, one should find.You see.., winning isn’t everything, but wanting to win is. Just the fact that you are on this page tells me that YOU want to win! You know that in order to win, you need to take action, and if you are ready to take action, I want to help you!I want to build a raving fan base of go-getters who make things happen, and I want you to be part of that group.So here I am, about to share with you my dirtiest “How I rank #1 on Google” secret. I am going to give you access to this ass kicking piece of proprietary software because I believe you are serious about going places with your websites, and I believe Ping Automatic 2.0 is just the tool to take you there.So What Exactly Is Ping Automatic 2.0?Ping Automatic 2.0 is an easy to install piece of software that keeps your backlinks fresh so that they continue to be seen by Google. There is nothing more frustrating than building a bunch of backlinks that never get indexed, or worse, that slowly disappear over time.With Ping Automatic 2.0 you never have to worry about that. You will not have to keep building new backlinks all the time just to stay even. The new backlinks you build will add to the ones you already have so that you can crush the competition.Get PingAutomatic 2.0 – Konrad Braun, Only Price $27Please let me explain!The PingAutomatic software is a web-based script that was created to: keep your sites ranking high keep all your site’s pages indexed & ranking high get (and keep) all your backlinks indexed drive tons and tons of link-juice to your siteDon’t just take my word for it. Read just a few customer testimonials:#1 on Page 1 of Google!I bought this script from Konrad and just thought I would leave a bit of feedback:Firstly, after uploading the package to one of my sites it took off without a hitch even built it’s own config file..So far I’ve only just fed in a few links for about 3 sites however, what was interesting is this:I wrote an article for Magic Submitter software but, I made a screw up on the log in info for the article directories…after a couple of hours work, I had to start again…At this point I went off to make a coffee feeling a bit frustrated..then, I decided to submit the article by hand to one directory…this done, went into Konrad’s script and entered the link for pinging…Guess what, to my astonishment within 20 minutes the very same article was page 1 number 1 on big G out of 3,080,000 results..Just for fun I checked the same article in Bing and Yahoo same, right on page 1 number 1…Now I’m a bit concerned because, you might find that G remembers where you have been looking and often shows the results you looked for…browser thing..Went over to my Mum’s house and fired up her PC sure enough all three engines showed my article page 1 number 1 and, right ahead of some very heavy hitting websites like the BBC for example..So Konrad, is this a fluke or have you experienced the same at all?Great tool thanks very much!Gordon.”Auto-Ping gets an easy 10/10 from me”I’m a script junkie. I spend more money on host based scripts than any other type of software or info products. It would be accurate to say that of all the scripts that I install and use only a couple remain in use at the end of the year. Auto-Ping is one of those scripts that I know right now will be with me forever. It is so rare to find a script that is so versatile, so feature packed and so easy to implement. The hardest thing about it is pasting the code on to a site that you want to promote.It’s evident that a lot of thought went into the creation and development of Auto-Ping. Title spinning, randomization, dual pinging of separate URLs, IP denial, RSS creation and most importantly, the ability to use a visitors IP to do the pinging is absolutely fantastic!Above all the most important, and what I consider vital is the responsiveness of the developer to bug fixes, user questions and concerns and implementation of feature requests. Konrad wins this crucial criteria of mine Hands Down! In a period of a half hour late one night he responded to three separate concerns that I had quickly and thoroughly, he even went as far as to ask me for additional questions… I was very pleased!Auto-Ping gets an easy 10/10 from me.Konrad gets an 11/10.I don’t get that excited much anymore with these types of purchases… But, I’m ecstatic about Auto-Ping!This really is a no-brainer if your considering the purchase, and in addition I’m certain you’ll find it’s a useful keeper.Enjoy!MarkWhen you purchase Ping Automatic 2.0 you will receive The proprietary Ping Automatic 2.0 software. Complete installation and set-up instructions in PDF format. Access to videos covering every aspect of the Ping Automatic 2.0 software with step by step instructions. A “Campaign Guide” that shows you exactly how I use the included script to not only get all my backlinks indexed, but also how I use it to squeeze 379% more link juice out of those backlinks. Un-Advertised BenefitsGet PingAutomatic 2.0 – Konrad Braun, Only Price $27Tag: PingAutomatic 2.0 – Konrad Braun Review. PingAutomatic 2.0 – Konrad Braun download. PingAutomatic 2.0 – Konrad Braun discount.