PIMP – Diamond Membership for PIMP – RSD Julien


Make Girls BEG To Sleep With You After SHORT-CIRCUITING Their Emotional And Logical Mind Into A Million Reasons Why They Should…And you can do this by following a simple LOGICAL Structure to learning Game, explained like never beforeWITH LIVE INFIELD DEMOSTRATION OF WHAT GOOD GAME ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE…right on your computert’s Offensive, It’s Inappropriate, It’s Emotionally Scarring, BUT IT’S DAMN EFFECTIVEJust kidding…What’s up, this is Julien from Real Social Dynamics,And even the nicest guys in the world use these “evil” powers for good (and like I do, so should you, so use with caution)Listen, I’ve been there.This shy stuck up guy with HORRIBLE SKILLS WITH WOMEN who would get stifled in every “normal” social situation…I wasn’t a popular kid, and it sucked.But it didn’t “really” bother me, until one day I was searching through Jim Adkins’ music blog and found a link to The Game,I read a few pages of it and I was HOOKEDI had to try this whole “walking up and talking to girls I’ve never met before and make them want to sleep with me” thing outFor months of gaming day and night I was getting rejected left and right, I was so off at first.I kept learning more and more routines from forums, going back to RSD’s Foundations (true story, Tyler was my best digital friend for months)I was still in full chode mode, No “tangible results”After about 4-6 months,I went to a bar after collecting all these reference experiences. Did some routines on a girl I knew of, boom fucked her felt like this was real for the first timeOne week later, fucked my second girl. She had a boyfriendFrom that moment on I decided to really take it to THE NEXT LEVEL. And that’s when I moved to L.A., and pushed my game harder than ever, until I got the results I wanted: After meeting Tyler, I coached with him for over two years,Since then, I’ve traveled the world teaching literally THOUSANDS of clients how to pick up the hottest women, in the hardest venues, and the results have been nothing short of phenomenal for my students:And today I’m going to help YOU turn into THAT GUY, who no matter what, will get RAW MAGNETIC ATTRACTION from every girl you meet…”LOOK THEM STRAIGHT IN THE EYES, AND MAKE THEM FEEL LIKE YOU’RE THE TYPE OF GUY THEY WOULD FUCK”It’s called being Sex-Worthy. And there are FOUR THINGS you must master to become Sex-WorthyThat was the a question I got all the time:“But How Do I Become Sex-Worthy, Julien?”And that was my catalyst. So I decided to sit down for MONTHS and really break down what it meant to HAVE GIRLS FLOCKING TO YOU. As “offensive” or “obnoxious” as the words coming out of my mouth were…”Get Down On Your Knees, Call Me Master, And BEG ME To Kiss You…”Some girls would BUST OUT LAUGHING at the hilarity of my words, some girls would actually do it, but NONE OF THEM got offended or rejected me, on the contrary……it always increased attractionWhy? Because I figured out a way to amplify who I was, and take it to intergalactic levels of Sex-WorthinessAnd It Is The Four Pillars Of Sex-Worthiness That SHOCK A Girl’s System Into Accepting And Desiring Who I AmBut I went a step further, and I decided to pick apart what some might call “The Genius” of my Game, and the reason why I have such CONSISTENT results every time I go outYou see, not only did I dissect “The Vibe” of a guy who attracts a lot of women into a LOGICAL and EASY TO UNDERSTAND Structure, I also broke down the tools necessary to create opportunities for the girl to feel I am Sex-WorthyNot every girl will stop short to pay her utmost attention to you and be open to feel your vibe, to be seduced, and to be willing to be taken home and fucked(Even though that’s most girls’ fantasy, but I digress…)So to be able to give guys the opportunity to give girls a bigger sample of their personality and MAKE THEM INVEST EMOTIONALLY in them, to therefore INCREASE THEIR LEVEL OF COMPLIACE ALL THE WAY TO THE BEDROOM, I created…AN EASY-TO-FOLLOW LINEAR STRUCTURE OF “SAY THIS, SAY THIS NEXT” WITH EVERY NUANCE OF GAME UNDER THE SUN……And Its Possible Speedbumps Along The Way So The Girl Has No Alternative But To End Up With YouA lot of game is a game of attention, and ultimately the way you’re going to sleep with a girl is by aligning her Logical Mind (Outer Game) with her Emotional Mind (Sex-Worthiness)And everything single little detail of it all, is encompassed RIGHT HERE…EVERY CONCEPT BROKEN DOWN, ILLUSTRATED  WITH LIVE INFIELD FOOTAGE OF WHAT GOOD GAME  ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKEOver 22 Videos of No-Fluff Break-down of EVERYTHING that encompasses Game with INFIELD FOOTAGE DEMONSTRATIONthat will help you reach that “Sex-Worthiness Vibe” and How To Create Those Opportunities For ANY Girl to See It, Day or NightSplit Up Into 3 main sections:FEMALE PSYCHOLOGYYou’ll have a PHD in female attraction. Every single notion of how women think, feel and most importantly, how to make them RESPOND SEXUALLY TO YOU:+ What Is Attraction? Its Myths and Truths (MUCH easier than you think to get attraction). Who worries about attraction? Pftt.. This won’t be a problem for you either when you go through this section+ What takes care of attraction when talking to women. You might be focusing on the wrong things if you’re not letting her EXPERIENCE you enough, and I show you how to get her to do that in a heartbeat+ How to STOP BEING THE PROVIDER and be THE LOVER in her eyes (you can get her in all sorts of relationship AFTER she sleeps with you). If girls won’t sleep with you because you’re “boyfriend material”, this will destroy that doomed Friend-Zone forever+ The “Logical Buttons” to push, to make her Emotional Mind feel at ease enough to fuck you. If you let these wrong notions take over your actions with women, you’re missing out on a TON of “action”+ MUCH more…DEVELOP PANTY-DROPPING MASCULINITY WITH THIS ROCK-SOLID STRUCTURE TO SELF-GENERATE THE POWERFUL EMOTIONS GIRLS CRAVEINNER GAMEFinally Debunking the Myth of what “Being a Sex-Worthy Guy” is, the Inner Game section of PIMP, will LOGICALLY explain to you how to reach The Vibe of “THAT guy” who girls respond to, every single time you go out, and how to STIMULATE HER EMOTIONALLY,making you IRRESISTABLE to her:+ The Four Pillars of a Sex-Worthy Guy: This module alone will boost you Game alone to ridiculous levels of efficiency. You will learn how to calibrate every single one of the FourPillars to adjust and have a hot-searing coal attraction from the girl EFFORTLESSLY, you’ll learn to be:PurposefulControlledFlowingSelf-Amused+ How to Suck Girls Into Your Sex-Worthy Reality. It’s one thing to be Sex-Worthy and that magnetic, but the key is in making the girl relate to you. You will need the finesse to ease her into it. And I show you exactly how+ THE ONLY REASON You’ll ever need to Make Yourself Feel Good All The Time. Once you understand this concept (and I break it down so damn well), you will awaken endless positive emotions in the girl+ My INFALLIBLE Method To Hit State. I call it The Four Mantras, and it’s literally the FASTEST way to get “in the zone” where everything that comes out of your mouth is PURE GOLD. None of my clients have experienced Approach Anxiety since teaching them this method+ A Cheat Sheet To Maximize Your Chances To Pull Every Night. I call it Tempo of the Night, and it will give you the best strategies to end up with a girl at the end of the night, depending on where her emotions are, and I reveal the techniques that her NEED TO BE FUCKED, or if she needs you to pump her up like I’ll show you inside the courseEXTRA SECTION: I’ll teach you the “Last Dick Standing” strategy to have sex with a girl after every other guy attempted to, but failed. And this is the reason whyGIRLS WILL ONLY PAY ATTENTION WHEN YOU KNOW HOW TO GET IT… THESE STEP-BY-STEP TECHNIQUES WILL GET HER EYES BRIGHTER FOR YOU THAN A LITTLE DOG’SOUTER GAMEIt’s one thing to be Sex-Worthy, but there are countless elements of randomness that a girl can’t control that prevent you from showing her you are THAT guy who she wants to fuckSo in this section I cover how to Create Opportunities for her to experience a bigger and bigger and bigger sample of your personality until she’s so crazed with emotions she won’t help but to feel like she loses more by leaving you, than sleeping with youDEVELOPING SOCIAL INTUITION– NEVER MAKE A SOCIAL MISTAKE AGAIN –The cornerstone to Socially Calibrating where the girl is at emotionally, and the key to EFFECTIVELY pumping her State or “Buying Temperature” so she reaches the point where she’s emotionally ready for sexPRESSURE ON/ PRESSURE OFF. The single BEST technique to always move the interaction forward and make her feel POTENT emotions, very quickly, without seeming creepy or needyI reveal my “Golf Ball” analogy to reframe the massively needed collection or reference points (which will slice your learning curve to a fraction of what it normally should) Good Game is the collection of the most amount of reference points in the shortest amount of time, you DEFINITELY want to know how to get the mostAnd how to RECOGNIZE GAME ON A PRE-VERBAL LEVEL, as it’s something that you FEEL, not something that you hear or seeMy Lethal Secret Weapon To Get Away With Anything. The easy 3-Step Formula to coming back form anything obnoxious you say, even if you take it one step too far…OPENING– BLOW SETS WIDE OPEN NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY –You’re downright wasting your time thinking up an opener. So I will teach you EVERYTHING you need to get a girl to respond positively to you after you open her with ANYTHINGWhat needs to be done on the open right off the batHow to get her to open up to youHow to destroy her “Bitch Shield”How to calibrate after you go in too strongHow to get her to experience you from the moment you open herHow to reach the Hook-Point and have her FULL ATTENTIONPHYSICALITY– AMPLIFY ATTRACTION EVERY TIME YOU TOUCH HER –When should you be physical with a girl? How do you get her turned on when you wanna press her against you? When is the WRONG time to be physical? I reveal all hereI’ll show you the Six Go-to Moves to get physicality going with the girlWhy it’s more potent to be physical FROM THE START, and how to do itThe common mistakes that KILL ATTRACTION when you don’t do it from the right place (and how to bounce back if you do)At what point should you be physically more sexual, and when you should do it to set the Man to Woman Frame (key to fucking the girl)HOOKING– AMPLIFY ATTRACTION EVERY TIME YOU TOUCH HER –A PIMP knows the difference between the Social Hook-Point and the Sexual Hook-Point. I’ll show you how to amp up the intensity of your interactions so you get her Emotions Higher and HigherI shell out my ENTIRE TOOLBOX of ways to get her into interactions that will get her emotionally investing’ll tell you the difference between the Social Hook-Point and the Sexual Hook-Point and how to hit both, effortlesslyHow To Be POLARIZING. Which sets the Man to Woman Frame, but with that, you’ll get the dreaded Bitch Shield sometimes. I’ll show you how to solve that problemThe #1 Reason WHY YOU’RE NOT HOOKING your sets, a ton of guys make this horrible mistake that makes them miss a TON of opportunities, and I show you how to fix it.PASSING TESTS– HOW TO TURN A TEST INTO ATTRACTION –Not every girl will sit there and take what you have to say. If you do all of the above right, she will test to see if you’re the guy you’re presenting yourself to be. I show you how to pass with flying colorsYou will learn the Glorious Re-Frame that makes you WANT to get tests from girls, and you’ll love the resultsThe 1-2-3 Step Formula that kindles her emotions and puts her logical mind at ease, and makes her fully accept the sexuality you go up to her withDIFFERENT SETS– SOCIAL WIZARDRY FOR ALL SITUATIONS –Hardly ever will you find a hot girl waiting to be approached by you. She’s usually with people. In this section I tell you EXACTLY HOW TO APPROACH HER, ISOLATE HER, AND GET TO WORK, in every one of these situations, very smoothly:Two GirlsMore than Two GirlsGuy and Girl Set (A Couple)Big Group of Guys and Girls (Mixed Set)Dance FloorSeated SetsWalking SetsAnd for every single one of these scenarios, you’ll come out on top, as the type of guy that every girl loves to be with, doesn’t matter if she’s with her boyfriend, her best friends, at a restaurant, or on her way home. You’ll know exactly how to SMOOTHLY approach any situation and get the girl THAT NIGHTVIBING– GET HER TO LIKE YOU EVEN IF YOU’RE BORING –Once you’re passed the hook-point, you want to make the interaction into an equal tennis match. In this section, I teach you how to build the comfort she needs, and how to cement you in her reality as a “Real Person” who she’ll fantasize having sex withWhen to step out of doing doing doing, and let her invest emotionally in the interaction (but you MUST go it smoothly, and I show you how)How to stop SELLING YOUR RESUME and talk about emotionally impactful things that get her experiencing you more and moreHow to “get yourself to actually enjoy” the girl when you’re talking to her. Whatever you feel, she feels. This will remove the paranoia of “what to say next”How to build that Bubble between you two of “Togetherness” that will make her feel super close to youHow to take her through a ROLLERCOASTER OF EMOTIONS that will give her that experience she’s looking forQUALIFICATION– HIGH VALUE GUYS WAY TO PULL –When you hit her with so much attraction, girls sometimes won’t believe you actually like them. This high-quality problem is solved through Qualification, and these methods are simple and LETHALI give you the “Emotionally Unexplained” technique that makes a girl feel extra special and feel like you like them for more than just sexHow to prevent flakes through grounding the interaction through sharing a personal story and making her feel “special”, sneaky as hell, but damn effectiveHow to NEVER give her the validation she’s after, and instead use that in your favor to create an even stronger emotion in herMy Favorite: Showing Vulnerability. I reward the girls with a little something about myself, but be careful how you do it, or it cab break the entire interactionMAKING HER INVEST– HOW TO GET HER TO CHASE YOU –If a girl doesn’t feel like she worked to get you, you’ll have the hardest time sleeping with her and find yourself always pursuing her. Here I show you how to create those windows to draw her into going after YOU.I reveal for the first time my “Validation Stack” into 3 levels of investment. The 3rd one is as evil as it gets, and it will make her chase for it all the way to the bedroomI teach you very simple techniques and tiers of compliance from a girl and when to allow her to chase, so she takes the baitThe TWO things that have to exist for her to start chasing. If you don’t have them, chasing will explode in your face and lose the girl forever…How a girl’s level of compliance is directly proportional to her level of investment, and how you force these levels of investment by baby-stepping the interaction5 Different Investment Techniques that work like a charm, no matter which level of Game you haveThe CEO-Employee Frame that will make things easy as ordering your subordinate aroundMore importantly, the 4 Ways of HOW TO MAKE HER CHASE. Very Vicious. Very EffectiveLOGISTICS– SMOOTHLY DETERMINE THE SEX LOCATION –If you all do the above right, logistics is what will screw over most of your pulls… Until now. Here, I teach you what you need to know to be ready to pull the stunners under the toughest circumstancesI teach how to determine her Logistics. This is A MUST-HAVE HABIT in every single one of your interactions, and I teach you how to be stealth about itHere I’ll also show you what YOU need to do to be ready for sex later on when it’s time to pull. Never go out unpreparedVERBALS– INFINITE LOOP OF INTERESTING CONVERSATIONS –Words don’t mean shit. HOWEVER, you have to say “something”. Once you’ve mastered the Sex-Worthy Vibe you’ll understand this yourself. But in order for you to be able to “free up some Mental RAM”, I broke down the “what do I say” portion of my Game. And it goes into an Infinite Loop of Interesting and Powerful Conversations when you apply it as I teach youI teach you my 5 “go-to” questions that do much more than simply inquiring about her lifeI reveal the THREE SUBCOMMUNICATIONS you MUST ask these questions with (NOTE: They spark severe emotions in the girl)My Glorified Push/Pull Technique: Explained. Add A TON of spice to the conversation this wayHow to turn those 5 seemingly simple questions, into endless conversations that create DEPTH + CONNECTION with the girlAbolish the “Running Out Of Things To Say” Syndrome FOREVERCLOSING– FUCK THOSE GIRLS YOU DIDN’T KNOW HOW TO BEFORE –It’s time for sex. You did everything right and now it’s time to pull her back to the sex location. With my infamous “Plan A, Plan B, Plan C” method, you’ll facilitate the girl’s logical mind to MATCH HER EMOTIONAL brain from the interaction you’ve just had, and give her the logical reasons why can have sex with you the night you meetYou’ve probably lost A TON of pulls because you’re NOT PERSISTENT ENOUGH. Here, I teach you to stay the fuck in, and never lose another girl againI teach you HOW TO GIVE HER THE LOGICAL REASONS SHE NEED TO EMOTIONALLY DO WHAT SHE WANTS. To pull, you have to align both mindsPlan A. PULL HER I teach you EXACTLY WHAT TO SAY AND WHEN to say it so it doesn’t “feel weird” to the girl when you’re going home togetherPlan B. GO WITH HER If you can’t pull her to your place, I teach you how to pull her to her place, even if she comes with friendsPlan C. GET HER NUMBER I teach you how to bridge your interaction for later that night, or immediately the next day, so you get her to a better sex location than the time you met herEXTRA SECTION: I teach how to overcome every single objection she might have when you’re pulling her to sooth her mind, and fuck you the same nightPHONE GAME– GET HER TO SEE YOU AGAIN –I teach EVERYTHING you need to know to get the girl to meet you again the next day. How to move things forward, and stay present as a Real Guy in her mind until you doI’ll show you how to come off “blasé” so it wakens her curiosity for youI’ll tell you WHEN IT’S USEFUL to “fluff” over text. Overdo it and you lose herWhat to do if she doesn’t text back, without looking needyHow to avoid flakesWhen to call her, and what to say on the phone, and what to textD2S (DATES)– HOW TO END UP IN YOUR BED –You couldn’t fuck her the same night, you got her to meet you the next day. What to do? I tell you exactly how to get her back to your place willing to sleep with youWhat NOT to do for the date, and how to plan it so it ends up back at your placeHow to pump her emotions back up so she’s nice and ready to sleep with youWhat to do if she comes out with friendsThe best date ideasDAYGAME– HOW TO GET INSTANT DATES AND PULLS –While it’s true that the only real difference is that the sun is out, there are different minor subtleties that you must be aware of to have high consistency during the dayI teach you how to get “in the zone”in the dayI show you the main real differences when interacting with womenYou’ll learn how to Hard-Stop a girl so you can start a conversation with herHow to have an “insta-date” with a girl you just met in the middle of the streetHow to calibrate to the girl even if you’re going in strong, so she can relate to what’s going on and make something happenEpiphany SeriesYou literally have EVERYTHING you need to become good at game at this point. I know ,it took ME 7 years to internalize everything I am teaching you at this pointIt’s an absolute Game Brain-DumpFrom the moment I got over Approach Anxiety, to the point I realized DRAMA was so effective, I spent SEVEN WHOLE YEARS (in case it wasn’t clear), a few months/years per MAJOR EPIPHANYBut I don’t want you to take nearly as long…That’s why I created the EPIPHANY SERIES. A course where I break down EVERY SINGLE MAJOR EPIPHANY I had along my journey IN THE ORDER THAT I HAD THEM, so you don’t have to waste time figuring them out, I’ve already done it for youAnd I broke it down into a 6-Epiphany Series: 1st Epiphany: Destroying Approach AnxietyIn this installment I tell you…EXACTLY HOW I GOT OVER HAVING ANY ANXIETY when I hit the streets or clubs.At first I had to resort to alcohol, but over time there were several re-frames and strategies I came up with, that completely annihilated my AA. And I tell you how to get over yours in a snap2nd Epiphany: Turn Your Personality Into A Chick MagnetEvery guy who’s amazing at game learned to assertively “own who they were” when developing their game.Turning Into an Amplified Version of Yourself = Extremely Atrractive.This is probably the single hardest thing to do because we all grew up Socially Conditioned. In this installment I tell you how to turn your personality into an irresistible tool to attract women (hint: there’s no personality that isn’t attractive, the key is to own this shit out of it and you will become unstoppable)3rd Epiphany: From Drunk to (Stronger) Sober GameI started gaming drunk. And I got all those really good results. But I learned that“You Develop Your Personality In The State That You’re In The Most”And that’s not what I was in this for.It took me roughly 8 months to figure out how to resolve this. But not for you. I tell you all the tricks I used to come back STRONGER from Drunk to Sober Game.4th Epiphany: Getting Over Oneitis (Or Getting Her Back)Believe it or not, I too had to get over “that one girl” I really liked, multiple times. I had to…“Burn the Boats” and Carry On with Getting Abundance in WomenIt was a hard time for me, but I’ll tell you the details of how to get over that oneitis (be it new or old), and how, if so you still want to after it all, get her back (this ties massively into creating Drama with the girl, but I’ll tell you about it in the last Epiphany Installment)5th Epiphany: Developing A Killer Instinct To Close Them AllIn hindsight, I probably lost 30 or 40 girls I could’ve closed if I had the Killer Instinct I now have. It’s incredible to think that with just the right reframes and strategies, I could’ve gotten some true hotties along the way.In this installment…I Reveal the Simple yet Oblivious Methods that Now Yield Me Much Higher Closing Ratethan without it, and they have brought me the reference points I needed to close actresses, models and porn stars.6th Epiphany: DramaMy signature Game technique. Drama has been both embraced and misunderstood by most people.I don’t go dramatic on girls at all, I “provoke” EXTREMELY HIGH AND ADDICTIVE EMOTIONS in them, which gets them hooked to me for a good chunk of their fertile years(and even gets them back if I want to)It sounds way more vicious than it is, and with good reason. However, it is the core of what women WANT TO FEEL and experience with a guy. Simply a High-Value Man that will provide them with a full range of powerful emotions. And that’s exactly what I will teach you in this InstallmentPimp SeriesIf I went the extra mile with PIMP, here I go above and beyond to bring you full fucking circle. I brought together 3 of the best in the Game. Where I sit down to break down different aspects of Game only True Elite Players can bring to the table.And if you absorb 10% of what’s in store, your game will seriously take a major spike and you’ll notice it in record timePIMP WINGMANSHIP WITH RSD TYLERTyler learned Game from me and I learned Game from him. We went out for OVER TWO YEARS STRAIGHT pimping the streets and clubs of L.A. (home of the hottest and most exclusive club scene in the world, where models, celebrities and professional athletes go party)Oftentimes, when we’d go out individually we’d have less success than going out and pimping it together.Having (Great) Wingmanship Skills is the Single Best Thing You Can Have to Pull (and Keep Around) Hotter Girls ConsistentlyIn this series Tyler and I reveal the secrets of what Effective Wingmanship is, how to achieve it with your wing, the mindsets and methods we used so we could both end up with a Stunner every night we went out together, and what to avoid so it’s always a win-win-win-win situationGood wingmans are everything when trying to take over a club and get the hottest girls, they make your game better faster, and they contribute to EPIC nights out, and we’ll show you how to do it allSOCIAL MANIPULATION OF THE MATRIX WITH RYANFor this series I invited a guy who’s not only pimped it hard since before he was an RSD instructor, but he’s probably the guy with the most similar game to mine, as he’s style of Game is to “Manipulate the Social Matrix”Retired from teaching Pick Up,Ryan STILL Goes Into ANY Social Situation with a Knack for Bending the Standard Social Norms and Gets Fantastic Results, Always Bending the Social Rules in his Favor(work, clubs, friendships, business relationships, personal & romantic relationships)In this series we will sit down and talk game, discuss ideas, experiences and results we’ve had along our journey as we became more and more experienced in the Game, and we’ll digest it into easy-to-follow schemes you can start applying today in your favor, not only with hot girls, but in every other area of your life in generalIn short, we will teach you how to be in FULL CONTROL of ANY Social Situation.GAMING 9s & 10s WITH DEREKNow, if I was going to create a PIMP Series, I had to bring on one of the SICKEST PLAYERS the Game has ever seen.Every single RSD instructor has learned something from him…This is a Guy Who Would Invite Tyler to the Playboy Mansion and Fuck 3 Playboy Models the Same NightThis is the guy who goes to Vegas with the RSD Crew and out of 7 nights, he pulled 7 EXTREMELY HOT GIRLS, then went back for a 5 day week, and pulled another 5 STUNNERSThis guy has NEVER been a part of an RSD product before, he tries as hard as possible to stay out of the limelight but I twisted his arm into giving you everything he’s gotThis guy is the real deal. Derek, having dated Models, Celebrities and Extremely hot women, isn’t an instructor, but has been almost every RSD Instructor’s mentor because of the quality of girl he pulls, and the mindset he does it withHe hasn’t done anything for RSD in over 5 years after a Special Edition Mastermind he once did, and I now bring him to you so you learn what it takes to pull that level of hot girls that consistentlyYou DO NOT want to miss this oneONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME LIVE EVENT Premium Backstage Acess with Julien You Can’t Get Any Other WayThis will be a “PIMP customer only invite” 3 months after the product went Live, where I will discuss the new technology of Game I’ll be working on…You see, for years I’ve wanted to “brain-dump” all my Game knowledge in one place that would help hopefully thousands upon thousands of guys get good with women, and the result of that dream has finally come true…But now it’s time to step it up yet again, and taking on the “Student Mindset” once more. And in the next few months, I’ll be meeting up with Tyler and the RSD crew and we’ll be sharing and trying out new things to make our own Game and teaching much more effective and lethal, for you to get faster and better results(Quite the challenge)And I’ll put Together an Exclusive Live Event for You, to Learn the Results of it All.All This, in Addition to Discussing and Refining Your Understanding of the Concepts Explained and Illustrated in PIMPAnd you get to attend this event if you pick up the Platinum or Diamond package, INCLUDED IN YOUR PURCHASE.This event will be in L.A.But don’t worry, for those of you who can’t assist Live, we will be recording the event, upload it, and send it to you,without you having to move a single fingerThis is brand new content you will definitely not want to missINVITE-ONLY Julien Private Facebook GroupAs you probably already know, my time is incredibly well-managed to get the most out of my day and night to improve my Game and Teaching Skills, I devote most of my time taking care of my studentsSo for this reason…I Decided to Open a Private & Exclusive Facebook Group Where I’ll Be in CONSTANT INTERACTION With Its MembersYou’ll get to directly ask me any questions related to Game, PIMP or anything related to Self-Development for you have direct feedback from me, not an assistant, ME.And this is included ONLY in your Diamond Package, and it’s a little extra for those who are SERIOUS about getting FAST results with the women they want in their livesTag: “PIMP – Diamond Membership for PIMP – RSD Julien” Review. “PIMP – Diamond Membership for PIMP – RSD Julien” download. “PIMP – Diamond Membership for PIMP – RSD Julien” discount.