
Photosynthesis Productions – Struggle for Identity: Issues in Transracial Adoption

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Photosynthesis Productions – Struggle for Identity: Issues in Transracial Adoption
Struggle for Identity: Issues in Transracial Adoption

by Photosynthesis Productions
Transracial adoptees discuss their childhood, the identity issues which have carried through into their adulthood, and suggestions to improve the future of transracial adoptions.
While most adoptees face questions about their identity and roots, children adopted into transracial families face the additional struggles of racial identity, belonging, and social prejudice. In this enlightening video, several young adults discuss their experiences as transracial adoptees and the personal challenges they have faced since childhood. While the experience of each interviewee is unique, a theme of uncertain identity is heard throughout each adoptee’s story.
One adoptee, Martin, recalls his confusion when his black peers rejected him for liking “white” music. Another adoptee, Josh, recounts the moments when both he and his parents had to recognize that they were not of the same race. And Michelle vividly remembers the first time she and her parents dealt with racism in kindergarten. The interviewees address how their natural, inherent desire to “fit in” was challenged when they realized they look remarkably different than their adoptive families. At a time in one’s youth when being accepted is so important, transracial adoptees struggle to find their place at home and in the world.
This video also brings to light several important factors that should be examined in the transracial adoption process. The interviewees suggest that parents and adoption workers pay closer attention to the reasons people adopt children of other races, the importance of redefining a family as multicultural, and helping transracial adoptees remain connected to their culture of origin.
Among the compelling interviews in this video is the personal and professional account of John Raible, EdD, a transracial adoptee and transracial adoptive parent, who went on to teach and write about multiracial adoption issues. The video also includes bonus footage which was shot ten years after the original video, following John and Michelle’s experiences a decade later.
Candid and informative, this video is a useful tool for professionals, parents, and anyone interested in learning more about transracial adoption.
In Depth
From watching this video, you will:

Learn several common identity issues transracial adoptees face.
Hear transracial adoptees describe the emotional difficulties of their experiences.
Listen as adoptees explain their desire for support and belonging.
Understand why it is so important to an adoptee to maintain a connection to his or her culture of origin.
Re-examine the current objectives in transracial adoption and consider if they are effective in the emotional well-being of the adopted child.
Gain an understanding of ways to ease adoptees’ transitions into a new family and community.
Enhance your awareness of transracial adoption issues when working with this population.

Length of video: 00:55:03
English subtitles available
Learning Objectives:

List several common identity issues transracial adoptees face
Discuss the emotional difficulties transracial adoptees experience
Plan treatment around adoptees’ desire for support and belonging