Phlearn – Photo Editing 101


Never lose a file again! Lightroom has powerful organizational tools. All you need is the right workflow for finding your images. File size: 7.93GB

Phlearn – Photo Editing 101

A photo shoot doesn’t end when you put the camera down, editing has become a necessary part of photography and that’s what this tutorial is all about! You will learn everything you need to know about importing, making adjustments in Lightroom, and finishing your photos with Photoshop. This tutorial will also teach you how to export beautifully refined images that will impress both you and your clients.
* This tutorial is part of Photo Editing 101-301
From Photoshoots to Photoshop
From Capture to Completion
Photo Editing is a combination many steps such as organizing, general editing and object removal. Learn how to create stunning images.

Follow Us
Photo Editing 101 More than 70 RAW photos are included so that you can follow the instructions and learn at your own pace. RAW images allow for the greatest flexibility when editing in Lightroom/Photoshop.

Import & Organize
Never lose a file again! Lightroom is a powerful tool for organizing files. All you need to do is create the right workflow so that your images are easily found. To save time and create a more cohesive structure, you can learn the PHLEARN method of file organization.
The Simple Things
Sometimes the simplest things can make all the difference in your workflow. Learn how to combine small steps into big changes that will transform images.

Take Anything
You can’t always capture the perfect frame, sometimes an object sneaks its way in and needs to be removed in post-production. Learn how to remove any item from a photo in Photoshop, no matter how small or large.

Learn Local Editing
Sometimes only a portion needs to be edited. In the example to the left, the subject was too dark and too light right out of the camera. Learn how to lighten the subject without putting too much effort.-The background should be exposed.
Import & Organize
The photoshoot might be over, but there’s more work to do! Learn how to import your photos into Lightroom, identify your favorites, and get into the editing phase to make sure they look their best.
Fix Exposure & Color
In a perfect universe, every photo taken will be properly exposed and correctly colored. Post production is a tricky area for most people. To give your images the impact that they deserve, learn how to adjust exposure and colors.
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Learn about Multiple Lighting Setups
Photo Editing 101 Includes over 70 raw photos from 9 photo shoots with their own unique lighting setup. We discuss the lighting that made each of these images possible at the beginning of each chapter.

Strobe & Natural Light
Learn the differences between natural and continuous light and how you can combine them in many ways to create different effects. Bonus: Learn special techniques such as dragging the shutter.
Camera Settings Explained
Take time to look at the details. The on allows you to see the details of each shoot, including the cameras, lenses, settings, and other information.-Screen pop-ups. No information left behind. It doesn’t matter if it has to do editing or photography.

Multiple Color Variations
Create multiple variations of your photos quickly and give your customers more than they expected. Virtual Copies allows you to instantly view and edit all variations.

Correct Distortion
Many ways can image distortion occur. If a lens is wide or telephoto, it can distort photos. Camera angle can also cause distortions in images. Some areas may appear too large while others are too small. You can correct distortions and restore harmony to your photos.
Balance Lighting
Sometimes photos are not evenly lit from one end of an image to the other. In some cases, this could mean your subject will appear darker than the light. Learn how to use local editing tools, such as the graduated filters, to balance and properly expose your subject.

Black & White
Black and white photos allow the viewer’s attention to be focused on the composition and space, without color distracting. Learn how to convert images to black or white with powerful techniques that will allow you to push detail further than what color allows.

Export & Deliver
After you have edited your images to perfection, you can export them and send them to a client. Or upload them to the internet. Learn how to export images so that your images will display properly no matter where you send them.