Perry Belcher – Newsletter Workshop


Perry Belcher – Newsletter WorkshopGrab Your Your Spot Now!Letterman AI Software + 3 Day Online Workshop!We GUARANTEE You Will Create Your Newsletterin just 3 days or less!Here’s Everything Included With The AI Letter Workshop + The AI Letterman SoftwareWorkshop Dates: March 4, 6, 8 at 2pm pst – 5 pm pstLive 3-day Online Training WorkshopYou’re going to spend 3 days with Perry on live intensive workshop. Where they show you how to setup your newsletter from start to finish. – $3,000 ValueLetterman Software (Special Version)You’re going to get access to the special “never before released” version of the Letterman software. This is their own properietary software that they use to create 19 newsletters every day with 2 vas. . – $1,997 ValueUnlimited NewslettersYou’re going to be given the license to create unlimited newsletters in this workshop. You’ll be able to create as many as you want following this model for the rest of your life – $997 Value Newsletter Publication Directory Once you have created your newsletter you’ll be given special access where you can submit it to the newsletter directory. This is so that similar publications will be able to partner with you on JV Swaps – $497 ValueRegistration Pages & Referral Partner WidgetsWe’re going to provide you with this HIGHEST converting landing pages for your newsletter. You’re also going to have the referral partner widgets installed to help you bring in more subscribers to your newsletter – $1,997 Annual ValueBONUS! Premium Email Sending (Future Roll Out)You’re going to be grandfathered in with our new email delivery. ALL of your newsletters will be able to be mailed out of our system without the need for additional autoresponders. (New feature not yet seen) – $2,400 Annual ValueBONUS! Advanced Segmentation (Future Rollout)You’re going to have the ability to tag every open and every click. This way you’re able to segment your readers based on their interests and actions. One of the most requested features all newsletter advertisers have today. – $3,000 Annual ValueTotal Value: $13,888Todays Price: $1,997 $997We have applied a 50% off coupon for you!There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a review.