Perfect Closing Script – Dan Lok


Now you can finally put an end to these painful and embarrassing objections that are costing you sales and money:​“This sounds good, but let me think about it.”​“Your prices are too HIGH.”​“Let me run this by my partner before I can make a decision.”​“I’ll get back to you.”​“I need to do some research”Purchase Perfect Closing Script – Dan Lok courses at here with PRICE $99 $33Perfect Closing Script – Dan LokGet Perfect Closing Script – Dan Lok at the CourseAvaiWhy These 8 Famous Sales Techniques Turn Off Today’s Cautious Buyer…And What You Should Do NOW Instead So is Forbes actually right when they say “traditional sales” are ineffective?10,857+ sales scenarios from our pipeline yell: HELL YES!Old-school sales techniques are deader than a doornail….Most of the traditional sales techniques  are 3 inches away from being 6 feet under…Have you ever seen one of those old cell phones that was the size of a brick?Yup. That’s how they were closing deals back then.And what do cell phones look like today?Pull your phone out of your pocket and take a look at that.​And what did sales techniques look like in 1987?The alternative close. The assumptive close.The now or never close. The summary close.The sharp angle close. The Columbo close. The hard close. The takeaway close.And many, many more.​What do sales techniques look like today?The exact same. And that’s the problem.Our phones have been updated and improved, but the techniques we use on them haven’t.Not only that, customers are a quick search and a few clicks away from finding the same product we offer for cheaper somewhere else on Google.The days of competing on features, benefits, service, and price are over.“Features And Benefits, Along With Implementation, And Even Customer Service Are No Longer Major Differentiators.” -ForbesIt may seem like sales is going downhill, and it’s harder than ever to close deals.You’re right. But once you use this NEW sales method, you’ll breeze through almost every single sales conversation.Imagine what it would be like when you no longer have to “close” your prospects. All you have to do is take money from those that want to work with you and are a good fit…Now you can finally put an end to these painful and embarrassing objections that are costing you sales and money:​“This sounds good, but let me think about it.”​“Your prices are too HIGH.”​“Let me run this by my partner before I can make a decision.”​“I’ll get back to you.”​“I need to do some research”Get Perfect Closing Script – Dan Lok at the CourseAvaiThis new way of selling is KILLING it for those that use it. The problem is, hardly anyone knows this powerful new method…If Old School Sales Techniques Don’t Work As Well As They Used To, What Do You Do? Forbes put it perfectly.“The Antithesis Of “Old School Sales” Is The Key To Success.” -ForbesDon’t try to be better than your competition. Be different.If you try to be better, your customers and clients will put you in the same category as your competitors.That means you can only be as valuable as your competitors.So you have to compete on price, features, benefits, and service (which we know doesn’t work anymore).But when you can be wildly different in the way you sell, there will be much less resistance from your prospect.You don’t have to change the product or service or anything about what you’re selling. All that needs to be tweaked is HOW you sell it.So How Do You Gain A Massive Competitive Advantage?Stop making these traditional “sales-killing” mistakes NOW:Don’t take prospect objections at face value (P.S. prospects lie!)Don’t be aggressive, pushy, slimy, and unethicalDon’t try to sell prospects on features and benefitsDon’t give the prospect control of the sales conversation​Don’t be scared to ask for BIG moneyDo the opposite of these things, and you’ll close more deals in less time with less effort. Your prospects will chase you because:You’ll see their objections for what they really are and handle them masterfully… instead of giving into their excuses and losing the saleYou’ll be different from your competition because you actually careYou’ll let the prospects sell themselves on your product or service (crazy, I know!)You’ll take control of the sales conversation​You’ll ask for BIG money if you think your product is what’s best for themYou’re smart enough to know that the secret here is to do the opposite of old-school sales advice.1. Finding your prospect’s pain.2. Helping them come to the conclusion that you are the right person with the rightsolution to their problem.If you’re using out-dated sales techniques, this may feel odd the first few times you do it. There’s no silver bullet solution.Once you stop doing old-school sales and you get used to it, sales will never be the same for you again. It may even shock you how receptive your prospects will be.All Luxury Stores Like Gucci, Prada, Hermès, Versace, Tom Ford, Louis Vuitton Follow This Sales FormulaHere’s what the sales process looks like when you walk into one of these luxury stores.They do 4 things:1. They first find out what you’re looking for.Do you have a wedding coming up and need to get a new suit?Do you have an upcoming appointment and need to close that deal? Are you going out on a hot date next week and need to look sharp?  Based on these answers, the person helping you can find the right solution for you.2. They find what’s wrong with what you’ve got right now.They’ll ask some questions about what kind of suit you have now.Why you like it. Why you don’t like it. How that suit makes you feel.They’ll probably get you to try on a few suit jackets, talk about what colors you like, and what type of look you’re going for.This is where they hammer in the pain.3. They help paint the picture for you.They won’t tell you how you’ll look. They’ll use this new-school sales technique to get you to close yourself so they don’t have to. (You’ll hear more about this technique soon)4. They close the deal.Did they hard sell you?No.Did they compete with other brands on price?No.Did they use any of the 101 ways to close a sale?No.If the desire or pain is strong enough, no price point is too high.Now, some people may not know how much pain they’re in, or realize how much they need to buy from you.That’s why I’m going to show you 3 NEW-SCHOOL secrets to close more deals in a fraction of the time with way less resistance.But first, you may be wondering..“Who Are You To Make Such Bold Claims?”Get Perfect Closing Script – Dan Lok at the CourseAvai My name is Dan Lok. Maybe you’ve seen one of my 13 best-selling books or my new Forbes-published book.Maybe you’ve seen one of my YouTube videos on sales with millions of views, or maybe you’ve seen one of my TEDx talks.Maybe you’ve seen my name on one of the hundreds of podcasts I’ve been featured on.Or maybe you’ve seen me on FOX Business News.The reason I’ve been all over these places is because of my modern day sales techniques.I’ve been fortunate enough to help over 4,828+ regular people like you use these new methods to crush it in sales TODAY.However, this isn’t about me.This is about you.IF you want to succeed in sales…You now know you SHOULD do the opposite of old-school sales advice.This will give you a significant competitive advantage!Now, I’m about to dive deep and give you 3 new-school sales methods that you can use today.Over 4,828+ people in over 150+ countries are using them to close MORE deals in a fraction of the time.With these methods, you’ll also close more with less resistance, and less stress, and less time on the phone.They’re EASILY closing deals as little as a $100 all the way up to $100,000.Yes, $100,000 PER DEAL.(This is the exception, not the norm).So let’s get started.Method #1 – The Fastest Way To Get More Respect From Your ProspectsWhen you go into a retail shop and the salesperson walks up to you and says, “how can I help you?” What do you say?“I’m just browsing.”Even though maybe you’re going in there and you’re actually looking to buy something… your immediate reaction is negative because you don’t want to be sold.​So why, as a sales professional do we keep using these lines knowing it will automatically trigger the response of, “No! I don’t want anything to do with this.”​And why do we keep getting rejected again, and again, and again if we know that all it takes is to stop sounding like a salesperson?Another terrible question to ask is,“Do you have a minute?”Why do you want just a minute?You will not be able to make that sale in a minute.It’s a dumb question because it tells the prospect that your time is not valuable.They’re thinking, “what you have to say to me is not that valuable, you only need a minute?”Don’t do that.You and I both know you’re going to need more than a minute. Right there, you’re lying. It destroys all your credibility.What you could say instead is,“Is this a good time to talk?”Then they say, “yes” and you proceed.Another question most salespeople ask is,“How could you not want this deal?”​You can’t shove your product or service down your prospect’s throat.​You can’t make them see how good of a deal it is. You have to make them come to their own conclusion.When you say something, it means something. When your prospect says something, it means everything.So if you are asking this question, it means you have not properly qualified your prospect and you have not discovered what his or her needs are.The key here is to stop sounding like a salesperson!Get Perfect Closing Script – Dan Lok at the CourseAvaiWhy This Method Works For ANY Industry, Price Point, Business Model, Product, Or ServiceHuman psychology never changes.We still have the same brain from the caveman days and that’s not going away any time soon.We all want what we can’t have.We all buy with emotion and justify with logic.We all value scarce resources.And because we are serving PEOPLE not INDUSTRIES, these principles work in any situation. Even outside of sales!Method #2 – You’re Losing Sales Because Of This Stupid MistakeImagine a doctor that couldn’t diagnose problems for his or her patient.They wouldn’t be in business very long, would they?That’s why this next part is so important. From where they’re at to where they want to go, guess what?There’s a gap.It’s your job as a sales professional to make your prospect understand how your product or service or solution can bridge that gap.If you don’t understand what this gap is, you’re not going to close the sale.If all you do is keep pushing the features and benefits, they’re not going to buy. It doesn’t motivate them to buy.If you do push the features and benefits you’re going to get objections like,“That sounds good, but let me get back to you.”Or maybe,“Follow up with me in 6 months.”When you can help your prospect understand that you are the perfect company or person to help them bridge that gap, that’s when they buy.Sometimes the problem is not what it sounds like or what it looks like. Sometimes the prospect doesn’t even know what their problems are.They might think something solves their problem. But they actually need something else.It’s your job to know how your product or services are best fit to help them solve their problem.Stop selling, start diagnosing.You can’t do that if you don’t have the skill to uncover and diagnose their problems.Why Top Sales Gurus Still Teach Outdated Sales Techniques And Why No One Else Is Teaching What’s Actually Working Right NowPeople love the hustle.They get a high off it. Trust me, I get it.But let me ask you a question, do you think sales is a numbers game? Most gurus do. And if you do too, that’s part of the problem.Gurus will tell you that if you “talk to enough people, you will make a sale.”Or “if you go through enough NO’s you will get to the YES.”And getting that one yes out of a hundred is euphoric.Look, I know the rush of closing deals and working hard is addictive – the challenge is what makes it fun. It’s like a game.But what if I told you there was another way?What if you could stack the odds in your favor? What if you didn’t have to burn through 100 calls to get, not even a sale, but just a few appointments?And what if I told you that no one is teaching this anywhere else because I learned it from the school of hard knocks?I went $150,000 in debt before finding my first success.I couldn’t close to save my life.I bought everyone’s scripts, programs, courses, but nothing worked. I tried some of the old-school guys’ techniques but they didn’t work too well.Mainly because they told you to talk too much!Method #3 – How To Sell More Without Being Slimy, Pushy, Or UnethicalWhat do you think a successful sales call should sound like?Get Perfect Closing Script – Dan Lok at the CourseAvaiScenario A – the salesperson….1. Perfectly presents his presentation2. Shows all the features and benefits3. Tells them why they should act NOW and not later4. Handles the objections as they come up5. And justifies priceScenario B – the salesperson…1. Asks questions2. Tries to help the prospect3. Qualifies the prospect4. Then helps them find out if this product is for themIf you were pumping and dumping stocks in 1987.To sell in the 21st century, scenario B is much more effective.Top sales professionals using the new way of selling talk about 20% of the time.The rest of the 80% is the prospect talking.In fact, these top players don’t even talk 20% of the time.They ask strategic questions to get the prospect to open up to you, reveal their problems and give you the ability to diagnose them.Questions let people close themselves on why they need your product or service.That’s why you don’t need to be pushy or slimy or unethical.Because you aren’t selling them on how bad they need what you have.They’re selling themselves and you on why you should let them buy from you.Primarily Asking Questions Works For 3 Reasons:1. It’s more powerful than shoving your product or service down your prospect’s throat2. It’s the opposite of most sales people because they’re usually aggressive, pushy, and manipulative3. It shows you care, and can help you build an emotional connection with the prospect“People Tend To Make Purchases Based On Emotion. A Strong Emotional Connection With Customers Helps You Cut Through The “Noise” And Make An Impact.” -ForbesYou know a lot about the product or service you’re offering.But people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.They need to know that you have their back.The biggest secret to success in sales and closing is actually giving a damn about the prospect. Their results. And their outcome from buying from you.When your product or service is not a good fit, tell them it’s not a good fit.If there’s other people who are better suited to help them, refer them.That’s what I’m talking about.Get Perfect Closing Script – Dan Lok at the CourseAvaiNow You Have The Insights And Proven NEW Methods To Close More Deals In Less Time You now know:Why the old school sales methods are about to kick the bucket and what to do insteadHow luxury retailers like Versace, Gucci, and Tom Ford close sales – and how to use these methods in your sales conversationsWhy you should stop competing on price, features, benefits, and service. And why you should find your prospect’s pain to help them come to the conclusion that you are the right person with the right solution to their problemThe 3 worst questions to ask that make you sound like a typical salesperson​You’re losing sales if you cannot diagnose exactly what your prospects problems are The power of asking questions. How they give you a massive competitive advantage. Help you develop a deep and genuine bond with your prospect. And why questions will get the prospect close themselves on why they should buy from you.So there’s nothing I can do to stop you from closing this page… and going out to use this information on your own.However, I must warn you, it’s not enough to just have the information. It’s going to be hard to implement this into your sales process.Especially if you’ve been using the old-school methods for some time.​How will you know if you’re doing it consistently?​How will you know if you’re doing it right?So now you have two choices:1. You can take this information and try to figure it out on your own2. Or you can skip the line and not have to worry about any of that because I’ve already done all the hard work for youIntroducing:The Perfect Closing ScriptI developed this script because I was burned out doing calls by myself and needed to build a team.Using this 3-step new-school script, my team of 78 closers are rarely doing any follow-up because they frequently get one-call closes!My top closer, Joel, is closing $2,500 deals and has a 45% closing rate.He talks to just 30-35 prospects a week, and makes anywhere from $5K-$9K a month.When Joel isn’t closing deals, he’s spending time with his wife, Jayden.They love to travel, try new restaurants, and work out together.Here’s the deal:It’s NOT just my internal team that crushes sales today with these scripts!They’re no longer wasting time on the phone, most prospects are closed in one call, and there’s very little follow up. The rest of the time they’re doing what they want.This word-for-word script is what’s working right now in sales.You’ll consistently feel the rush and power that comes from closing more deals in a fraction of the time…And you’ll feel the confidence knowing you can close anyone, anytime…WITHOUT resorting to the old-school “used car-salesman” tacticsWITHOUT being slimy, pushy, or unethicalWITHOUT using any of the “101 ways to close a deal” that just don’t work anymore “If The Old Sales Techniques Aren’t Doing It For You, Learn From Dan Lok. He Is Perhaps The Best In The World Today.” – Legendary Sales Trainer, Brian TracyThis Script Takes The New Method Of Sales And Puts It Into An Easy-To-Follow 3-Step BlueprintWith the script, you’ll…​Finally say goodbye to tire-kickers…​Put an end to BS objections…​Protect yourself from needless & unwanted rejection…​Stop having to follow-up with unanswered phone calls and emails…​Have the freedom to do what you want, with whom you want and when you want!What would one more deal per month do for your life?What about one more deal per week?Or per day?Can you imagine how much better your life will be when you’re in complete control over your income?Would you have more time to:​Play more video games while sipping on a cold one?​Spend more time with your family or friends?​Travel and get out of the office?And wouldn’t you have more spare time to relax and do what makes you happy instead of work, work, work?Would you be able to take your mind off of quotas, targets, and the constant rejection you probably experience?When You Get The Perfect Closing Script Today You’ll Receive The Perfect Closing Script Cheat SheetHave this cheat sheet in front of you during your next sales conversation so you know exactly what questions to ask and what to say next to close the deal.Get Perfect Closing Script – Dan Lok at the CourseAvaiWhen You Get The Perfect Closing Script Today, You’ll Also Receive These 3 FREE GiftsFREE Gift #1 –  Instagram Secrets And YouTube Secrets, Two Of My Most Popular Training’s ($98.00 Value)With these two trainings, you’re not only going to get a bunch of my sales secrets, you’re also going to get all my marketing secrets.With The Perfect Closing Script you’ll be able to close more people. And with Instagram Secrets and YouTube Secrets you can get in front of more qualified prospects.You’ll only have to get on the phone with just a few people to hit the same numbers you are now (if not more!)FREE Gift #2 – Word-For-Word Objection Handling Scripts ($99.00 ValuPurchase Perfect Closing Script – Dan Lok courses at here with PRICE $99 $33