peopleHow people use their body language to play gamesThe Battery Concept– How fulfilled you feel and how capable you are of connection is determined by this one crucial factorHow to get a million dollars of emotional moneyin the bank so that you can be completely comfortable in any social situationHow to make the miraculous change from Irritationto Calm Acceptance in just 60 secondsThe 2 behaviorsthat irritate you about other people and block your ability to control and defuse social problemsLearn the emotional “hunger” of the victim and how to stop them from consuming YOU!The emotional triggerthat turns people from friendly to selfish in a heartbeatThe 5 Common beliefs of the VictimThe “Follow the Chain” Exercise to get past your limiting pain and solve all your own gamesThe Truenature of Addiction and how victims are really just addictsThe 5 Ways to spot and identify victimsin your life and workplaceThe 8 Rules of engagementwith victimsAND MORE…MODULE 10 – Games IThe 5-Step method to handle any social game you encounter…How to avoid victimizing yourself…The 21 Question Testto find out where you might be victimized in your life by your family

your happiness