Penny Williams – Parenting ADHD Experts Library, Vol. 1


Parenting ADHD Experts Library, Vol. 139 ADHD and Parenting Experts Share Insights and Strategies to Empower You to Help Your Child Thrive

Purchase Penny Williams – Parenting ADHD Experts Library, Vol. 1 courses at here with PRICE $157 $40Penny Williams – Parenting ADHD Experts Library Vol. 1Parenting ADHD Experts Library, Vol. 139 ADHD and Parenting Experts Share Insights and Strategies to Empower You to Help Your Child ThriveAbout this LibraryI brought together 39 of the world’s ADHD and parenting masters to share the most effective parenting approaches and strategies for kids with ADHD, and their parents, in the Parenting ADHD Summit.They shared how to let go of traditional expectations, improve behavior, boost your child’s self-esteem, manage child and family stress, navigate school struggles, handle emotional intensity, empower your child for success and confidence, take care of yourself, parent with purpose and intention, and so, so much more.Over 28 hours of expertise in one powerful library! This year’s Summit might be over, but it’s never too late to take advantage of this comprehensive resource.If you want to improve life for your child with ADHD, and improve life for yourself and your family, you need this Parenting ADHD Experts Library.You have forever access to all the 2018 Parenting ADHD Summit sessions, the companion Empowerment Workbook, the downloadable bonuses offered by every one of the masters, and access to the Exclusive Empowerment Facebook Support Group.“Being in the early stages of our journey with an ADHD child, I have often felt as though I don’t know where to begin. I didn’t know how to reconcile the diagnosis with what I see in my child. This Summit has provided me with many avenues to explore and consider as we move forward. It was comforting and reassuring to hear a consistent overarching message of encouragement and positivity, as well as having specific and detailed information that I can apply to my situation. What a valuable opportunity! Thank You!!!” — Tanya, U.S“Thanks so much for the Summit. It’s been so helpful. It’s difficult to choose one aha moment as all the speakers were amazing. Loved it all; even listening in from England and getting up at 4 am every morning to take notes! Bless you Penny for all your hard work over the years that has culminated in helping so many others.” — Helen, EnglandWhat You’ll LearnThe ADHD BrainThe ADHD brain works differently than the neurotypical brain. Learn how it actually works, and how to work with it instead of fighting it.Parenting Strategies for ADHDTraditional parenting strategies and expectations simply don’t work for kids with ADHD. Learn the approaches that do work, and what really matters.Behavior & Lagging SkillsBehavior is often the most prominent ADHD symptom, but it’s not the primary focus. Learn what your child’s behavior is telling you, and how to improve itTreating the Whole ChildADHD treatment is paramount, of course. In addition, a child’s overall physical health and wellness affect their ADHD and life experience.Child’s WellbeingSelf-esteem and experiencing successes are crucial to your child’s mental and emotional wellbeing. Learn how to influence both.ADHD at SchoolKids with ADHD struggle immensely in school, because it’s structured for neurotypical brains. Learn how your child can have academic success, too.This expert library will empower you to help your child… and your entire family.“The Summit was absolutely amazing!! I learned to make more time for myself to replenish, believe it or not! I always felt guilty if I took time out just to look up research on the computer or read a book. I also learned that my son playing video games may not be a bad thing. Lastly, I am definitely not alone — hearing all the speakers talk about their journeys was comforting. Thank you for putting on an awesome Summit.” — Frances, Australia“I had no idea where to go from all the things tried and failed. There’s no map, no game board with a clear path to Home, no written instructions to follow. We’re stumbling around in the dark, just hoping to figure this out. Thank you for this Summit and for being a light.” — Melissa, U.S.Bonuses Included:BOOK EXCERPT: How Children Thrive, By Mark Bertin MDPRINTABLE: Pre-Appointment Parent Checklist, from Marilyn Griffin, MDPRINTABLE: Getting S.M.A.R.T. About Educational Goals from Carolyn D’ArgenioPRINTABLE: 5 Ways to Think Outside the Box Infographic, from Roberto Olivardia, PhDPRINTABLE: 5 Power Tools to Au-mazing Self Care, from Dr. Alisha GriffithE-BOOK: Is Plastic Making You Fat and Anxious?, from Mira DessyE-BOOK: Try Harder, from Suzanne Cresswell, OT, PTMINI-WORKSHOP: Rediscovering Who You Are, from Vikki SpencerVIDEO: Get Screen Smart: Tips and Tools for Managing Your Child’s Media Distractions, from Leslie JoselWORKSHEET: Create Your Parenting Vision, from Penny WilliamsE-BOOK: Parenting Chaos, by Shawna WingertE-BOOK: Learn the 5 Steps to a Healthy, Happy Child from the Inside Out, by Dr. Elisa SongPRINTABLE: 10 Tips to Bridge Expectation and Capability, by Holly Moses, MS, BCBA, LPC, LPACHECKLIST: Parent Evaluation of Executive Function, from Devon MacEachron, PhDVIDEO: The ADHD Parent Manual, from ImpactADHDPRINTABLE: Talking with Kids about Suicide and Lives Worth Living, from Jonathan Singer, PhD, LCSWBOOK EXCERPT: Differently Wired, By Debbie ReberGUIDE: Quick Guide to Leading a Small Support Group, by Rev. Mantu JoshiDISCOUNT: 14% off the Parenting with Impact Video Series, from Dr. Edward HallowellBOOK EXCERPT: What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew, by Sharon Saline, PsyDPRINTABLE: “Navigating the Perfect Storm” article, by Robert Tudisco, Esq.E-BOOK: Predictable Solutions For ADHD Medications, by Dr. Charles ParkerE-BOOK: Being Happy, Raising Happy, by Maureen LakeWORKSHEET: Flare-Up Solutions, by Sarah Wayland, PhDWORKSHEET: Mindfulness Regulation Activity, by Robert Cox, LPC, NCC, CCTPRESOURCE LIST: Top 8 Tech Tools for Struggling Learners, from Jennifer Choi, MSE-WORKBOOK: Medical Info Toolkit, from Terry Matlen, ASCWPRINTABLE: See & Feel Time, from Ari Tuckman, PsyD, MBAPRINTABLE: A Quadruple “P” Approach to EF Difficulty, Session Overview, from Jim Forgan, PhDE-BOOK: 30 Helpful Tips About ADHD for Students, by Ben GlennSESSION: LearningWorksLive Session, with Randy KulmanWORKSHEET: Find Your Child’s Strengths Worksheet, from Colleen Kessler, M.Ed.DISCOUNT: $50 off Mother’s Right of Passage Coaching Session, from Julie NealeVIDEO: Breathing Technique to Emotionally Regulate, from Jackie Flynn, EDS, LMHC, RPTCourse CurriculumParenting ADHD Experts Library, Vol. 1Intro & How To for Your Empowerment PassLook at You Go!How the Empowerment Pass WorksHow to Access and Watch the SessionsThe Mother Lode (aka, All Those Bonuses)Join the Private Facebook Group HereGet Your Empowerment Workbook HereDownload All Bonuses Here (2:27)Group Coaching Calls Schedule and Join InfoThe ADHD BrainUnderstanding Emotions, Stress, and the Brain to Understand Behavior, with Sarah Wayland, PhD (62:15)Defining the Three Types of ADHD: What ADHD Is and What It Isn’t, with Marilyn Griffin, MD (47:26)Understanding the Adolescent Brain: Raise Competent, Resilient Teens, with Sharon Saline, PsyD (45:11)How the ADHD Experience is Different for Girls, with Linda Roggli, PCC (42:51)The Truth About Video Games, Screen Time and ADHD, with Randy Kulman, PhD (60:45)Your Strategic Plan to Optimize Your Child’s Potential, with Devon MacEachron, PhD (45:27)Parenting Strategies for ADHDShifting Your Mindset: Why It’s So Hard and How to Facilitate It in Your Child, with Jeff Copper, PCAC, PCC, ACG (51:09)Mindful Parenting for Raising Kids with ADHD Effectively, with Mark Bertin, MD (43:28)How to Be the Parent Your Child with ADHD Needs You to Be, with John Willson, MS, LRT/CTRS (46:57)Taking a Coach Approach to Parenting Kids with ADHD, with ImpactADHD’s Elaine Taylor-Klaus & Diane Dempster (48:20)Out-of-the-Box Strategies for Successfully Raising Kids with ADHD, with Roberto Olivardia, PhD (55:56)Parenting a Child with ADHD When You Have ADHD Yourself, with Terry Matlen, ASCW (53:15)Behavior and Lagging SkillsCollaborative & Proactive Solutions for Challenging Behavior, with Ross W. Greene, PhD (31:19)When Expectations Are Beyond Capability and What to Do About It, with Holly Moses, MS, BCBA, LPC, LPA (51:49)Executive Functioning Solutions for Kids with ADHD, with Jim Forgan, PhD (41:38)Time Blindness: Teaching Time Management Skills to Kids with ADHD, with Ari Tuckman, PsyD, MBA (49:07)Organizing Kids with Organizational Challenges, with Leslie Josel (52:29)When ADHD & Autism Co-Exist: Insights and Treatment from a Trauma Perspective, with Robert Cox, MA, LPC, NCC (47:18)Treating ADHD & The Whole ChildMedication & Beyond: Treating the Whole Child when Treating ADHD, with Dr. Charles Parker (57:48)Taking an Integrative Approach to Treating ADHD, with Elisa Song, MD (52:14)Nutrition for Optimal Brain Health and Functioning, with Mira Dessy, NE BCHHP (55:02)The Powerful Role Rhythm Plays for Kids with ADHD, with Suzanne Cresswell, PT, OT, CHT, CEA (40:19)How to Secure Community Resources and Assistance, with Zondra Moss, MS, LMFT (23:45)Your Child’s WellbeingNurturing Talents, Gifts and Passions to Create Successes & Empower Your Child, with Dr. Edward Hallowell (32:51)Protecting and Boosting Your Child’s Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence, with Jackie Flynn, EDS, LMHC, RPT (60:43)Suicide Risk and Intervention: The Conversations You Must Have with Your Child, with Jonathan B. Singer, PhD, LCSW (56:12)Finding Your Child’s Spark and Running with It, with Ben Glenn (48:28)Protecting Your Child from the Criminalization of their ADHD, with Robert Tudisco, Esq. (42:12)Finding Acceptance for Differently-Wired Kids and Neurodiversity, with Debbie Reber (48:20)ADHD, LD and SchoolSpecial Education, Accommodations, and Related Services, with Carolyn D’Argenio, M.S. (42:47)Homeschooling Kids with ADHD and Learning Differences, with Shawna Wingert (63:25)Raising Twice-Exceptional Kids: Supporting Giftedness and Disabilities in the Same Child, with Colleen Kessler, M.Ed. (40:22)Assistive Technology for Struggling Learners: Discovering the Tools to Help Your Child Succeed, with Jennifer Choi. MS (62:16)Parent Self-Care and WellbeingThe Importance of Self-Care for Moms of Kids withSpecial Needs, with Vikki Spencer (46:29)How to Be Resilient When Raising a Child with Invisible Disabilities, with Rev. Mantu Joshi (38:04)How Moms Can Live a Life of Intention and Purpose, with Julie Neale (31:28)Wake Up Each Day with a Renewed Fire and Focus, with Dr. Alisha Griffith, Au. D, CCC SLP, CPC (39:40)Healthy Family, Happy Family: How Parent Health Affects Everyone, with Maureen Lake, MA, IAHC (35:14)The Power of Acceptance and Letting Go, with Penny Williams (29:56)Sales PageArchive PagePurchase Penny Williams – Parenting ADHD Experts Library, Vol. 1 courses at here with PRICE $157 $40