Penny Stack – Dyslexia


You have heard the stories from clients about their struggles with understanding, retaining information, memory loss, forgetting what they read, and difficulty remembering instructions or lists beyond three.

Penny Stack – Dyslexia


Its origin
Facts versus myths
Public health impacts

Assessment of Cognitive Function

Visual and auditory memories
Phonological awareness, memory and memory
Visual perceptual skills
Visual motor skills
Handwriting skills
Reading speed, accuracy and fluency are all important factors in comprehension

Redeveloping Neuropathways – Treatment Strategies

Visual perception skills are important

Take notes in class
Remember multi-Step by step instructions
When spelling a word, remember the order of letters
Remember how to do homework at home

Memory skills/phonological awareness

You should remember more than one or 2 instructions at once
Translate words exactly as they were intended: cat verses hat
Spell aloud

Visual skills are essential

Discriminate different fonts
Form letters and numbers
Do not write numbers or letters backwards
Help with mixing up letters/numbers: /d/from /b/, /E/from /3/
Find their pencil at their desk
Matching socks are a good idea when dressing.

Visual motor skills to:

Keep track of class by taking notes.
Tie shoes
Ride a bicycle
Get more coordinated

Handwriting skills for:

Help with slow, messy writing, letter formation or spacing
Use cursive to write

Reading/comprehension skills to:

Read at grade level or age
Match word reading level with pseudoword reading

Practice Treatment Interventions and Case Studies Throughout the Day​
Documentation and billing

ICD-10 treatment codes and CPT billing codes are required for reimbursement of services received

Would you like a gift? Penny Stack – Dyslexia ?
Dyslexia The invisible disability that affects 1:5 people!
It’s not just an issue of trying harder or paying attention.
You’re familiar with the stories of your clients: hours of studying only to forget it all on a test next day, inability to understand what they read, trouble remembering lists or instructions beyond three, the overwhelming frustration at not being able express their feelings on paper or get the words out, socially withdrawing to hide their struggles.
This recording will allow you to practice treatment ideas that include the use of client.-Designed to be integrated into everyday life, including routines, games, technology and sensory inputs.-You can help your client overcome the difficulties of dyslexia.
Upon completion of this program, you will be able to immediately provide treatment to address your client’s:

Visual perceptual skills
Visual motor integration
Auditory and visual memories
Reading rate, accuracy, fluency, comprehension
Phonetic awareness and memory
Handwriting and spelling difficulties

Make every day a success!