Peng Joon – Facebook Secrets Mastery


Pay attention in the video you’re currently watching to find out:​Exactly where you’ll find the best ROI on FacebookThe steps to retarget everyone who watches your video  Why pixels are the new opt-in How to get 9x returns on your ad spend (not too shabby) My own case study: Generating $47,964 by spending $463.88Purchase Peng Joon – Facebook Secrets Mastery courses at here with PRICE $997 $123Peng Joon – Facebook Secrets MasteryHi, it’s Peng Joon here, author of the best-selling book Build a Money Machine and creator of Internet Income Intensive.As many of you know, I’ve just surpassed the 2 million follower mark on Facebook and I keep getting the question… “Peng, How Is This Even Possible?”I’ve started to share a few secrets with some of my students and everyone has been blown away by how easy the process is… you just have to follow a few simple steps!You wouldn’t believe how effortless it actually is!THE TOP THREE SECRETS THAT HAVE MADE ALL OF THE DIFFERENCE FOR ME WHEN IT COMES TO BUILDING A MASSIVE FOLLOWING ON FACEBOOK.Make sure to watch the above video all the way through! I’m literally giving away my TOP THREE biggest advantages when it comes to using Facebook to make money.When you leave this page, I want to make sure that you know these three winning secrets.What they are in a nutshell: Secret #1: Why the latest changes to the Facebook algorithm which every marketer is crying about is actually a huge win for you…Pay attention in the video you’re currently watching to find out: The reasons why those who don’t adapt will dieThe steps to stop relying on “organic content”  How to create intrinsic value The proper balance between direct response marketing and solid branding My own case study for winning the Expert Secret’s ContestSecret #2: How to get an unfair advantage… even if you have never touched FB marketingPay attention in the video you’re currently watching to find out: How to automate a content strategy for an entire year in just 3 days How to properly perform Buzzsumo research Why having a great strategy is a MUST My own case study: 4 posts / 1 video a day on Facebook Content AutomationSecret #3: Monetizing from your following without being sleazy, pushy or manipulativePay attention in the video you’re currently watching to find out:​Exactly where you’ll find the best ROI on FacebookThe steps to retarget everyone who watches your video  Why pixels are the new opt-in How to get 9x returns on your ad spend (not too shabby) My own case study: Generating $47,964 by spending $463.88If your Facebook page had a million followers, do you think that would make a difference on your status in the marketplace?IntroducingFacebook Secrets MasteryIf you’re finding the above secrets helpful, even game changing, then I’d like to let you in on an exclusive masters program for Facebook which is basically the same system that’s helped me build my following to over two million people.If you want a highly engaged audience, the exact steps I use to run ads, the formula to target the perfect people for your products and services, and the guidance to write the perfect ad copy… then this program is essential to your success!I used these very secrets to outperform Tony Robbins as the top affiliate for Russell Brunson!$123