Pencil Pirates – How To Create Atomic Visuals


What You Learn:
The mindset shifts you need to become a prolific atomic visualiser

All beginner visualisers face the same 3 mental blocks:

I can’t draw
Drawing makes me less credible
Written words only form of knowledge creation

You’ll reframe your mindset and free your creativity to think clearly, draw in public & share your ideas visually at lightning speed.

The frameworks you’ve been missing to visualise ANY IDEA

Drawing ideas isn’t hard…once you know how.​
You’ll learn:

How to find the ‘golden nugget’ ideas that are worth turning into visual leverage
The 3 step process to visualise anything that Pirate Queen Laura used to create a 6 figure visual storytelling business
The fundamentals of visual language to draw absolutely anything
Over 30 different visual frameworks to create atomic visual stories immediately.

The tools you need to create compelling visual stories

‘I don’t have the tools’ is a lie that you might be telling yourself to stop you getting started.​
Whether you have just a pen, paper & smartphone; or a tricked out iPad with Apple Pencil & procreate, you’ll learn the design theory, timelapse animation techniques and social media posting tips to create visuals that resonate every time.
No matter what tools you are using.
The knowledge and community to draw in public, consistently

You aren’t alone on this adventure on the visual high seas.​
Join a community of over 150 other #pencilpirates building their leverage online through visuals.
You’ll get exclusive invites to Pirate Scrawl Brawls – weekly 1 hour zoom sessions to get feedback on your work, hold you accountable & learn from one other.​
And the option to join the Pencil Pirates slack space and Twitter list to ride the visual waves, together.