Paul Foxman – Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents


Anxiety disorders are now recognized as the most common emotional problem in 10 out of 17 countries surveyed by the World Health Organization, including the United States.

Paul Foxman – Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents

Nature and Causes of Anxiety

How anxiety develops in children
Three ingredients in all anxiety disorders
The ”anxiety personality” – assets and liabilities

Seven Key Anxiety Disorders

Separation anxiety disorder
Panic disorder
Overanxious disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Social anxiety disorder
Post-traumatic stress disorder

Co-Occurring Disorders

Learning disabilities
Selective mutism

Therapeutic Approaches

Expressive Arts
Family Systems Approaches

Interventions and Self-Regulation Strategies

The Floating Technique for panic anxiety
Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) for OCD
Mindfulness for worry
Solution Focused Intervention for worry
Group Therapy guidelines for social anxiety
Visualization Desensitization for separation anxiety
Three Question Technique for parents struggling with child separation anxiety
Three Step Technique for managing children’s stress
Yoga games and breathing techniques for relaxation training
LifeSkills Program for generalized anxiety
Virtual Reality approach for phobias
Baby Buddhas meditations for anxious preschoolers

Limitations of Research and Potential Risks

Consider scope of practice
Empirical and anecdotal evidence
No “one size fits all” for any modality of anxiety treatment

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Anxiety disorders are now recognized as the most common emotional problem in 10 out of 17 countries surveyed by the World Health Organization, including the United States. The increasing rate of stress and trauma to children, which includes divorce, family breakdown, violence in society, the media, and a failing school system, has produced a “shell shocked” generation suffering from anxiety in many cases. The challenge for clinicians is to recognize anxiety in children and help them cope.
Dr. Paul Foxman will present a template for how and why anxiety develops in children and adolescents. He will present practical treatment strategies that can be applied immediately. The seven key anxiety disorders along with case examples to be addressed include:

Separation anxiety disorder
Panic disorder
Overanxious disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Social anxiety disorder
Post-traumatic stress disorder

Other co-occurring disorders (e.g. behavior problems, medical conditions, depression, ADHD, learning disabilities, selective mutism) will also be discussed. Emphasis will be on creative interventions involving insight-oriented, cognitive-behavioral, biological, mindfulness, expressive arts and family systems approaches.