Paul DiModica – Value Forward Selling


Download available within 1-2 hours. Value Forward Selling integrates sales, marketing and strategy into one professional peer-to-peer sales approach that maximizes your company’s value communication to management and drives prospects to take action steps with you to buy.

Paul DiModica – Value Forward Selling

If you have read our newsletter for a while or purchased any of our teleseminars or other products, then you will appreciate the concise, specific action steps that I provide. This new audio CD set continues my informative tradition with indepth information about account strategy selling methods, client negotiation tips, creating value forward communication, cold calling script development and executive briefing approaches all described in detail to help you sell more.
Here is the NEWValue Forward Selling Audio CD Sales Training course complete with a detailed 100+ page workbook.
This step-by-step audio sales training course includes:
How to Cold Call Management, Create Value Up Front and Set Up Your First Appointment

Why should a senior executive talk with you and how to create value over the phone
Finding clients and penetrating their no-talk zone
Developing your sales value proposition that puts your business value in front of you
Management telemarketing do’s and don’ts that most salespeople don’t know
9 steps to build tactical telemarketing scripts that work with management
How to manage gatekeepers
OK you got through – Now what do you say?
How to set up your first in-person appointment, qualify the prospect and prove to them that you are an industry specialist
How to create executive language so prospects see you as a peer instead of a vendor
The three business drivers that force management to buy and how to use them as selling tools

How to Give a Demo, Executive Briefing, or Webinar to Management and Win Deals

Why most executive presentation teams fail before they walk in the door
Learn how to prep for an executive briefing to increase your team collaboration
Discover how to use the 3-Box Monty to sell management
Develop overhead presentations that keep executives awake
Use experiential communication techniques to increase your sales success
Paint business value for the invisible audience of webinars
5 reasons why most webinars fail and how to prevent it
Drive prospect participation during a webinar
Use executive room dynamics to make sure your executive briefing prospects are qualified buyers

Get immediately download Paul DiModica – Value Forward Selling
How to Handle Sales Objections, Improve Your Negotiating Skills, and Close More Deals

Top 10 sales objections heard by account executives and how to handle each
How to use psychological ROI
Using the 7 “invisible value” techniques to make management buy
How to negotiate from value not from win/win
The six types of competitors and how to deal with them
How to negotiate with senior executives once they say no
How to use premeditated concessions to win more deals
Using emotion management as a tool to close
Tactical and strategic steps to use when negotiating
It’s not always what you say; it’s what they hear
Understanding the study of enneagram personality concepts to sell more
Assumptive negotiating methods to use with executives

How to Sell Key Accounts and Set Up a Pursuit Sales Team

How to increase your key account sales with the Success Pyramid territory management method
Penetrating your key account based on the Spider Method
How to use the Major Account Action Plan wheel (see below) to sell decision makers and influencers at the same time
Nine ways to use parallel imaging models to sell more
How to deploy Psychological ROI techniques with senior management teams
How to communicate value to major account buyers based on their business needs
Understanding the 4 types of personalities that hold you back from selling senior management
Discover how to use Consequence Management as a tool to drive action steps by prospects to buy

Value Forward Selling integrates sales, marketing and strategy into one professional peer-to-peer sales approach that maximizes your company’s value communication to management and drives prospects to take action steps with you to buy. During the last 8 years, we have trained over 30,000 people to use this method in over 100 countries.
If you are seeking to increase your personal sales success in 2009 individually or your company as a whole in today’s turbulent economic conditions – then the Value Forward Sales method is for you.