
Patrick van der Burght – Amateur to Pro – EMF Radiation Assessment and Mitigation

Original price was: ₹779,400.00.Current price is: ₹42,496.00.


Learn how assess for and mitigate EMF radiation in a holistic manner to help yourself or even as professional

This is a amateur to professional course in EMF assessment and mitigation.
Patrick van der Burght – Amateur to Pro – EMF Radiation Assessment and Mitigation
Enrolled through this page, you do not qualify for the same additional services able to be offered through this course, as is sold/promoted through our main website (Online live meeting for review, business support, suitability levels for working with us and more). We encourage you strongly to not enrol here, but to go to our site and investigate the options and availability for guidance through this program.

Your Instructor

Patrick van der Burght

Patrick found his way to the subject of EMF radiation a long time ago when his partner at the time was diagnosed with a brain cancer. After a fact finding mission that took him to various countries, he found his way to Austria and trained with the GEOVITAL Academy.
Nearly 15 years have passed since then and Patrick has become a house hold name in the EMF radiation assessment and mitigation field, in both international assessment for normally families, corporate high flyers, athletes, celebrities and even royalty, and training of PRO level consultants.
His assessments, speaker engagements and work as trainer of consultants sees him travel the world extensively and speak and teach across many continents.
Training people in EMF assessment and mitigation excites him as through those trained he can help many more people in their homes and EMF Radiation-Free Building projects globally are his passion.

Course Curriculum

Section 1 – First things First

Introduction – About the course and Patrick
Welcome – Watch this first (5:26)
About Assignments
Office Hours – Your Q&A sessions during and after the course (2:01)

Section 2 – First lesson – Introduction to the subject

Requirements for this section
Introduction to the course and the subjects (61:26)
Section 2 Assignments – Photos (7:42)
Quiz – Introduction

Section 3 – Prepping for your course (optional but good)

What this section is for
Electric fields introduction
Electric field introduction 2
Radio Frequency Radiation (RF) introduction
A doctor’s view and powerful standpoint on RF exposure

Online Meeting Replay – Introductions, Course Overview and Logistics

Replay (47:59)

Section 4 – The EMF problem

Requirements for this section
Research on health risk and health affects
Interesting videos
Section 4 Assignment – Write an article (6:41)

Section 5 – Sources of Radiation

Requirements for this section
Electricity as Source of Radiation Lecture (115:21)
NEW: Electrical Systems Explained by others
Magnetic fields from current by Karl Riley
RING Circuits explained (UK)
Section 5 Assignments – Videos of you explaining
Quiz – Electricity

Replay and Review

Replay (86:08)

Section 6 – Tools of the trade

Requirements for this section
Instrumentation Lecture (63:51)
Section 6 Assignment – ABOUT (0:58)
Tool bag and small accessories (12:19)
GEOVITAL HF Field Probe* (14:53)
GEOVITAL EM Field Probe* – EF & MF (20:17)
UHS2 – Base Level PRO Gauss Meter* (18:43)
milli Amp AC Clamp Meter* – Tripplet 9200-A (2:49)
milli Amp AC Clamp Meter Big* (2:45)
Quiz – Instrumentation

Section 7 – Bonus Content on Meters and Tools

About this section – Tools (1:48)
SPECTRAN HF60105 – What is that blue thing behind you? (1:37)
NFA30A – Independent Logging Gauss Meter (27:24)
NFA1000 – Serious Gauss Meter (43:31)
HF59B – Pro Radio Frequency in the Air and Directional (15:52)
TF2 Trifield Meter – Amateur Gauss Meter with multi functionality (27:09)
Cornet ED88T-plus – Amateur Gauss Meter with multi functionality (1:54)
TM190 – Amateur Multi Function EMF meter (3:17)

Review & Replay

Coming Soon

Section 8 – The Home Assessment Process of a Professional

Requirements for this section
Home Assessment Process Lecture (74:52)
Example of how to conduct a home assessment (77:00)
Example of Students being taught home assessments in practice (62:57)
Section 8 Assignment – Home Assessment (1:49)
Section 8 Assignment 2 – Video client brief
Quiz – Home Assessment Process
Example of filling in a GEOVITAL measurement protocol (25:23)

Review and Replay

Coming Soon

Section 9 – EMF Radiation Avoidance, Elimination and Shielding Solutions – Mitigation

Requirements for this section
Mitigation of EMF Radiation (124:45)
Section 9 Assignment – Video explaining shielding paint
Section 9 Assignment 2 – Write about Pre-Purchase Inspections
Quiz – Mitigation Solutions

Section 10 – Shielding Effectiveness

Shielding Effectiveness Lecture (28:53)
Quiz – Shielding Effectiveness

Section 11 – Practical Examples of Assessment and Mitigation – Let me show you

Requirements for this section
Welcome to this section (1:51)
Assessment – Magnetic fields from Net Current caused by Double Light Switch (4:28)
Assessment – Proving shielding paint works after one wall shielding (8:46)
Mitigation – Shielding a girls bedroom (43:55)
Mitigation – Linda’s House, to finish (T98, Tape, Mesh) (56:51)
Mitigation – Retrospective Whole House Shielding
Mitigation – Creative use of panels with shielding paint to combat electric fields
Mitigation – Checking paint application and effectiveness during implementation in apartment buildings
Section 11 Assignment – Explain mesh on the floor
ASSESSMENT – Online with Kirstin USA (165:21)
ASSESSMENT – Online with Steven USA (171:07)
ASSESSMENT – Online with Katy & Brevin USA (148:45)
ASSESSMENT – Online with Dominic USA (116:36)

Review and Replay

Coming Soon

Section 12 – Geopathic Stress – Excesses of Natural Radiation

days after you enroll

What is Geopathic Stress? (11:05)

Section 13 – Mattress Health – A problem right under our noses

days after you enroll

Requirements for this section
Welcome to this section – Mattresses, what do they have to do with EMFs? (7:06)
Toxin-free mattresses to complete the healthy bedroom approach (73:29)
Mattress ordering process (8:34)
Section 13 Assignment – Find 50 natural health practitioners
Quiz – Mattress Health

Review and Replay

Coming Soon

Thank you and Final exam for your certificate

Thank you
Final Quiz


Office Hours Replays (640:02)
Temporary (108:54)