Pam Hendrickson – The 21 DayFast Track Product Creation System


(*21*)With the 21-Day Miracle Fast Track Product Creation System, you’ll discover how to create, market and sell your product fast — so you can make money now. It takes just 30 minutes per day.

 Pam Hendrickson – The 21 DayFast Track Product Creation System

21-Day Miracle Fast Track Product Creation System — Mike Koenigs Pam Hendrickson —
Create your best-Selling product in 21 days — or maximize your sales on a product you already have.
With the 21-Day Miracle Fast Track Product Creation System, you’ll discover how to Create, market, and sell your product quickly — so you can make money now. It’s easy! 30 minutes per day.
You’ll get all the fill-In-The-Each day comes with a set of blank templates and a video component. You can simply watch the videos and then fill in the blanks to create your product. This includes your marketing and sales plans!
And, if you’ve already created a product, we’ll show you how to market it effectively, sell more copies and get profitable, ASAP.
This offer is only valid for an Extremely limited time, so you’ll want to take action before this opportunity disappears.

Yes, PamI want instant access and access to your Fast Track Get the program for only $197 I understand I have 30 days to try out the program and get a full refund if I decide it’s not for me.
Fast Track, you’ll discover how to:

Identify your niche market Create a product that will make your prospects want to buy.
Leverage sales psychology Our problem/solution formula will help you to get more customers quickly and easily.
Make a 5-Module course of your choice 21 days (or less!) Fill out our form-In-The-Blank templates. Simply watch the videos, then fill in the blanks. Your product is ready!
Position and package your product starting from A-Z to maximize your profitsThis includes the decisions about how to deliver your product or how much to charge.
Avoid the #1 reason that products don’t sell: A bad offer is not a good deal. We’ll show you how to put together a killer offer that sells, step-By-step. (And if you already have a product and you’re not satisfied with your sales, we’ll show you how to get that product profitable!)
Develop a bonus package That makes it tiresome.-Kickers and fence-Customers can be sitters.
Get your product noticed You can present from the stage or online using our proven templates. This will increase your revenue.

PLUS, you’ll also receive two extra bonuses:

BONUS #1 — “Special Report: The Top 10 Problems Businesses Face Today — and How to Magnify the Consequences So You Can Influence Your Prospects to Take Action”
In this report, you’ll discover how to instantly understand the top problems most businesses face — and how to leverage them to sell more of your products.
BONUS #2 — “Done-for-You Vendor Services”
To help you get your product to market fast, in addition to including all of your product templates, we’ve also included a list of vendors and prices to help you get your physical product manufactured ASAP. We even negotiated a special rate to ensure you are as profitable as possible.
Once your product has been created (in), you can then send it to us. 21 In a matter of days!), I’ll show you how to set up an automatic funnel to generate qualified leads and turn those leads into customers with…

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