
Paige Brunton – Content + List Academy

Original price was: ₹107,651.00.Current price is: ₹4,800.00.


What You Get:

What You Get:
Module One

Define both who you’re talking to and how to talk to them so once you start, you’ll be attracting the RIGHT people to your site
Understand the big picture strategy of how content creation & list building actually turns into revenue.
Join me for a case study as I dissect just 1 email that generated $24,000 in sales IN. A. DAY. and explain how the strategy can work for you too

Module Two

Together we’ll get you over the #1 problem that will derail your dreams before you even start, the FEAR of creating content and putting yourself out there
Determine the right content format & platforms to start with (and when to add in new ones)
My exact idea generation strategies which has resulted in an overflowing cup of ideas for the past 5 years
200 done-for-you content ideas (yes, really!)
How to make an editorial calendar that keeps you ahead of schedule!

Module Three

A complete guide to creating quality content as well as easy strategies to start with and advanced ones for when you’re ready down the road
The workflow to actually create a darn post, from idea to outlining to writing to preparing & publishing
My hacks for getting myself to write, no matter what the situation or how not into it I feel
Picking the right frequency for you and my publishing secrets which has resulted in a near-perfect consistency record
Quickstart tools & resources (more on those below!)

Module Four

A behind-the-scenes look at my content creation strategy, what that resulted in for my SEO & ultimately my business
How to get to the 2,000 word goal line every time, so your post actually has a chance to hit page 1 in Google!
Done-for-you content SEO checklist including where to put your keywords, and all the content-related SEO best practices

Module Five

What you actually want to look for in an email marketing software so you don’t need to switch down the road
My top recommendation for an email marketing software that isn’t a complete pain-in-the-🍑 to use!
Picking the RIGHT opt-in gift idea, plus what format to make it in for optimal subscribes!
The money-leak most opt-in gifts have and how to fix it
The perfect opt-in gift outline
4 done-for-you opt-in gift templates, so design difficulties don’t hold you back from getting it out in the world!
How to setup the tech of delivering opt-in gifts and tweaks to make to your landing page for the best possible conversions

Module Six

Now you have a list, what to send, how often & how to balance selling with fabulous, free value
How to keep your list warm even if you have no product or program to sell yet
How to turn your list into $$$ in the bank
The subject line writing hacks that actually gets emails opened which took me years to learn
My 10 best-ever subject lines and how to repurpose them for your business
How to determine if your email list efforts are even working and evaluating email performance
Even more quick-start tools & resources (info on that below!)

Module Seven

A step-by-step roadmap to getting going with content creation & list building, so you can turn off your brain and just follow the path
My “5-second emergency post solution” for when you don’t have time to write
What to realistically expect growth-wise and how to determine when you’re ready to sell a scaleable product or program


Done-for-You Pinterest Graphics Templates
200 Plug-and-Play Content Ideas
Editorial Calendar Template
20 Page Fill-in-the-Blank Post Outline
Swipe-able Interview & Survey Questions
Ongoing Sales Email Outline Template
Subject-Line Writing Formula
The Step-by-Step Implementation Guide
Checklist Opt In Gift Template
Guide Opt In Gift Template
Workbook Opt In Gift Template
Webinar Opt In Gift Template

With guest expert Alex Beadon
Instagram Queen Alex Beadon walks us through her process for repurposing a main piece of content (blog, podcast, video) onto Instagram, so you can swipe her exact game plan! She shares the lesser-known strategies for getting the most mileage possible out of every piece of content you repurpose, best practices for getting the greatest possible reach and how Instagram can be used to grow your email list! Plus you’ll also get the Repurposing Plan Spreadsheet to organize all those future posts!
Alex Beadon is a Launch Strategist who helps online course creators and membership site owners have their first six-figure launch. She is the creator of “Together We Launch”, and has a YouTube channel documenting her journey as an online business owner.
With guest expert attorney Paige Hulse
Ever wondered “can I use that photo in my post?” or “do I need a disclaimer on my website if I’m giving advice on a blog?” or “how do I stop someone from copying my entire opt-in gift and sharing it as their own?” our guest expert attorney Paige Hulse has you covered! We discuss all the important legal considerations you need to think about when it comes to creating content and utilizing opt-in gifts in your business, all legally and above the board!
Paige Hulse is an attorney and entrepreneur in Tulsa, Oklahoma. After working as a contract litigator at a traditional law firm, she started her own firm, Paige Hulse Law, and the Creative Law Shop® in 2017. The Creative Law Shop® now offers nearly 80 contracts written specifically for wedding professionals.
With guest expert Charlotte O’Hara
Have you been running in circles trying to find keywords that you actually have a fighting chance to rank for? Or you feel like you’re checking all the boxes on SEO but you’re still not ranking? Or maybe you’re at a loss about how one practically goes about building backlinks? In this training Charlotte spills the beans on easy, practical yet little-heard-of strategies you can use up your SEO and begin ranking for searches in your chosen industry (without dropping $200/month on a keyword research tool!)
Charlotte O’Hara is a web designer/developer, Squarespace SEO expert, product maker, and online educator. Her goal is to show her community that anyone can build and grow an amazing website that supports their business online, no matter what kind of technical knowledge or design background they have!
With guest expert Anna Parker-Naples
Anna-Parker Naples will give you a crash course in podcasting, what equipment you need, how uploading the show to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, etc. works and specific strategies to increase your SEO with what you say on your show. She’s also gives a peek at the podcast launch strategies she uses with 1:1 clients which has resulted in her clients charting #1 in countries around the world and even a 6 figure book deal!
Anna Parker-Naples is British No.1 bestselling Author of Podcast with Impact and Get Visible, host of Top 1% Global podcast Entrepreneurs Get Visible & international award-winning Business Coach and Speaker. She helps entrepreneurs launch and produce brand exploding podcasts that generate leads.
With guest expert Louise Henry
In this video Louise Henry will walk you through the steps you need to take in order to successfully launch a YouTube channel which drives growth in your business, what tech and equipment is needed, best practices for getting your videos shown in search, and exactly the workflow they use to manage the back-end processes of video production.
Louise Henry is an online entrepreneur and educator over at She’s on a mission to empower entrepreneurs to confidently own their online presence. She does this by sharing free tutorials on her YouTube channel and through her online courses, Uplevel with Asana, Website that Wows & Scale with Kartra. She loves seeing entrepreneurs bring their big ideas to life and believes that they shouldn’t be held back by the tech stuff!
With guest expert Ashlyn Carter
This bonus is so key because while yes the eventual goal of our email list is to sell scaleable products, it can VERY effectively be used to sell your services too. And that means less time on those relationship marketing tactics and more time for the zillion other things you have to do. You can literally sell out your services and build a waitlist for them with just a single email if you do it right! This priceless beauty of an interview has just been added to the course!
As an entrepreneur, international speaker, mentor, and marketer, Ashlyn Carter is the premier expert for copywriting for creative entrepreneurs. She’s the founder and CEO at Ashlyn Writes®, a copywriting business and marketing curriculum source for creatives. 90+ 1:1 clients, 5,000+ students, and 7-figures in revenue later, she’s pinpointed what it is that helps lock in half-a-million dollar launches for digital marketing campaigns.