P. D. Mangan – Beyond The Comfort Zone – Optimize Your Health In Minutes A Day

P. D. Mangan – Beyond The Comfort Zone – Optimize Your Health In Minutes A DayComfort It is A Slow-Killing Poison.Are you too busy to be healthy and fit?Wondering if you’re doing enough?Maybe you’re looking to up your game.You are probably too comfortable, just like most people.Who can blame you?We design our lives around comfort. We want to make sure we have central heat and air conditioning so that we can sleep comfortably at night.Imagine if you could improve your health and fitness in just minutes per day.The System Is Made To Keep You Overweight And Sick.The hot showers we take. We don’t experience cold. That we try to avoid the sun’s heat. We eat three meals and snack daily.Comfort It is fine, if taken in the right amount and at the right time.However, too much comfort is dangerous.If you’re overweight, or unhealthy, or you lack motivation and feel depressed, too much comfort is undoubtedly part of the problem.The American adults spend their day driving to work and returning home to watch Netflix.Consuming junk food every 2 hours.The The typical American is overweight, unfit, stressed, and depressed.All because we want comfort.Fear of discomfort.What am I talking about?We lack exposure to:ColdHeatThe Sun and its lightFood is not enough for timePlus, many moreFact: Nassim Taleb called living things, just like your body. “antifragile” They become stronger and healthier when they are exposed to stress.It’s easy to see that exercise is one of the best things for your health. It can also be uncomfortable for many.Stress and recovery, that’s what makes your body healthy.Or, to put it another manner: comfort and discomfort.The one that kills the other is what makes you more healthy.You will live longer if you can make the most of your discomfort.The secret is that it isn’t even really all that uncomfortable.It was so frustrating that I decided to change it.I have compiled 20 years of research and created a guide that is easy to follow. Now you can take control of your health and fitness, at an incredible price.INTRODUCTIONBeyond The Comfort ZoneOptimize Your Health In Minutes A DayLearn how to beat depression and chronic fatigue.Learn how tactical exposures can help increase your physical strength, mental toughness, and spiritual stability.Beyond The Comfort Zone It is important to practice rather than think. You will learn how to get out of your comfort zone and lose weight, lower your risk of dying, and live longer.What You Must Do To Get Out The Comfort ZoneWe have an expression for someone who is overweight, doesn’t exercise, and whose health is declining.A Couch potato.Unfortunately, couch potato describes most people today.These were the things that our ancestors did not do.They couldn’t shop at a supermarket for their food, but had to hunt and forage, or grow it from behind a plow.They were outside every day, bathed by light.They didn’t have artificial light at night to disrupt their sleep.They were much more vulnerable to heat and cold than us.They didn’t have the luxury of three meals plus snacks every day.And they were lean, fit, and didn’t suffer from chronic disease.Your InstructorP. D. ManganP. D. ManganP. D. Mangan A microbiologist obsessed with anti-Research on aging. Rogue was founded by him. Health and Fitness, which receives thousands of visitors daily, and is the author six books on health and fitness and an optimized lifespan, including Stop The Clock: The Optimal Anti-Aging Strategy and Dumping iron. He has spent many years studying the science behind aging and rejuvenation.Health Authorities Lead You AstrayYou’ve no doubt heard over the last several decades that you should stay out of the sun.You should apply toxic sunscreen before getting any sun.Could sun avoidance be linked to the diabesity epidemic in America?Yes.How about advice to eat three meals plus snack?That’s been a disaster.Even when they’re not telling you actively to avoid these things, they don’t tell you about how comfort leads to ill health.They tell you to exercise, but then they recommend ineffective, sluggish things like walking.Odds are good you’re not stressing yourself enough.Don’t Get Me Wrong. There’s Stress and There’s Stress. The Right Amount Of StressMany of the “stresses” You don’t even have to be uncomfortable to improve your health.A sunny beach is not something that most people would consider uncomfortableThey wouldn’t think drinking red wine or eating chocolate are unenjoyable.These things are not considered stress by your body. Your body uses them as an opportunity to boost its protection mechanisms and make you more healthy.It’s okay to be stressed!Wait a second. Is stress good for you?The right kind of stress is possible.Following recovery, acute stress.We’re used to thinking stress is bad. But that’s chronic stress.The problem for health is that we’re exposed to the same conditions constantly.However, the body thrives when there is variation. On acute stress.Be strong and overcome your weaknessesIt’s a scientific fact that the body responds to certain stresses by getting stronger.You’ve probably heard the expression, “What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.”That’s a pithy way of saying that when you challenge your body, it responds by getting stronger, and healthier.By pushing themselves, athletes become stronger.Bodybuilders gain strength by lifting weightsHowever, there are many ways to become stronger.Bedrest is one of the most dangerous things you can do.Constant rest can lead to a body that is weaker. You lose muscle. You are insulin resistant.The An analogy can be applied across the board.You can also consider the health issues astronauts experience in space, such as blood clots or bone loss.They are less likely to resist gravity’s pull, and they will be weaker.Here’s what you’ll discoverHow and why you should use tactical cold exposure to lose body weight, improve insulin sensitivity, get healthierHow to avoid sunburn while protecting your skinHeat can lower your risk of developing heart diseaseWhat foods are good for heart health and protection against cancer?How to fast to protect your health. And the only food that you should avoid in order to mimic the fasting process effectivelyThe reason why the exercise that you are currently doing may not be beneficial for improving your healthThere are many other options.You’ll also get The Optimized Health Vault BonusesBonus #1: How to overcome mental and physical challenges Your Life.A One-Video interview of Thomas P. Seager (Ph.D.), professor of engineering at Arizona State University. CEO of Morozko Forge and expert on deliberate cold exposed.Dr. Seager began his cold-exposure odyssey several years ago, after deciding it would be a good test of his mental fortitude. He established a company that makes refrigerated baths, and has been a leading authority on cold exposure’s health benefits.He discusses:Why did he choose cold exposure?How to correctly expose coldHow cold exposure can make your life betterWith cold exposure, you can lose weight and increase your testosterone.Why did he start a company that makes and sells ice baths?Bonus #2: How To Hack A Very little-Understanding the Process To Improve Your HealthGain muscle and lose body fatVideo: Although this is a well-known process among doctors and scientists it can be difficult to fix. This will make a significant improvement in your overall health.How your body’s natural rhythm affects your healthThis little-known hack is a must-haveHow aging affects it, and how you can rejuvenate itHow to apply “the right dose” Changes that can be made quickly to improve your health and make it easier for you to achieve better results.How stress can impact your hormones and body compositionBonus #3: How to Activate Your Brown Fat for Better Health.A look at brown fat, an exciting new area of research that’s critical for health.Wait…brown fat? Yes! Brown Fat is a type of body fat which activates when it’s cold. And here’s what I’ll show you inside this bonus:Scientists discovered that brown fat existsTo improve your health, try these techniques to convert normal body fat into brown fatHow activating brown butter prevents heart diseaseHow brown fat can improve blood lipidsWhy brown fat is so important for life extensionBonus #4: Hormetic habits: How to develop a bullet-These are the Best Habits to Keep You Healthy All Year.Incorporating hormesis in your life will improve your mental and physical well-being.Simple-To-Follow these tips to create habits that lastHow to quickly challenge yourself to stay healthyThe Untold trick that will change the way you see everythingBonus #5: Going Rogue: How The Health Establishment Got Almost Everything WrongFull-Long ebook about the great mistakes in mainstream health.How they got cholesterol & saturated fat wrongHow to fix this and why the food they recommend can harm your healthWhat can you do to reduce the death rate from high carbohydrate intake?The best exercise for health and longevity – it’s not what they say it isThere are many other things.Course CurriculumHormesis PhenomenonOverviewWhat is hormesis, you ask?Is it important to have stress and recovery for good health?How does Hormesis work?Why should I practice horomesis?What happens to my body when I have hormesis treatment?Cold ExposureHow does cold exposure make someone healthier?What other effects does cold exposure have?What other ways can cold exposure be beneficial to your health?Is cold exposure possible to affect mental health?What’s the Mangan How to prepare for cold exposureCold showers could help with chronic fatigueIs cold exposure a way to reduce my gains?What’s the minimal time and dose of cold exposure?Ice baths are another option.How intense is cold exposure?How do you take a cold shower?Heat ExpositionIs heat exposure considered a form hormetic stress.What is heat exposure?How can I expose my body to heat?Is there heat-related risk?Light ExposureDoes light exposure affect my health?It is so bright outside!How does artificial lighting affect your health?How can you get the right type and intensity of light?What about direct exposure to the sun’s rays on my skin?How does the sun provide vitamin D?Won’t sun exposure cause melanoma?Skin cancer and your healthWhat are the health problems that the sun can help to prevent?What other actions does sun do?How can I ensure safe sun exposureHow about sunscreen?Won’t the sun damage my skin?Can sun exposure be good for my skinHigh AltitudeIs high altitude good for your health?What does high altitude mean for your health?What if you don’t live in the mountains?NutritionWhat can we eat as a form hormesis.TeaCoffeeRed wineWhat foods can do the exact same thing?Is it really beneficial to eat plant foods?Do I have the ability to eat nothing and be healthier?Aren’t the benefits of intermittent fasting due to weight loss?What happens if I don’t eat carbohydrates?Intermittent FastingCan intermittent fasting help keep me young?What time is the best time to fast?What, for how long and how often should I fast?What about prescription medication and fasting?Can I drink tea or coffee while fasting?Is there any benefit to drinking coffee or tea while fasting?Is intermittent fasting a way to lose muscle?Do I need to fast?Can intermittent fasting protect against cancer?How can fasting be used to prevent or treat cancer?Radiation can be beneficialExercisingExercise is it a form of Hormesis?How often should you exercise?What is high?-Intensity interval training (HIIT).Can exercise prevent cancer?How can you achieve high?-IntensityCan sitting cause harm?What exactly is forest bathing?What is earthing or grounding?ConclusionAre there ways to combine different types of Hormesis? What are your hormesis habits?ConclusionAcknowledgementsCopyrightBonusesBonus #1: How to overcome mental and physical challenges Your Life (53.13)Bonus #2: How To Hack A Very little-Understanding the Process To Improve Your HealthGain Muscle, Lose Body Fat (21.20).Bonus #3: How to Activate Your Brown Fat for Better Health.Bonus #4: Hormetic habits: How to develop a bullet-These are the Best Habits to Keep You Healthy All Year.Bonus #5: Going Rogue: How The Health Establishment Got Almost Everything WrongDeliberate cold exposure has metabolic benefitsWhen does the course begin and end?The Course s here and never ends! It is self-evident.-Online course that you can pace yourself – You decide when and how you want to finish.How long can I access the course?How does lifetime access sound to you? Once you enroll, you will have unlimited access to the course on all your devices.What if I am not satisfied with the course?We don’t want you to be dissatisfied! We will refund your entire purchase if you are not satisfied within the first 30 days.