Ozan Varol – The AI Advantage


Ozan Varol – The AI AdvantageUnlock a new level of creativity and productivity—all without losing your authentic touch.Welcome to The AI Advantage, an online course that demystifies ChatGPT and empowers you to be at the forefront of the AI creative revolution.Ever since ChatGPT’s debut, my inbox has been flooded with questions: What do you think about it? Will it take over my job? Is it worth the hype or is it just a gimmick?After countless hours of experimentation, I went from thinking that ChatGPT might be a fad to believing it will be indispensable.When used right, ChatGPT can serve as your free co-creator, amplifying—rather than replacing—your unique style, and helping you reach new heights in creativity and productivity.I’ve personally experienced the transformative power of ChatGPT. ChatGPT saves me at least 10 hours per week, freeing me up to focus on the more nuanced, complicated, and human-centered aspects of my work.And I’m not alone.Here’s the recent research:Professionals that use AI tools like ChatGPT experienced a 40% boost in their productivity (and an 18% boost in output quality).Outputs increased by 55.8% when computer programmers teamed up with AI.Professionals who teamed up with ChatGPT completed writing tasks 37% faster, and produced better quality writing.With the right guidance, AI is a powerful paintbrush waiting for an artist.In this course, you’ll learn to be that artist, perfectly harmonizing human creativity with machine precision.The future of work isn’t about doing more. It’s about imagining and innovating more—and AI is playing a pivotal role in that transformation. If you don’t want to be replaced by AI, you need to know how to master it.That’s where this course comes in.INTRODUCING . . . THE AI ADVANTAGEIn this course, you’ll learn everything you need to master ChatGPT and unleash unmatched creativity and productivity.You’ll see how AI can take care of your mundane tasks, freeing you to truly create.You’ll learn the mind-blowing ways AI can streamline and boost your creative process.I’ll go beyond the buzzword of AI and share specific tools and step-by-step instructions you can use right away.Here’s what you can expect:After 15 minutes, you’ll get a good feel for how ChatGPT works.After 30 minutes, you’ll have your first “I’m totally blown away!” moment.After 60 minutes, you’ll be able to find at least 3 ways to use ChatGPT to boost your creativity and productivity on a regular basis.And by the end of the course, you’ll have a free, highly-skilled co-creator for life.WORKING WITH CHATGPT IS LIKEHAVING A FREE CO-CREATOR . . . FOR LIFEThe co-creator is quirky, but it’s extraordinarily capable and it worksat a speed no human can match.WHAT WILL I LEARN IN THE COURSE?In the course, you’ll learn how to get ChatGPT to do things like:1WRITE A FIRST DRAFT OF ANYTHINGTeach ChatGPT your unique writing styleCreate 10 first drafts of a blog post in your writing style based on preliminary thoughts you provideWrite a thank-you note to your interviewerGenerate 5 versions of a sales page for a digital courseDraft 5 versions of your PowerPoint presentationWrite a letter of recommendationDraft a speech or lecture2GENERATE MIND-BLOWING IDEASGenerate 10 ideas for a blog post that will delight your audienceCreate new business ideas for a niche marketGenerate ideas to grow your email listSuggest fun indoor activities for a family of 4 to do on a rainy day3HANDLE MUNDANE TASKSWrite an email to your boss requesting an extension on a deadlineWrite a sales pitch to a prospective clientCreate witty social media postsDraft a compelling meeting agendaSummarize meeting notes and create action itemsPlan a trip to experience Hong Kong like a localBrainstorm ideas for your partner’s birthday based on their interestsWhip up a dinner recipe based on what you have in the fridge4FINE-TUNE YOUR CREATIONSUpload a first draft into ChatGPT and it’ll give you suggestions on how to improve your writing, and will find more examples and stories to support your arguments5ACT AS A MARKETING EXPERTWrite 100 ads to increase customer conversionDraft an email sequence to describe your product or serviceGenerate a landing page for your online course6RESEARCH LIKE AN ACADEMICUpload an article, a study, or a PDF, and get a comprehensive summary in a few paragraphsAct as your personal Sherlock Holmes for references and find research studies to support your points.Sift through the internet’s noise and serve up what you actually need—filtered, summarized, and ready to impress—in less time than it takes to brew your morning coffee.7HELP WITH PROCRASTINATION AND WRITER’S BLOCKWhen you feel stuck, you can use ChatGPT to give you momentum by creating a rough draft of virtually anything that you can then use as a foundationWHAT’S INSIDE6 modules with short, step-by-step videosThe modules will be released on a weekly basis. You can watch them on your own time and at your own pace.Mission playbooksEach module has a mission playbook with lesson summaries and exercises to practice and sharpen your AI skills.Live coaching calls with OzanEver wish I’d sit next to you and guide you? I’ll hold 2 live video group coaching calls where you can get your questions answered and receive real-time feedback from me.ChatGPT certificationWhen you successfully complete The AI Advantage you’ll also earn a ChatGPT Certification. Display it on your resume, LinkedIn profile, or personal website. Use it to showcase your cutting-edge AI skills to potential employers, colleagues, and peers.In an era where AI proficiency is becoming a game-changer, the ChatGPT Certification provides tangible evidence of your commitment to innovation and positions you as a leader in the AI revolution.14-day money-back guaranteeThe course comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you decide that the course didn’t deliver on its promise despite your best efforts, we’ll issue a refund. To be eligible for the refund, you must complete the exercises for the first 2 modules of the Academy and submit proof that you finished them.Lifetime access to the courseRevisit the course as often as you want!YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE TECH-SAVVYUsing ChatGPT is like texting a friend.It’s as easy as typing a request—called a prompt—and getting a response.But here’s the kicker: Most people don’t submit the right prompts. There’s an art and a science to using the right combination of words and sentences to generate the best responses from ChatGPT.Whatever your profession, you can use the tools in this course to boost your creativity, improve job performance, and bring your vision to life more efficiently.THIS ISN’T YOUR STANDARDONLINE COURSEIt’s no secret that most online courses are ineffective. All too often, courses become nothing more than forgotten bookmarks in a web browser. The content isn’t engaging, the learning doesn’t stick, and there’s little to no application in the real world.In developing The AI Advantage, I used the latest research and my own decade-long experience as a professor to create a unique approach that reimagines traditional online education.This isn’t a simple catalog of videos you play in the background. Every single module is designed to be interactive and engaging. Instead of passively absorbing information, you’re presented with real-world challenges and prompts right after each lesson. These practical exercises ensure that you not only understand the material, but you also know how to use it.You’ll get proven tools you’ll integrate right away —and use over and over again. As a result, the insights you learn will stick.MEET YOUR INSTRUCTOR: LEARN AI FROMA ROCKET SCIENTISTOzan is a literal rocket scientist with a passion for bringing novel, out-of-this-world perspectives to the realm of creativity and innovation.Beyond his impressive accolades and global recognition, his unique blend of expertise in rocket science, coupled with a deep understanding of creativity and innovation, make him the ideal instructor for this course.His books, Awaken Your Genius and Think Like a Rocket Scientist, aren’t just bestsellers—they’re touchstones in the world of innovative thought.With Ozan, you’re not just learning from an expert. You’re learning from someone who has seamlessly bridged the gap between the technical and the creative.Dive into the course with him and discover what it truly means to approach AI with the mind of a rocket scientist and the creativity of an artist.ACT NOW. DON’T GET LEFT BEHINDBeing at the forefront means adopting a technology while others stand on the sidelines, crossing their fingers that it won’t disrupt their lives.There will always be skeptics. There will always be those who chuckle at progress.But true visionaries? They see the imminent in the improbable.And soon, being able to use AI will be an essential skill.Be at the forefront of this revolution, rather than being left behind by it.There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a review.