OSHO – What Is Meditation


Freedom is only possible through awareness.Unless one transforms one’s unconsciousnessPurchase OSHO – What Is Meditation courses at here with PRICE $29.9 $27OSHO – What Is MeditationGet OSHO – What Is Meditation at the CourseAvaiMeditation is a simple processOf watching your own mind.Not fighting with the mindNot trying to control it either.Just remaining there, a choiceless witness.Whatsoever passes you simply take note of it.With no prejudice for or against.You don’t call it namesThat “This should not come to my mind”That “This is an ugly thought andThis is a very beautiful and virtuous thought.”You should not judgeYou should remain nonjudgmental.Because the moment you judgeYou lose meditation.You become identified.Either you become a friend or you become a foe.You create relationships.Meditation meansRemaining unrelated with your thought process.Utterly unrelated, cool, calm.Watching whatsoever is passing.And then a miracle happens:Slowly slowly one becomes awareThat less and less thoughts are passing.The more alert you are, the less thoughts pass.The less alert you are, the more thoughts pass.It is as if traffic depends on your awareness.When you are perfectly awareEven for a single momentAll thinking stops.Immediately, there is a sudden stopAnd the road is empty, there is no traffic.That moment is meditation.Slowly slowly those moments come more and more.Those empty spaces come again and againAnd stay longer.And you become capable of moving easilyInto those empty spaces with no effort.So whenever you want you can moveInto those empty spaces with no effort.They are refreshing, rejuvenatingAnd they make you aware of who you are.Freed from the mind you are freedFrom all ideas about yourself.Now you can see who you areWithout any prejudice.And to know oneselfIs to know all that is worth knowing.And to miss self-knowledge is to miss all.A man may know everything in the worldBut if he does not know himselfHe is utterly ignorant.He is just a walking Encyclopedia Britannica.Freedom without awareness is only an empty idea.It contains nothing.One cannot be really free without being awareBecause your unconscious goes on dominating youYour unconscious goes on pulling your strings.You may think, you may believe that you are freeBut you are not freeYou are just a victimOf natural forces, blind forces.So there are two types of people.The majorityFollows the tradition, the society, the state.The orthodox people, the conventional, the conformistsThey follow the crowdThey are not free.And then there are a few rebellious spiritsDrop-outs, bohemians, artistsPainters, musicians, poetsThey think they are living in freedomBut they only think.Just by rebellion against the traditionYou don’t become free.You are still under the rule of natural instincts.You are possessed by lust, by greed, by ambitions.And you are not a master of these thingsYou are a slave.Hence I sayFreedom is only possible through awareness.Unless one transforms one’s unconsciousnessInto consciousness there is no freedom.And that is where only very few peopleHave succeeded – a Jesus, a Lao TzuA Zarathustra, a BuddhaJust a few peopleWho can be counted on one’s fingers.They have really lived in freedomBecause they lived out of awareness.That has to be the work for every seeker:To create more and more awareness.Then freedom comes of its own accord.Freedom is the fragrance of the flower of awareness.Osho, Eighty Four Thousand Poems(This title is no longer available at Osho’s request)Purchase OSHO – What Is Meditation courses at here with PRICE $29.9 $27