OptionsUniversity – Strategy Spotlight Class Archives 2009 – 2010


If you’ve ordered any of our products in the past, or even if you’re new to options, here we’re going to take an in-depth look at all of these strategies, and show you exactly how to use them in real-world applications, using actual examples…

OptionsUniversity – Strategy Spotlight Class Archives 2009 – 2010

Product Description

OptionsUniversity – Strategy Spotlight Class Archives 2009 – 2010
This Could Mean the Difference Between

Mammoth Profits or Staggering Losses…
One trader came to us at a seminar recently and told us about a trade he was putting on because he was taught by someone else that it was a “locked trade” They told him he would always make money in this particular situation.
What happened? He lost $47,000.
What they failed to mention to him was about the ‘Short Stock’ risk inherent in the reversal of the trade.  Although it’s rare, we knew about it… and we told him first.
But it was too late…
He learned from the wrong company, and he lost big! So the question you should be asking your self is “When the teacher doesn’t know, how can they teach me?”
They can’t.
But that’s where your hidden opportunity lies…
If you take the time to find and learn options from the right teachers, your results will be significantly and measurably better.  Much, much better! Of course, we can’t promise you’ll make a fortune using options, although many have… but we can guarantee that you’ll never get there and keep it if you’re using the wrong strategies (or if you’re using good strategies in the wrong situations…)
You can’t win in the long run if you’re using bad information.
For you to get wealthy trading options, you’ll need to know how to trade the right option strategy in the right situation, and at the right time.
Fortunately, we are uniquely qualified to teach you.
Why Some People Almost Always Make

Money in the Options Markets
It’s not luck.
Luck never lasts in the long run.
The people who make consistent and sizeable profits in any market are the people at the top of their game. The people with the BEST information win.
And if you don’t have it… I want you to keep in mind one thing…
You’re up against people who do..
So if you’re serious about making money with options, you want to make sure you have the best information and strategies out there.

When we started The Options University a little over two years ago, we formed the company with one goal in mind…

To provide the very best options education available anywhere, at any price…

I’d say we’ve accomplished 99% of what we set out to do and frankly, we’re just getting started. From our Options 101 and Advanced Home Study Courses, to our Options Mastery Video CD Library, our proprietary options trading software, to our Live Options Mastery Web classes with our experienced options experts…

We’re putting the very best tools, techniques, and strategies together for you to help you make money with options!

But even our most advanced students don’t always absorb all our best options information in one pass…  To learn options properly takes practice!

Have you ever made an options trade, and lost money because you ‘thought’ you understood the strategy? It’s painful isn’t it? Sometimes you just miss a key ingredient, or lack one little-known tip or technique that would have the made the difference in the trade.

That’s why we’ve decided to unveil our new ground-breaking series called…

The Strategy-Spotlight Series

This service is designed to teach you a new options strategy each month. You’ll learn it from A to Z, and discover the inside secrets of every strategy that 99% of other traders will never know… Including professional traders!

Once a month, our panel of options experts will introduce a new strategy and cover it in-depth for two full hours in our live, interactive web-conferencing platform.

This is cutting edge technology, and enables us to teach you the ins’ and outs’ of each strategy we cover in a real-time & interactive environment, taught entirely online!

 It’s the same platform and information we teach in our intensive 8 week long Live Options Mastery Series classes, which have received rave reviews from virtually ALL of our students.

But the problem is…

Not everyone can make the financial or time commitment for our 16 week intensive class.

It’s recently been raised to Two Thousand, Nine Hundred Ninety Seven Dollars ($2997.00).

So, many people have been contacting us and asking for another option… one where they can pay monthly… and take their time to absorb all the new information.

You asked. And we listened

Don’t Settle For Losing Money With Your

Options Trading —  Do Something About It Today!

To make this information available to all of our students, and to accommodate people with limited time schedules…

We’re going to teach one strategy per month, from A to Z, for a full two hours on the third Thursday of every month, followed by a two hour review teleseminar and live Q&A.

Here’s what we’ll cover for each strategy:  

Introduction and full review of each strategy’s structure and composition. You’ll understand how each strategy is put together, inside and out!

Review of Greek and Synthetic positions of each strategy. These are very important and seldom taught anywhere else, but we’ll show you here!

How to use technical analysis to spot exactly which situations each strategy works best in, and how to implement it properly. This is very popular among our students!

How to setup the strategy in multiple ways, and compare the advantages and disadvantages of each strategy. Learn the Pros and Cons of each!

How to ‘Roll’ positions from month to month. This is essential for making maximum profits from your trades!

How to ‘Morph’ positions into other positions to decrease risk and exposure, and to take advantage of new trading opportunities. Don’t miss this!

How to exit and close your strategies to increase cost efficiency, therefore saving you money in commissions. This could save you thousands!

How positions react to sudden changes in variables and how to view their performance. We’ll examine several scenarios for each strategy!

How to adjust positions to protect and enhance your investment dollars from these changes in variables. This is very important but often overlooked!

How to use technical analysis to risk manage the position. Here we’ll tie in how to match the expected stock direction to the just right option!

12 of the Most Powerful Options Trading

Strategies Available Anywhere — Guaranteed!
You won’t find any tired, re-hashed ‘pie-in-the-sky’ strategies here.
Just time-tested PROVEN options trading strategies that work. These are the very same strategies that professional options traders have used on the floor for years to maximize profits and minimize risk. The key is in knowing How and When to use the right strategy!
And that’s exactly what we’ll teach you each and every month.
We’ll show you in excruciating detail how to put on each strategy and in what situation it works best —  complete with graphs, charts, and real option data delivered to you live in our private web-conferencing room online.
 Just look at the class schedule below to get an idea of what you’ll be learning each month:

     Strategy Spotlight Series 2009-2010 Schedule

March 19, 2009

– The Covered Call (Buy-Write) Strategy

April 9, 2009

– The Stock Replacement Strategy

May 14, 2009

– The Stock Replacement Covered Call Strategy

June 11, 2009

– The Covered Put (Sell-Write) Strategy

July 9, 2009

– The Protective Put Strategy

August 13, 2009

– The Synthetic Put Strategy

Sept. 10, 2009

– Bull Spreads & Bear Spreads

October 8, 2009

– Time Spreads

Nov. 12, 2009

– Long Straddles & Short Straddles

December 10, 2009

– Long Strangles & Short Strangles

January 14, 2010

– The Butterfly Strategy

February 12, 2010

– The Condor Strategy

How Are These Options Trading Classes So Different

(but Profitable for YOU) From Others Out There?
The strength of any service is the people behind it.
We’ve lined up the very best options experts in the world for you. Find a better team of options experts in the world, and I’ll give you $100 cash… That’s how much I believe in our team of option gurus.
These are the ‘behind the scenes’ pros that even the professionals turn to…
For Example…

Alan Knuckman – Options Expert
Alan Knuckman has a vast financial market knowledge in securities, options, futures and currencies with over 18 years experience in the markets. He has strong broadcast media skills analyzing markets in real time for investment opportunities and expanation of events or news. He’s held active Series 7, Series 4 and 24 securities registrations and has a financial markets business development background.

He’s a former member of the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT), where he traded his own account on the floor and where he held several licenses, including securities principal and options principal. He’s appeared on CNBC’s Fast Money, ONN.TV, and writes regularly in financial publications about options. Alan was the former Education Manage for ONN.TV, and also the Chief Market Analyst for a popular financial TV show on the Dish network.
Alan was the founding partner at OneStopOption Group and the founding partner at Preferred Trade Live Brokerage Division at Preferred Trade. He’s an excellent teacher of options, with many years of experience and will be sharing several actionable trading ideas with us Tuesday night so don’t miss it! His personal options portfiolio is up 76% this year already!

Every Class Has Sold Out in Previous

Classes — Only 100 Virtual ‘Seats’

Will Be Available So Register Now
Both times before, when word of this amazing new service leaked out to some of our previous students (even the ones who completed our 12 week intensive live classes), we were flooded with emails from people wanting to subscribe!
Download immediately OptionsUniversity – Strategy Spotlight Class Archives 2009 – 2010
Including our Mastery Student alumni students…
Here’s why.
Because they see the value of this service as a great way to also review all the great strategies they’ve learned. So even if you’re an intermediate to advanced option trader, here’s a great way to review and enhance your understanding of these strategies!
Each class will be using several actual examples to follow in real-time! You’ll be able to watch and learn from the best seat in the house. Your own.
Here’s the best part…
This live format is great because it teaches you the practical application of each strategy using the concepts and theories that have been featured in our other products, like our Mastery Series and Live Classes.
If you’ve ordered any of our products in the past, or even if you’re new to options, here we’re going to take an in-depth look at all of these strategies, and show you exactly how to use them in real-world applications, using actual examples…
What could be better?
And don’t just take our word for it…
There you have it, not only are our students raving about the course…