Option Alpha – Ultimate Options Strategy Guide


Option Alpha – Ultimate Options Strategy Guide01. Options Alpha – Guided Track✔Beginner – 14 Lessons (5 hours)✔Intermediate – 12 Lessons (4 hours)✔Advanced – 16 Lessons (5 hours)02. Option Alpha – Self- Paced Track✔Beginner– Options Basics – 20 Lessons (2 hours)– Entries and Exits – 20 Lessons (2 hours)– Options Expiration – 10 Lessons (40 mins)✔Intermediate– Bullish Options Strategies – 12 Lessons (1 hour 30 mins)– Neutral Options Strategies – 7 Lessons (50 mins)– Bearish Options Strategies – 12 Lessons (1 hour 20 mins)✔Advanced– Portfolio Management – 16 Lessons (1 hour 30 mins)– Pricing and Volatility – 10 Lessons (1 hour 20 mins)– Trade Adjustments – 15 Lessons (2 hours)– Professional Trading – 12 Lessons (1 hour)03. Candlesticks and Technical Analysis✔78 Videos on Candlestick Patterns, Technical Analysis and Options Strategies04. Ultimate Options Strategy Guide PDF✔Step-by-step instructions on how to set up each of the top 20 options strategies we trade.✔Read the whole strategy guide in less than 2 hours and have it forever to reference✔90-page high resolution downloadable PDF workbook with strategy payoff diagrams.✔We’ll show you which strategies work best in bullish, bearish and sideways markets.✔Detailed tips on the best trading timelines, when to exit for maximum win rates and so much more.