Opportunity Marketing Concepts – Dan Kennedy


Course “Opportunity Marketing Concepts – Dan Kennedy” is available, If no download link, Please wait 24 hours. We will process and send the link directly to your email.Sorry to say, but you’d be surprised and a little depressed at just how  uninterested prospects REALLY are to your marketing message…“Why Most Businesses Are DEAD WRONG  About What Their Prospects Are REALLY  Thinking… And How You Can ‘Legally Steal’  The Sales Tactics Used By One Of The Most  Cutthroat Markets In The WORLD To Close  This ‘Grand-Canyon’ Sized Gap So You Can  Achieve More Control, Sustainability, And  Profits In Your Business!”Opportunity Marketers Use A Different Approach To Selling That  Builds INSTANT Desire In Their Product/Service…And It’s An  Approach You’re Probably NOT Using Right Now.Read On To Discover The TRUTH About Where Your Customer’s Head  Is REALLY At…And How You Can Use These Opportunity Marketing  Concepts To Wake Them Up And Get Them To DESIRE Your  Product/Service Like Child Wants Candy!Dear Renegade Millionaire,Let’s get down to it: I’m going to let you in on a slightly different approach to selling you’ve probably have NEVERbeen taught… even from me.These techniques come from a niche some may consider to be a little “shady”, unethical, and downright devious. And some of you might get downright offended and flick off your internet browser right now.But if you’re like our most successful GKIC members who are always looking for marketing techniques they can “swipe and deploy” in their businesses…well, I’m going to let you in on a marketing arsenal that’ll allow you to boost your revenue and profits.This is stuff I couldn’t simply publish in the “No B.S. Newsletter” and call it a day.And I couldn’t sit down and hammer this out in a book or $297 product and expect to give these strategies the probative attention they deserved.So I decided to do one thing:I Decided To Reveal These “Under The Table” Strategies At A Closed-Door, $5000-Per-Head Seminar In March 2011!You see, this could be HUGE for you and your business. And what I have to share with you is necessary NOW more than ever thanks to today’s “gutter” economy.When you read every single word of this message, you’ll discover how to sell to your prospects better so you can boost your income, attract more clients and customers, and experience MORE wealth and prosperity in your business.Now if you’re thinking it’s all about getting a lead generator and doing the “needle in a haystack” approach…where you use mass market advertising, and be satisfied with the 1-2% of people who are interested in your sales message to buy……or if you think I’m going to feed you the usual copywriting tricks like writing headlines full of “power words” or inserting hypnotic commands in your copy, then you’re sorely mistaken.Because in this letter I’m going to present to you an alternative, very effective approach used by one of the most “cutthroat” businesses in the world.This Is Stuff You’ve NEVER Heard Before…Which Is Probably Why You’re Not Making The Revenue You Desire!You see, I’ve seen and done it all. I’ve been “pounding the pavement” for almost 40 years and am one of the “go-to” guys most marketers go to for advice.And people gladly pay me $100,000 to $150,000 for copywriting—and shell out $18,800 to spend the day in order to pick my brain.And I’ve had my hand in some of the world’s most profitable promotions via infomercials, direct mail…and, yes, even online.Now I don’t say this to brag or boast. Just to let you know that I know what I’m talking about when it comes to how to attract customers and clients and get them to gladly pay you money for your product and service……something that 99.9% of businesspeople WISH they could do!So the secrets I’m going to reveal in this letter could mean EVERYTHING to you. I know, because they were for my private clients… all of which whom have raked in a collective 1 BILLION dollars based on my “say so”.But If You’re One Of “These” People Then I Suggest You Close This Browser Now!Now before I go on, I know there’s a faction out there who believes that all they have to do is hum Gregorian chants and think happy thoughts to achieve financial and business success.This cannot be further from the truth!You see, I’m a very practical guy. I don’t dabble around in “theory”…so I can leave you wandering around with your head cut off wondering what the HECK to do next.I like to give you specific action steps you can take RIGHT NOW in order to build your business. No B.S. No “Fluffy Stuff”.But that means you actually have to DO something. That’s right, you have to take action. That’s what my stuff is intended for—so if you’re going to read every single word of this message just as “entertainment” …and think to yourself…“Hey, that Dan Kennedy guy has some really CUTE sayings!”…then I suggest you flick off your browser and go watch Jersey Shore.This message is for people who have a current business… or are thinking about starting one…and want to figure out how to sell ANYTHING better so you can:Reach out to new prospects. The strategies I have to share with you will allow you to “Mass market” your product or service. Instead of trying to find the 1-2% of people who are “just right” for your service, you could capture up to 10-20% of market share almost overnight!Reposition your business so you can attract more lucrative customers and prospects. You’ll be exposed to endless case studies and stories of companies and individuals who have created a “business within a business” thanks to the strategies I’m about to share with you. And a lot of times, it involved only a small “profit tweak” to make that happen. And most of the time, the 2nd business is more lucrative than the first!Reinvent a stalled business. If your business has been stagnant the past couple years, then what I have to show you could be a breath of fresh air—allowing you to attract more clients and customers and get back on the right path of prosperity and abundance. This could mean EVERYTHING to you!In other words, making money will be easier for you, and you’ll experience unparalleled sustainability, control, and confidence in your business.Imagine that. Waking up in the morning excited…knowing you’re on the right path in your business—and not just “guessing”.And knowing where you’re business is going to be 6-12 months from now—instead of fretting whether or not you’ll be able to meet payroll or pay the bills next month.My clients and followers in GKIC who listen to me and take action on what I say have absolute autonomy in their businesses. They can do what they want, whatever they want, without anyone’s permission.And I decided to hold a special “closed-door” 3-day seminar in March 2011 to reveal why there’s probably a canyon-sized gap between where your prospects “are” when you reach them…and where you “are” when you start your conversation with them with your sales message.And how you can use these jealously-guarded secrets used by the most battle-hardened marketers to “close that gap”…so you can explode your sales and flick the “money” switch from difficult to easy.And believe me, there IS a gap!How A $289 Refund Revealed The TRUTH About Where Prospects REALLY Are When You Begin Your Conversation With Them:Let me tell you a story from a while back: I got a refund request from a buyer who purchased Magnetic Marketing for $287 at one of my seminars in the late ‘90’s.The letter was dated May 2nd 1997, and I still keep the letter to use at seminars for this specific reason.The letter is from Hamco Professional Awning Maintenance Company. So this guy is in the Awning business and here’s his note:So something happened between the time he was jazzed up about Magnetic Marketing and made this purchase……to a few days later, where he snapped back to where he really was—which sounded like he was in some abject, suicidal despair.Of course, I was happy to give him the refund. But this simple note speaks to where many of your prospects are when you approach them with your sales message.And keep in mind this was a BUYER. Someone who actually yanked out his wallet and bought! So just imagine what was going in on the heads of people who didn’t buy.Where Most Of Your Prospects REALLY Are When You Approach Them With Your Marketing Message:You see, this story illustrates that there’s a Grand Canyon-sized gap between where your prospects are starting … versus where YOU are starting when you begin your conversation with them.You probably assume your prospects are going to be downright EXCITED when they read your sales message—and are waiting to throw money at you at will……and that they’re going to be receptive and read every single word you have to say with unabated breath—as they enter the “slippery slide” all the way to the order button on your sales page.No objections. No questions. And no skepticism.And you’re probably assuming every single customer is going to be ambitious and willing to take immediate action when they get their hands on your product, or start using your service.But the truth is you’re going to be pretty DARN depressed at just how disinterested most prospects REALLY are.The Blunt And Unvarnished TRUTH About Your Typical Customer (Important!)You see, the truth about your typical customer is that he’s bored. He’s bored with what he’s doing. He’s bored with his business…he’s bored with his job, and he feels “stuck”.What Marlon Brando REALLY Thought About Acting, And How It Applies To Where Most Of Your Prospects Are Mentally…You’re probably familiar with the great actor Marlon Brando from great films such as “On The Waterfront” and The Godfather”. And you mighthave assume that Brando had unbridled passion for acting.But the truth is, he HATED acting! In fact, one time he said if someone gave him 5 million dollars/year, he would quit acting in a heartbeat.Most of you are probably making the SAME mistakes in your marketing – assuming your prospects are motivated, have ambition and LOVE what they’re doing.This cannot be further from the truth. And that’s why you need to discover the sales and marketing tips used by opportunity mrketers to snap people out of their “funk” and build immediate desire in their product/service.You’ll be able to sell better because you’ll be able to meet them EXACTLY where they are right now when you approach them with your marketing. And Opportunity Concepts Marketing will show you how to do that!Most people are having a REALLY hard time out there. It’s not 2007 anymore, where families have tons of disposable income, and they can buy whatever they want.The economy has gutted a LOT of people. They’re not spending as much, and they’re not doing interesting things and seeing interesting people.And if they’re running a business, they’re extremely tired and lack interest in what they’re doing.They probably thought they were going to be Ted Danson in Cheers when they opened that bar. Or they thought people were going to flock to their restaurants like that famous line from Field of Dreams.“If You Build It, They Will Come!”Well, the thing is, they just ain’t coming. In 2007 people were making a lot of money without having to do much to get it…but now a lot of people are suffering and discouraged because people aren’t showing up.This has led to tiredness, lack of interest, apathy, stubbornness, lack of ambition, and no effort. In other words, they’ve mentally “checked out” and are basically going through the motions.And if he’s working a 9-5 job, he’s probably just going through the motions AND having to put up with long commutes, a horrible boss, and crabby co-workers.And that’s not to mention the beliefs most people have about salesman, making money, and success they might have picked up from their parents, schooling, and society in general……stuff that’s ingrained in their head that’s keeping your prospect from giving you money!Of course, YOU might not be suffering…but most of your customers are. And the typical message isn’t going to “wake them up” and get them excited.The only solution is to make your “thing” or your message more interesting to people. Sure, you can be satisfied with the typical 1-2% response rate when interested people DO read your current message. But you can do MUCH better:How To Use The Concepts Of Opportunity Marketing To Sell Your Products (And Yourself) Better!So what do I mean by Opportunity marketing? It’s basically someone who sells a “Get Rich, Make Money” Opportunity to the great, unwashed masses.These people are not in a business niche. They are not selling how to make your business better…and they’re not selling a marketing system.They’re taking a guy that’s preparing our food or parking our cars outside the hotel and getting him to quit what he’s doing and become a real-estate investor, Internet marketer, or whatever. That’s what I mean by a pure opportunity marketer.For example, Joe Karbo became a millionaire teaching people how to make money from home with his “Lazy Man’s Way To Riches” ad:A snippet of Joe Karbo’s famous “Lazy Man’s Way To Riches Ad” — an example of an ad that sells a business opportunity. It didn’t matter how young, old, and inexperienced the prospect…Joe promised they’ll be able to quit their job and work from home. You see, the sales approaches most opportunity marketers use is a LOT different. That’s because:  They Have To IMMEDIATELY Enter The  Conversation That’s Going On In Their Customer’s  Minds In Their Sales Pitches!  And this is where most non-opportunity marketers fall short. When you start implementing the approaches opportunity marketers use to your OWN businesses, you’ll be able to sell just about ANYTHING better. That’s because you’ll be able to, as the great John Caples said, “enter the conversation that’s going in in their minds”. And if you’re like most marketers, the message your conveying to your prospects simply isn’t jiving with where they are mentally… …Especially if you’re communicating to them in “pre-2008”, “pre-recession” language. You’ll be able to summon immediate desire in your product or service. It’ll be like leading a hungry child to a candy shop. Or a taking a man that’s been lost in the Sahara Desert for 4 days…and leading him to water. Because that’s the #1 thing that opportunity marketing is linked to: Desire. Opportunity marketers have to cut through YEARS of false beliefs and “stuff” in their messages to build desire in that opportunity—to the point that the prospect is willing to quit their job to partake in that opportunity! You see, these concepts of opportunity marketing are probably the most ADVANCED and SOPHISTICATED concepts I’ve culled over a 40-year career…with not only working opportunity marketers themselves…but also implementing opportunity concepts in OTHER businesses. And I decided these concepts could NOT be shared in a simple eBook or a 2-CD audio program. So I invited our most dedicated GKIC members to fly to Cleveland for a special $5000-per-head 3-day event where I reveal the “Nuts And Bolts” of opportunity marketing concepts. We had all kinds of marketers there. From the few “players” in the business opportunity niche to people in ALL KINDS of industries: insurance agents, Realtors, life coaches…you name it. Just ONE of the opportunity concepts you’ll discover in this course derived from that once-in-a-blue-moon seminar could lead to a HUGE profit windfall for your business (more on that later) when you discover: Opportunity Concepts Marketing How To Use Opportunity Selling Concepts  To Attract More Committed Customers And Clients  To Your Business Or Practice…Opportunity Concepts Marketing is a 10 DVD, 20 CD course that contains more than 12 hours of the core training—directly from the days of sessions from the original closed-door, $5000-per-head event in Cleveland, OH.To be clear, this is NOT training about marketing actual businesses or moneymaking opportunities. I showed MANY examples from the opportunity market—and someone who is in this market will benefit from it greatly–but this is much broader than that.This is about marketing just about ANYTHING—but certainly information products, courses, seminars, coaching programs, and business services by transforming them so they can be presented with “opportunity” concepts and language.You see, my knowledge of opportunity concepts are unrivaled, and I have 40 years under my belt when it comes to these advanced and sophisticated strategies.And, mind you, this also isn’t a “business in a box” or a course on copywriting—or how to write your message in an irresistible fashion.The MECHANICS of creating irresistible messages…such as how to write headlines and writing awesome closes…is not covered here.But the CONCEPTS and strategies about opportunity marketing can easily be “cut and pasted” into your own business. That’s right, the same strategies, procedures, and approaches I reveal can be applied to sell ANYTHING better—no matter the niche, product, or service!20 CDs, 10 DVDs, Transcripts And Exhibits Are Waiting For You To Consume  And Implement So You Can Get An “Unfair Advantage” Over Your Competition!Now I want to make it clear: Opportunity Concepts Marketing isn’t like grade school where you have to complete grades 1-12 in order to feel like you’ve accomplished something.Just 1 or 2 of the opportunity concepts could be a HUGE game changer to you. Chances are, when your big box containing your Opportunity Concepts Marketing course hits your doorstep, you’ll immediately find a tip or 2 or that’ll allow you to:Tweak your product that to reveal in a massive increase in conversions…Improve your reach in the marketplace allowing you to get more customers……or start a whole new business that makes more money than the first!In other words, I discourage you to try to implement every tip, tactic, and strategy you’ll discover in this 20 hours of training to feel like you’re “getting somewhere.”That’s like drinking from a fire hose…and it will leave you pretty DARN frustrated and confused.You see, I go through many examples and exhibits of opportunity marketing over the span of these 10 DVDs. And one or 2 of them can be immediately applicable to your business—and lead to an immediate return on your investment in this course.In fact, that’s EXACTLY what I recommend. When the whole course arrives at your doorstep and you go through the CDs, DVDs transcripts, and exhibits, just focus on implementing 1 or 2 HUGE opportunity concepts you discover in this training….…Instead of being overwhelmed and not doing anything at all—and allowing a competitor to eat your lunch!That’s just how DARN powerful these concepts are. And if you’re just thinking about starting a business, this will give you a “head start” over other marketers (including your competitors)!Here’s Just SOME Of The Advanced And Sophisticated Strategies That Could Blow Your Business Wide Open!6 ways you can reframe, retool, redo ANY offer in order to make your product/service more appealing to the masses (You’ll be able to almost double or TRIPLE your reach in a very short amount of time!)3 stories you can tell in your pitch to immediately make your pitch more exciting. People LOVE stories…and a good story your prospects can relate to will REALLY “cut through the junk” that your prospect is going through right now.What most people REALLY think about their business (HINT: it’s NOT a labor of love or a passion…yet most marketers approach them as if they were enthusiastic about what they do for a living. Big mistake!)The one BIG Difference between “needs” and “wants”. I’ve seen so many clients and student really MUCK this up…and it results in a substandard pitch that’s easily thrown in the trash can or ignored!The “worker mentality” you have to overcome in your sales message. It’s in 95% of your prospects (depending on your market) and it’s the one DAMN BIG reason why you’re getting a piddly response to your sales messages.An expose’ of what people are REALLY going through in their lives…and why hardly anyone is as ambitious as you think (This is something I have to correct in my private clients’ heads when I start working with them).The 13 negative influences that affect what most of your prospects believe right at this moment (Understanding this is CRITICAL if you want to create a sale message that “hits home”).7 things that are going on in your prospect’s lives that are making them immune to your sales pitches. This has come to light in the face of the Great Recession that took everyone by storm—and is causing everyone to be more skeptical than ever.The 11 things you have to make your customer believe if you’re going to make a sale. Opportunity marketers do this ALL the time, and these 11 “beliefs” are critical if you are going to “mass-market” your product or service.What people REALLY think of you and other successful businessman (This is something you REALLY have to get over when you create your sales presentation—and I’ll show you different ways you can diffuse this in your marketing).The 6 different types of beliefs most prospects have—and how they tend to stifle a sales pitch. (This stems from upbringing, religion, society, and a myriad of factors—and knowing these are CRITICAL to getting to know your customer better!)The #1 thing I focus on in the “GKIC No B.S. Newsletter” most people will NEVER know. (Nope, it’s not dispensing “killer” marketing strategies—and it’s something you should be implementing in your marketing communications as well).The #1 state you need to get your prospect in if you want to sell them. Business opportunity pitches are excellent at this…and you’ll be able to implement the same strategies into your own pitch. (HINT: it’s the state of “suspension of skepticism” you MUST get your prospects in!)2 types of stories opportunity marketers use all the time to put their prospects in a state of “suspension of skepticism” (Even most of my clients don’t know this!)2 things you can do to overcome the objection of “the time is not right!” This will enable your prospect to take action NOW—because if they don’t, they’ll never buy.How opportunity marketers establish immediate trust with their prospects (Hardly anyone does this outside of the business opportunity niche…but you’ll have a HUGE advantage in your marketplace because people only like to buy from whom they trust!)One famous ad that displays ALL the classic elements of a business opportunity pitch (this is something you’ll want to swipe and deploy for your OWN business!)One rather strange way you can use your location as a selling advantage in your market by boosting trust in your prospect. (If you live in a small town, then this is for YOU!)The secret of disarming copy—and how it shows that you’re not a threat to your prospect so they can trust you (The great opportunity marketer Ben Suarez did this ALL the time in his classic pitches—and how you can use it too. I’ll even show you examples!)The answer to the everlasting objection when it comes to selling opportunity products—or anything that promises great wealth: “If this was so great, then why are you selling it and not keeping it for yourself?” (Most copywriters REALLY screw this up!)The secret of the “Blackie” story and how it can be applied to any sales pitch (this is a rather advanced lesson you can implement into your copy right now!)How to add more “reason why” in your sales presentations. Most businesspeople do not include this AT ALL in their sales pitches—and it’s one of the hallmarks of a good business opportunity message (HINT: You simply do NOT want to have your prospect “automatically assume” why your product or service is good for them—you have to TELL them!)The “Irresistible Impulse” hook and how it could multiply your sales when used. This will wake your prospect up—no matter what doldrums they might be in at that moment.How to relay to people that you’re not an “arrogant asshole” in your sales message. Most of your prospects will think this of you if you hold some kind of a “Guru” status in your market—and this small trick will allow people who believe this about you to trust you more—so they can give you money!How to use ANALOGIES in your message to make people believe what you want them to (This is an extremely POWERFUL concept you can be using right now in your sales materials!)The #1 secret to “backtracking” your prospect to when they had their original dream of success and fortune in their business. This is the secret to “snapping them out” of the FUNK they’re in so they’ll be more receptive to your sales message.The secret of personal story—and why you should ALWAYS tell yours as many time as possible. I give you the 3 critical elements of a personal story you can start using right away.…And A Whole LOT More!Now I’m probably going to sound like a broken record before this is over with, but I’m going to stress that:If Your Business Involves Trading A Product/Service For Money, Then Opportunity  Concepts Marketing Is Perfect For You!And last I checked, this goes for ALL businesses!Sure the easiest thing you can do to utilize these strategies is to implement them in an info-marketing business. As that’s what most products in the business opportunity field consist of.But don’t be the one that dismisses what I teach in Opportunity Concepts Marketing just because it isn’t in your specific market. ALL these concepts can be applied to your business or practice.For example:…If you’re a dentist, you can “vamp up” your promotions when promoting yourself to boost your patient count. The different stories and concepts I share in Opportunity Concepts Marketing will shed a new light on new ways you can better enter the conversation that’s going on RIGHT NOW in your customer’s minds.…If you’re a chiropractor, you can create better promotions that better speak to how you can help your patients. You’ll be able to attract new patients, and thus be able to raise your fees since you’re increasing your demand. Plus a lot of people are a little “skeptical” about chiropractors anyway, so you can borrow techniques I share in Opportunity Concepts Marketing to create promotions that penetrate the doubts, false beliefs, and fears in your target market!…If you’re an information marketer, you’ll be presented with a myriad of examples that’ll allow you to repackage your current offering, create a new offering that is more “mass market”, and all kinds of ways you can easily add more “Zeros” to the end of your bank account statement.…If you sell insurance, you can use the tips in Opportunity Concepts Marketing to create messages that resonate with your target audience and make them aware they need insurance. Many marketers who sell insurance do not do a great job of intensifying the PAIN of “not” having insurance. That’s why every single ad you see on television about insurance shows an accident…and it’s aftermath. You’ll be able to tell stories that amplify this pain—and motivates them to get insurance so they’re “safe”. This is especially important for this market…as you’re basically selling “prevention”…which is always a hard sell.…If you’re a financial planner you’ll be able to further empathize with the situation your prospects are in…if they’ve been affected by the economy…and show them a bright future if they have a solid financial plan. You can paint “word pictures” of what it’s like to retire securely knowing you have plenty of money in the bank. Thanks to the different stories you’ll discover in Opportunity Concepts Marketing, you’ll be able to build desire for getting a financial plan—and hire you!…If you’re a fitness instructor you can relay stories of your former clients who went through a difficult time when they weren’t fit…and how their lives improved when you started training them. You can also create marketing messages that REALLY describe how they are feeling at that moment so it appears that you really “get” them. Very few fitness instructors actually sell their services in this manner…and Opportunity Concepts Marketing will give you a leg up on your competition!…if you’re a lawyer you can create sales messages that attract more clientele based on your specialty. For example, if you’re a divorce lawyer, you can use the tactics in Opportunity Concepts Marketing to 1) emphasize that you know what they’re going through during this difficult time so they’ll trust and “bond” with you and 2) that you’re there to help them…and they shouldn’t be intimidated. Absolutely NO lawyer in your area…unless they’re familiar with GKIC marketing…is doing this!…If you run a restaurant, you can use the selling techniques in Opportunity Concepts Marketing to build desire to come to your restaurant. You can paint “word pictures” in your prospect’s head…and tell them they can forget their everyday problems by coming to your restaurant. In other words, you could become a “problem solver” and a “pain remover” instead of just another person that serves food.…If you’re a real estate agent, you can attract more clients to you by repositioning yourself and your services. You’ll discover how to use stories that’ll have clients sticking to you like superglue so they don’t ever want to work with an agent besides you…ever! You can charge them more for the privilege and they will thank you for it.I share with you these example to not only give you ideas for your own marketing, but to show you that the tips and tactics you’ll discover in Opportunity Concepts Marketing transcends ANY business…not just the narrow “get rich, make money” niche.Point blank: it’ll make you sell ANYTHING better than you’re doing right now!So, How Much Is It Worth To YOU To Potentially  Double Or Even TRIPLE Your Response And  Client/Customer/Patient Acquisition?Listen: just ONE tip, strategy, technique, that you learn from Opportunity Concepts Marketing could create a huge “A-Ha” moment for you.When you’re literally able to close the gap between where prospects are mentally—and where YOU are when you come to them, you’ll experience greater sales and your business will become bullet-proof.Things will just seem a little easier. And ensuing wealth and prosperity will follow.And you’ll no longer wake up and “guestimate” where you’re going to get your next client or customer 6…12…18 months from now.That’s what many GKIC members experience on a daily basis. And I guarantee you’re probably not using the advanced concepts I teach in Opportunity Concepts Marketing…For example, just one small “tweak” of your sales story could lead to a HUGE boost in conversions. Or just one small change to your sales process could lead to QUANTUM leaps in your sales.If I haven’t hammered this home yet, then I’m going to do it right now: Selling opportunity is probably one of the most “cutthroat” markets out there—and the do things just a TAD differently than you are probably doing right now.Nobody else out there is teaching this. And, while the usual “needle in a haystack” approach to marketing is probably enough to make you a good living…you can easily start selling more immediately, and explode your reach by implementing what I teach in Opportunity Concepts Marketing.And that’s why I decided to reveal these secrets to a small group of my most loyal members at a closed-door event in Cleveland in March, 2011. And I had them pay $5000 to spend 3 days with me as I spilled all 40 years of my marketing knowledge onto them.You see, the great copywriter Gary Bencivenga once held the “Bencivenga 100” … where he charged $5000 to only 100 people to hear him reveal his innermost copywriting s