Online Trading Academy – Core Strategy Program With XLT


WHAT YOU WILL LEARNOur proprietary Core Strategy course + Extended Learning Track (XLT) provides students with our keystone education along with the first of our ELT experiences. You’ll get  access to the Core Strategy course, designed to teach you how to trade and invest with a similar approach to banks and institutions through skill-building lessons and interactive live-market trading. We’ll teach you how to apply Core Strategy to potentially find quality trading and investing opportunities for both the short and long term, and how it can be used across multiple asset classes. Program includes on location, online and on demand class options to provide you with flexible learning opportunities.In addition to the course, you’ll have access to Extended Learning Track (XLT) sessions weekly in our online, virtual classroom environment.Our proprietary, step-by-step rules-based strategy to find trading opportunities with specific targets and a predefined risk management planHow to identify supply and demand areas on a price chart where big banks and institutions may be buying and sellingHow to develop a trade plan to build and analyze trades with CliK, our one-of-a-kind education, analysis, and trading toolHow to minimize risk with every tradeWeekly live trading and analysis for both short-term and long-term income along with repeating 12-week learning reinforcement sessions covering various topicsLEARNING OBJECTIVESLIFETIME CLASSESWEEKLY XLTsCLiK TRADING LABSTo clearly understand the logic behind Core Strategy and be able to confidently identify profit potential for each trading opportunity.To be able to properly apply OTA’s rule-based strategy in live, online virtual classroom environments to potentially find quality trading and investing opportunities for both the short and long term, which is applicable to multiple asset classes.THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU IF…You have little or some previous experience in trading but are serious and committed to learning and developing the skills to trade confidently in the markets.You’re already trading and investing in the markets and want to further develop your skills and confidence through strategies designed to help you identify short-term and long-term opportunities with a foundation of proper risk management.Related