Online Courses Academy – Megan Harrison


Using the exact same system my company has used to help generate over $4 million this year for entrepreneurs through their online courses and programs. It’s a proven formula to save yourself from wasting months… or even years… of time, money and frustration trying to figure out everything on your own.Purchase Online Courses Academy – Megan Harrison courses at here with PRICE $1997 $170If you’re finally ready to take your business and life up a few levels (where the earning potential is unlimited and you’re no longer living your life sitting behind a computer) … Then it’s time to do what it takes to make it a reality.ONLINE COURSES ACADEMY IS A COMPLETE step-by-stepTRAINING PROGRAM THAT TEACHES YOU HOW TO TURN YOUR STRENGTHS INTO A HIGHLY PROFITABLE online course.Using the exact same system my company has used to help generate over $4 million this year for entrepreneurs through their online courses and programs. It’s a proven formula to save yourself from wasting months… or even years… of time, money and frustration trying to figure out everything on your own.AFTER YEARS OF WORKING WITH ENTREPRENEURS TO TURN WHAT THEY KNOW INTO AN ONLINE COURSE AND A TON OF TESTING AND REFINING, I’VE GOT THIS DOWN TO A SCIENCE.It’s no secret that creating an online course is one of the fastest ways to scale your business, become known as an expert and serve way more people than you could ever do when your business model is limited by how many hours you have in a day.Not to mention the time and freedom that comes along with it.But because the benefits are so attractive, the online course space has become hyper-competitive over the last few years.More and more people everyday are trying to get their piece of the $107 billion online learning industry and it’s not slowing down.But the truth is, more course creators are failing now then ever before.I’m going to tell you the honest, hard-to-hear truth that most people don’t want to talk about…The game has changed. Customers expect more and the industry has become very crowded and very saturated.Ad costs are continuously rising and the market is experiencing “course fatigue” due to the never-ending stream of launches hitting their inbox and newsfeed on a daily basis.But don’t lose hope yet…THERE IS STILL A TON OF MONEY TO BE MADE SELLING ONLINE COURSES ACROSS VIRTUALLY EVERY INDUSTRY AND NICHE – BUT ONLY IF YOU AVOID THESE THREE MAJOR MISTAKES…Mistake #1HAVING AN INCOMPLETE SYSTEMBecause my entire company revolves around online course creation, I’ve spent a tremendous amount of time studying what makes the best the best so I can model, experiment and improve upon these strategies for my private clients.And what I’ve found is that while most course creators are struggling to make a few sales, there are many entrepreneurs across practically every industry bringing in 5, 6 and 7 figures EVERY time they launch and will continue to do so because they’ve created their course in a way that most (that fail) do not.These course creators are among the top 1% and the rewards are massive. So what allows them to run circles around everyone else?They have a complete strategy and excel in each of the core 6 elements of an online course. And in doing so…Competition becomes irrelevant…The demand for your course skyrockets…People are happy to pay premium prices…You position yourself as an authority within the industry…Instead of wondering and hoping that all the work, time and money you’ve invested will pay off, you already KNOW it will.This type of certainty is power.But missing just one of these elements significantly decreases the likelihood that you’re going to see the results you want.And while each element is vital, the most important (and most often done incorrectly) is the way your course is structured.Mistake #2STRUCTURING YOUR COURSE THE WRONG WAYSee, people are more than happy to pay whatever price you set if you can expedite the process of getting them from where they are, to where they want to be with less headache and stress than they could on their own.And since time is money, people are willing to pay for speed.So the ones who win in this game are the ones who are able to produce results for their customers. However, results don’t happen just by learning something.Can you think of a time when you knew what you needed to do to reach a result but yet you still didn’t do it? Getting in shape is an easy example we can all relate to because you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out what needs to be done…Eat well, exercise more, sleep better and drink a ton of water.And yet the majority of the population isn’t anywhere near their fitness goals.It’s about baking in the must-have elements that turn your course from “just another info product”……to a successful, profitable flagship course. Not only does your course need to be structured in a specific way that produces results,But it also must incorporate key ingredients that leverage basic human psychology to motivate your customers to take action, retain what they learn and engage.Because the only way your customers even have the chance of reaching the outcome your course is promising to deliver, is if they implement what you teach. Therefore, your course should be designed around actions rather than information.The more you can get your customers to take action, the better their results will be, better results means higher demand for your course, and the increase in demand increases the value which allows you to increase the price.SO IF YOU’VE EVER WONDERED…“Is my content good enough?”The answer really comes down to thee two things…Does your course promise a specific result?What have you done to ensure your customers take action and implement what you teach?Obviously, you can’t force someone to do something but with what I’ll teach you in Online Courses Academy, your user engagement and completion rate will be better than 90% of other courses out there (instructional design is one of my specialities).And this is the first domino that set’s off a chain reaction of positive outcomes.See, action leads to results and results encourage your customers to take more action. This consistent implementation leads to the achievement of the goal your course promised.So your customers become your own little marketing army, spreading the word about what they were able to achieve after taking your program. And not only does the demand for your program begin to multiply, your loyal customers are also ready and waiting to buy whatever you have to offer next.AND THIS IS WHEN THE CUSTOMER LIFETIME VALUE MAKES A BIG IMPACT ON YOUR BOTTOM LINE.Just imagine how it will feel to hear raving testimonials from your customers about how because of you, they were able to make a significant change in their life.Imagine being recognized for your unique skills and the impact you’ve been able to make. Imagine being able to work completely in your zone of genius instead of taking on projects or clients you don’t want just because you need to pay the bills.Imagine what type of effect this can have on your business, your life, and your relationships.This is the mission behind Online Courses Academy – to be the first domino that leads to a richer, happier, more free version of you.I’M SO PASSIONATE ABOUT THIS BECAUSEI’ve seen the results and I know it works.FOR YEARS I’VE BEEN HELPING ENTREPRENEURS JUST LIKE YOU, TURN WHAT THEY KNOW INTO A VALUABLE BUSINESS ASSET THAT BRINGS IN MONEY NOW AND WILL FOR YEARS TO COME.WHEN I TOOK A DEEPER LOOK AT WHAT SEPARATED THE SUCCESSES FROM FAILURES, I REALIZED THERE WERE REALLY five levels OF ONLINE COURSES.By structuring content in a specific way and incorporating key elements within the program a course was transformed from a good to outstanding.I USED THESE FINDINGS TO DEVELOP THEResult Centered Training FormulaA framework that simplifies the process of getting everything out of your head and into a structure that delivers results. It’s a system that prevents course creators from making the most common profit-killing mistakes.I’VE USED THIS FRAMEWORK TO HELP HUNDREDS OF ENTREPRENEURS ACROSS A VERY WIDE RANGE OF INDUSTRIES LEVERAGE THEIR EXPERTISE. HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF OUR PRIVATE CLIENTS…As you can see, there isn’t just one type of industry where online courses are successful.IN FACT, I HAVE YET TO FIND A BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY THAT AN ONLINE COURSE WOULDN’T WORK.As long as there’s a market with a problem you can solve, and you have the right framework and strategy to follow, it will work for you as well. The only thing left to do now is build it.But there is that minor obstacle you have to overcome – TECHNOLOGY.Which leads me to our last most common mistake…Mistake #3USING THE WRONG MEMBERSHIP PLATFORMYour membership site is the central hub of your course and brings everything to life. Therefore it should be built on a reliable platform that supports your business needs now and in the future. On top of that, the way it’s designed plays a big role in the perceived value.So love it or hate it – looks do matter.All too often I see entrepreneurs agonize over which systems to use, and end up opting for what they think is the “easier” option. Only to find out that “easy”really isn’t that easy when the systems don’t support your needs.So the much better and long term solution is to build your course on WordPress.HERE’S 5 REASONS WHY…1. CONTROLCUSTOMIZATIONINTEGRATIONSAVOID FEESMEMBERSHIP SITE CAPABILITYSETTING YOURSELF UP FORSuccessAfter extensive market research, it was loud and clear that entrepreneurs were pleading for an all-inclusive solution for creating an online course.And while there are other courses out there that teach you how to create a course the biggest complaint I’ve heard over and over was that the program just skimmed over the actual tech setup (which obviously is a very important piece).So even after completing the course, they were still left in a tech nightmare.At first I was so confused why all these courses on how to create a course just seemed to bypass the very thing that makes the course actually come together??? But after a little more digging, it made a lot more sense.See, technology and software change constantly. New features are released, layout and designs change regularly, and all of a sudden that step-by-step video lesson that was made showing how to do something is completely outdated.SO WHAT DOES THAT MEAN FOR THE COURSE CREATOR?Well, it means they have to recreate the content again and again.So it’s no wonder the tech is barely covered in these other programs. It’s just not worth their time.Luckily for me, (and you) I have to recreate this training regardless because my agency designs courses day in and day out. Therefore, in order to onboard and train new employees, my tutorials can never be out of date.Because of this, I’m able to go where others won’t…About MeganMy mission is simple… to help entrepreneurs become a richer, happier, sexier version of themselves by giving them the strategy and tools to build a better business model.I truly believe that our level of success directly correlates to the amount of time we’re able to spend in our zone of genius. When your work is synonymous to your play, your productivity is at an all time high, your level of happiness skyrockets, and profits naturally follow suit.Hustling will only get you so far. Instead, if you really want to take your business to the next level, you need to build in leverage.This is why I’m so passionate about online courses. They’ve created an unprecedented opportunity to obtain financial freedom doing what you love and helping others change their lives for the better.I’ve been fortunate enough to help hundreds of entrepreneurs productize their expertise through my digital agency, online training courses, and live workshops and I’d love to help you as well.LET’S BUILD ONE OF YOUR MOST VALUABLE BUSINESS ASSETSINTRODUCINGOnline Courses AcademyA systematic approach to creating flagship online courses so you can finally take action.I’d be honored to be your coach throughout this course creation journey where we’ll work together to structure your course in a way that delivers results, create your content in a fraction of the time, breeze through the technology, and develop a launch strategy that brings in a flood of sales.ONLINE COURSES ACADEMY IS BROKEN DOWN INTO THE THREE PHASES OF THE COURSE CREATION PROCESS.PHASE 01CONTENT CREATIONPHASE 02TECHNOLOGYPHASE 03LAUNCH STRATEGYPHASE ONECONTENT CREATIONThe first phase of the course creation process is extracting all those years of wisdom and expertise and transforming it into a high quality course. When you get this right and do this properly, you’re course will stand out from all the competition and deliver significant results to your customers.Even if you’ve already created your course content the strategies and frameworks you’ll learn throughout this program will allow you to take your course to the next level… from good to outstanding.The three core sections that will be covered in this phase are listed below.Click on each section topic to see everything we’ll cover.PHASE TWOTECHNOLOGYWhere the magic happens! In this phase you’re able to bring your course to life and create a product to share with the world through your membership site. Throughout this phase we’ll eliminate the technology nightmares and make it cave-man simple. Seriously… it’s step by step all the way through.We’ll cover how to create your course using LearnDash and Memberium (for Infusionsoft users) or Memberpress (for non-Infusionsoft users). The sections include:Setting Up WordPressCreating your course with LearnDash and how to set up engaging modules and quizzesIntegrating Payments – How to establish the payment gateway to transfer sales into your bank account.Connecting your email automation with your course, whether you’re starting from scratch or integrating the system you use now.Customizing your done-for-you page templates – You’ll receive 8 professionally designed page templates for your course that can be customized with a few clicks.How to set up drip content for your course if you want modules to be released one week at a time.And so much more! Plus join me for weekly office hours and we can do it together – (nothing could be easier than that!)PHASE THREEMARKETING & LAUNCH STRATEGYNow for the ROI. In this phase we’ll focus on ensuring you see the rewards from all your efforts.By the time you work through the sections within this phase you’ll have a clear rock-solid game-plan for building your audience and moving them through the buyers journey in a specific way that maximizes customer lifetime value.The core sections within this phase include:Building a rockstar affiliate programCore Sales Funnel CampaignsProduct Suite and Offer StrategyLaunch StrategyHow it WorksAs soon as you receive access all modules included in the program you purchased will be available to you. The course videos, worksheets and resources are all provided in a private members area.There are three program options that are structured around the three phases of the course creation process. The best option for you depends on where you are in the course creation process.Online Courses Academy Complete (Best Value)This program is best for people who want full access to each phase and all additional bonuses.Phase 1: Course Master PlanThis option is best for those who are just starting out with the course creation process and want to take things one step at a time.It is also may be best for those who do not need the technology or launch phases but would like to take their course to the next level by improving the structure and producing higher quality, engaging content.Phase 2: Course Creation BlitzFor those who are very confident with their course content and structure and are ready to create their membership site!Each module contains several video lessons, worksheets and assignments. Every video lesson also contains a checklist with the exact action steps you should take after completing that lesson. Simply click on the button and mark off what you’ve completed so you always know exactly what you need to do next.This type of clarity is power!The entire site displays perfectly on any screen size so you can participate from your desktop, tablet, or phone.We’ve also incorporated points and badges to encourage some friendly competition and keep you motivated and on track!I’M HERE TO SUPPORT YOU ALONG THE ENTIRE JOURNEYSometimes concepts need to be talked through… or are better transferred through live communication. That’s why I’m including live office hour sessions so you never feel stuck or alone throughout this process.Plus you’ll receive access to the private Facebook community where, you’ll not only receive support from me, but also from a community of entrepreneurs who are all working towards the same goal.With a few clicks of a of a mouse you’ll be able to unlock all the guidance you could ever want.Tag: Online Courses Academy – Megan Harrison Review. Online Courses Academy – Megan Harrison download. Online Courses Academy – Megan Harrisondiscount.Purchase Online Courses Academy – Megan Harrison courses at here with PRICE $1997 $170