Once-in-37-year Conjunction of Pluto-Saturn, the 2 Most Feared Planets in the Solar System: During the Peak Time


Originally Recorded: Sunday, January 12, 2020 at 12:00 noon (Eastern US Time)Once-in-37-year Conjunction of Pluto-Saturn, the 2 Most Feared Planets in the Solar System: During the Peak Time, Clear 700 Categories of Karma, Reveal 600 Forms of Blessings through 20 Generations, Specifically For Releasing Prolonged Hardship and SufferingTHE FIRST-EVER GROUP CLEARING I HAVE DONE INVOLVING PLUTO This coming Sunday, Saturn and Pluto will be exactly conjunct for the first time since 1982. I have decided to take this opportunity to offer my first-ever Pluto karma clearing.These are the most feared planets in astrology, because they tend to bring out the deepest issues that are limiting our lives, but that we may be resistant to looking at — both personally and collectively.If you want to heal your own life of these kinds of issues, and simultaneously participate energetically in the social, political, and global awakening that is in its birthing stages, Sunday’s clearing is essential inner work.The themes of Sunday’s clearing will be about resolving and clearing the underlying karma causing:hardship and restrictionprolonged sufferingstubborn resistance to change, but need for itdepression and self-destructive habitsstressful periods of lifeinevitable transformations needing to happen only after periods of considerable difficultyfeeling “caught between a rock and a hard place”needing to give something up that is particular difficult — like a non-aligned relationship or a soul-sucking jobmounting pressure from internal and external sourcesthis cycle forces one to make difficult changes in your life that have outlived their usefulnessGet Once-in-37-year Conjunction of Pluto-Saturn, the 2 Most Feared Planets in the Solar System: During the Peak Time – Michael Davis Golzmane, Only Price $27Saturn is the god of time, structure, and karma.  And Pluto is the enactor of karma. Pluto is the archetype of constrained and slow explosion.  When Pluto comes on the scene, anything false and superficial is more likely to collapse.When these planets align — and this only happens about ever 35 years — major personal, political, and social changes are brought forth.By participating in this clearing, you will be joining all other participants in helping to effect positive change on the planet.  The outer planets especially represent global problems and challenges.  When you participate in this clearing, you are helping to anchor Divine Grace to help your own personal life and the lives of all on this planet.In fact, as we do this clearing together on Sunday, we are also going to “send out” the energy of this work into countries, political structures, social groups, individuals, and institutions that are struggling to release old, entrenched ways of being, so that together we can help create a world that works for everyone.We want to take full advantage of this precise astrological alignment, so that we can allow it to resolve all the karma that is ready to be resolved within us, and so that we can step into a greater alignment and fulfillment of our unique path moving forward.During this clearing, I will be invoking your soul from this and from past lives, and also working with 20 generations of your ancestors.  We will use karma-clearing technologies to clear over 700 categories of bad karma, and reveal 600+ forms of blessings, all directed to help you and your ancestors release the karma causing prolonged hardship and suffering in any area of life.This peak time will not occur again until 2053, so I am offering this clearing at this exact time so that we can take full advantage of this energy.Because the outer planets are so involved with global issues, I am reminded that by you participating in this clearing, you will be spiritually participating in social change, helping to anchor the energy of the “new”, while we hospice the worn-out structures of our countries and planet.Some of the methods I will be using in to help clear your Pluto-Saturn karma include:clearing and resolving 108 unrevealed spiritual mantras of Plutoactivating and resolving karmic blocks to the 108 revealed ancient mantras of Saturnapplying over 700 activations and forms of karma clearing with the star energy “Uttara Ashada” that is activated in Pluto, Saturn, Sun, and Mercury during this exact time, to help reveal the quality of “complete victory” in your life, empowering you to use your power with strength, determination, and for the collective goodactivate and perform karma clearing with 28 Divine Powers, gods, and goddesses that overlight and control the “complete victory” energy of Uttara Ashadaclearing and resolution of over 2000 forms of Pluto-Saturn related karma, as we work with the spiritual energies of the Yama Dharmaraja Temple in South Indiahealing at least 35 forms of Pluto-Saturn karma clearing performed energetically and spiritually while activating at Yama Dharmaraj temple in Northern India3 energetic karma clearings of Saturn-Pluto karma while bilocated at Sri Yamadharmaraja Temple in South Indiahealing and resolving within your consciousness 17 important “Pluto yogas” happening at this exact moment, to help your relationship to this new energy become much more benevolentresolving 20 additional planetary “yogas” happening due to 6 planets all being in the Vedic sign of Sagittarius right at this momentclearing for the complete karmic liberation of as many of your ancestors as possible, and the full resolution of as many of your personal past lives as possibleJoin me for this once-in-a-generation clearing!Get Once-in-37-year Conjunction of Pluto-Saturn, the 2 Most Feared Planets in the Solar System: During the Peak Time – Michael Davis Golzmane, Only Price $27Tag: Once-in-37-year Conjunction of Pluto-Saturn, the 2 Most Feared Planets in the Solar System: During the Peak Time – Michael Davis Golzmane Review. Once-in-37-year Conjunction of Pluto-Saturn, the 2 Most Feared Planets in the Solar System: During the Peak Time – Michael Davis Golzmane download. Once-in-37-year Conjunction of Pluto-Saturn, the 2 Most Feared Planets in the Solar System: During the Peak Time – Michael Davis Golzmane discount.