Omega Body Blueprint – John Romaniello


Purchase Omega Body Blueprint – John Romaniello courses at here with PRICE $ $TTENTION MEN AND WOMENIf you’ve ever wondered why the last few pounds are the hardest to lose……why no matter how hard you try or what diet you follow, stubborn fat is always hanging around your love handles, hips, thighs?…why it’s harder to lose the last FIVE pounds than the first FIFTY?…and why you can’t seem to get your IDEAL body, when it’s just a few pounds away?From New York Times Bestselling Fitness Author John Romaniello, comes your chance to…DISCOVER THE INCREDIBLE 4-METHOD FAT BURNING BLUEPRINTSpecifically Designed To Remove Those Last Few Stubborn Pounds, Destroy Fat On Your Trouble Spots, and Build Lean, Dense Muscle In Just Six Short Weeks…From the Desk of John RomanielloNYT Bestselling Author & Fitness ExpertOkay, so I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news.The good news is that I know you. We’ve never met, but I bet I know a lot about you.I know that you’re probably in decent shape. That you’ve been around the gym a while, and know how to exercise; that you’re not really some newbie who doesn’t know a dumbbell from a doorknob.I also know that despite that experience, you’re still struggling. That despite the fact you might be in “good” shape, you can’t seem to get into GREAT shape.I know that no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to lose that last bit of stubborn weight, those few pounds of fat that are keeping you from getting your ideal body; what I call your OMEGA body.And I know that you—and thousands of others just like you—are frustrated beyond reason that no matter how hard you try, no matter what diet you use or how often you exercise……you just can’t seem to lose those last 5-10 pounds.Yeah. That’s the GOOD news.The BAD news is that most people in your situation will NEVER lose those pounds. Most people will NEVER go from good to great. Most people will struggle for YEARS to lose the last bit of fat, until they finally give up.Simply put, the bad news is that the vast majority of people will never achieve their OMEGA body; they’re never get to see the “final” version of their physique, fully developed and without the extra flab.And I’m going to tell you how YOU can be in the minority. How YOU can be in the 1%. How YOU can lose those stubborn pounds and unveil that Omega body.But first…HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHY IT’S SO HARD TO LOSE THOSE POUNDS? WHY IT’S EASIER TO LOSE THE FIRST FIFTY THAN THE LAST 5?If you’re like me, I bet you have. And, chances are, you’ve looked everywhere for an answer.You’ve spent the money on all the magazines, scoured every article on the Internet…but you’re more confused by all the conflicting advice.So-called “experts”—everyone from bodybuilders to overweight personal trainers to your one friend who lost 30 pounds so automatically knows what they’re talking about—tell you it’s actually easy……that all it comes down to is energy balance – simple – and that you just need to “move more” and “eat less.”Well, they’re wrong. It’s not easy. Sure, energy balance is a real factor…but the idea that you can just move more and eat less to get into killer shape has a FATAL flaw (which I’ll cover in detail below).Then there are the Celebrity Doctors promoting juice cleanses, specialty berries, and skin creams. You know…those “miracle” supplements that are supposed to suppress your appetite, rev up your metabolism, and eliminate fat……while you sit on the couch and tune in so the Doc can pitch you on something else.Obviously, those are BS. But, if you feel like there’s just 5-10 pounds separating you from your dream body…well, who can blame you for rolling the dice on something that maybe—just maybe—can have 0.0035% impact?I get it. Like I said, I know you.AND I KNOW YOU FEEL LIKE YOU’VE TRIED EVERYTHING FROM OVER-HYPED SUPPLEMENTS TO MEATHEAD TRAINERS…but instead of losing the final 10 pounds you lose $$$ from your wallet. Wanna know the scary thing? The scary thing is that you’re probably doing most things right.You watch what you eat, you workout hard 3-4 times a week, and you’re taking all the right supplements.Why is that the “scary” thing? Because even though you’re doing all the things you’re SUPPOSED TO, the love handles are still there, your pants are still tight, and you’re still UNCOMFORTABLE taking your shirt off.Have you ever just looked in the mirror and wondered what MORE should you be doing?I know I have. And I can tell you from experience, it’s a really awful feeling. And it’s not one I wish on anyone.Truly, I don’t want you to feel stuck. I don’t want you to hate your body or feel ashamed because of the way you look.TODAY, I’LL PUT AN END TO THAT BULLSHIT AND SOLVE YOUR MOST DAMNING PROBLEMS.I’M GOING TO LAYOUT THE TOP 3 REASONS PEOPLE CAN’T LOSE THE LAST BIT OF FAT……AND SHOW YOU EXACTLY HOW TO FIX THEMOn this very page, I’m going to reveal to you the keys to eliminating the last bit of “pudge.” I’m going to give you all the reasons you haven’t been able to do it.And in doing so, I’ll explain why the constant struggle to get your body in a fat burning mode is actually shutting down your metabolism and sabotaging your progress.But before I do……perhaps you’re wondering: who the hell is this guy, and why should I listen to him?You’re absolutely right; that’s a great question—and I apologize for not introducing myself sooner. Let’s get that part out of that way.I’m John Romaniello, but everyone calls me Roman. I’m a fitness expert and New York Times bestselling author. I’ve been in the fitness industry for about 13 years, and written hundreds of articles about fat loss, nutrition, muscle building, and how to lose the last few pounds. I’ve been on TV talking about those same things.I also serve on the advisory board for dozens of the largest fitness companies in the world—in fact, I’m even the Head of the Fitness Advisory Board for some guy named Arnold Schwarzenegger…who also wrote the foreword for my bestseller.Chances are, if you’ve picked up a fitness magazine in the past decade or so, you’ve probably seen me or read something I’ve written.Now, I’m not telling you any of this to impress you; I’m just trying to impress upon you that I know a thing or two about this fitness stuff.But if you’re trying to decide if you can trust me, ignore all of that. Forget the books and the magazines and TV stuff. The only thing you need to know is that my goal is to help people lose those last few pounds……and that I’ve helped thousands of people do just that. And I can help you, too.As a coach and a trainer, I’ve done it all. I’ve worked with professional athletes, actors, record producers, famous DJs…But mainly I’ve worked with a ton of “regular” people just like you, and helped all of them hit their goal, no matter what those were.From packing 20 pounds of muscle onto a skinny vegetarian, to getting a life long couch potato to lose over 83 pounds in just 5 months, to creating the Number ONE program for helping people lose the last few pounds, I’ve spent the last 12 years helping people change their lives and bodies.And…perhaps most importantly… I’m just like you.I really mean that.You see, I wasn’t always in great shape. In fact, I spent the first two-thirds of my life being in terrible shape. I was never completely obese. But I was definitely in BAD shape.Here are some words people used to use to describe me: Soft. Doughy. Thick. Pudgy. Chubby. Chunky. Fluffy.LONG STORY SHORT, I EVENTUALLY GOT MY ACT TOGETHER, STARTED EATING RIGHT AND EXERCISING REGULARLY……but no matter how hard I trained or how well I ate, I could never seem to get from being in “good” shape to having the body I wanted.I could never achieve that lean, ripped, dense look I saw in the magazines.And I could never figure out why. I felt like I was doing everything right. My diet was in order. I hit the gym consistently. I even took the right supplements.Nothing worked…not really. I wasn’t about to resort to illegal steroids, so I resigned myself to being in “pretty good” shape, and never having the body I wanted.This went on for about two years.THEN…One day, I came across a study linking something called insulin resistance to regional fat storage. SPECIFICALLY, the study said that people with “poor insulin management” tended to store fat…in their LOVE HANDLES.This was exactly my problem. Even though I could get lean almost everywhere else, I still had tons of flub on my waistline and lower back.I began to think could it really be insulin that was keeping me soft?And if it was how could other hormones affect fat loss? Or muscle gain? Or fitness in general!?That was when my quest began.I made it my goal to learn everything I could about hormones, regional fat storage, and how your basic endocrinology is PREVENTING YOU from losing those few pounds of fat.I read studies, and books. I came up with new training methods and tried them on all of my clients. I tested and re-tested things.Eventually, I came up with a system that I believed would completely FIX all of these issues.With summer coming up, there was only one thing to do: test it.Did it work?See for yourself:Believe me: to this DAY it’s still unreal to me that I could ever look like that. But I did. And I do.And so can you, if you do what I did: harness the power of your hormones. Follow a program that FORCES your body to burn fat instead of trying to store it.But don’t take my word for it! Because, really, it’s not just me that the program worked for. Just ask any of my clients, who have all done the “impossible”….HERE’S THE KEY TO GETTING RESULTS LIKE THESE…My clients get exceptional results. But the truth is, they’re not “exceptional” specimens, in the pure physical sense.They have the same limitations you do. They have jobs, and families, and trouble spots. They’re limited by time and genetics and physiology. And yet they STILL get amazing results.Which means that you can, too.Anytime I start talking about my clients and the amazing success they’ve achieved, I always want to be clear and say that what sets my clients apart is not working “harder”…it’s working smarter.You see, my clients don’t just train to “burn fat” or “build muscle.” They don’t just train to be “in shape.” My clients follow a strategic plan designed for the express purpose of obtaining their OMEGA bodies.WHAT’S AN OMEGA BODY?Speaking in strict linguistic terms Omega—styled as “Ω” is the 24th and final letter of the Greek alphabet.In literature and other artistic representations, Omega is used to denote the last, final, complete, or ultimate limit of a set of object, concepts or principles. (This is in contrast to “Alpha”, which represents the beginning.)I’ve always loved the general symbolism of that. To me—and my clients—the Omega body is the final body; the finished body.Your Omega body is exactly that: your final form. It’s the body you have in your most developed, fittest state.You’ve reached Omega Status when you’ve built all the muscle you want, and have stripped away the last bits of excess fat to reveal the lean, hard, sexy definition underneath.THAT is your Omega body. And that is exactly what I’m going to help you achieve. To do that, let’s look at why getting it is so hard…why so many people just keep spinning their wheels and NEVER get that Omega Body they’re after.As I see it, it comes down to three main problems…Get Omega Body Blueprint – John Romaniello, Only Price $42The THREE MOST COMMON PROBLEMS Keeping People from Their Omega Body (And How to SOLVE Them)PROBLEM 1: WORKOUT CONFUSIONYou’ve tried everything. Bodybuilding splits, CrossFit, more cardio, less cardio and yet nothing seems to work.I feel your pain…and I want you to know it’s not your fault. The amount of misinformation and confusion makes it very difficult for someone to stay consistent and actually find something that works.For example, let’s look at your typical bodybuilding split: you’ve got Chest on Monday, Back on Tuesday, Shoulders on Wednesday etc…Now, I love those programs. They’re fun. And they’re great for building size. But they ARE NOT optimal for fat loss—especially those last few pounds.And yet, whenever I go a gym, I see men and women doing these outdated splits in an effort to get lean!Low Frequency Training Can Be Ineffective:If you only train a body part once a week you risk the potential to build quality muscle and shed fat. Doing one muscle group on Monday and waiting until the following week is only going to slow down your progress. The overall volume is too low and because the focus tends to be on isolation movements the calorie reduction isn’t significant enough for maximum results.For another example, take traditional Low Intensity Steady State cardio (LISS). Those are the 1-2 hour cardio sessions where you’re plodding around on a treadmill watching the clock tick by, bored out of your mind. The problem is you have limited time AND….Traditional Cardio IS NOT The Most Effective Fat Loss Strategy:You’ve probably questioned the amount of time that is necessary to spend on the elliptical or treadmill. Hours upon hours are spent yet the end result is NOT a thin, slim midsection. In most cases it might be the exact opposite.Doing Low Intensity Steady State cardio (LISS) can be very boring and most likely not even close to fun. It’s not something many people look forward to when it comes to working out. Throw in the fact that you have the potential to lose muscle mass, completely sabotaging your end goal. This just doesn’t make sense for you and your goals.If there’s one thing I know about cutting body fat it’s that you must start with a tried and true, proven blueprint.There are thousands of ways to lose those last few pounds and after working with celebrities, athletes, fitness models, moms, and the average gym goer I’ve been able to accumulate all of my research, results and failures by putting it into a proven system that WORKS.It’s a plan that forces your body into a muscle building, fat burning zone…THE SOLUTION: OMEGA M.R.T.If you’ve been around the fitness game for a while, you probably know about MRT, or Metabolic Resistance Training. If not, it’s basically doing rapid-paced weight-training circuits.Without getting too far into the science, it’s been shown over and over and over again to be the most effective exercise for burning fat. Not only does MRT burn a lot of calories…it also increases your metabolism, allowing you to CONTINUE burning fat long after you’ve left the gym.The problem with traditional MRT, though, is that it’s limited. Sure, it’s great for burning fat……but because you tend to use lighter weights, it can also make you weaker! When you go back to heavy training, you’ve got to play “catch-up.”On top of that, traditional MRT is not designed with hormonal optimization in mind. And as we touched on above (and will cover in detail below), hormonal optimization is the KEY to getting that Omega body.Omega MRT solves this. You see, instead of just “fast-paced weight-training circuits”, the Omega Body Blueprint uses FOUR distinctly different types of training.Each one of these training modalities will help you burn fat……but is also designed with specific goals in mind. Some of them keep you strong (preventing the need to “catch-up” later), some help bring out muscle definition……and ALL of them train your body to release specific fat burning hormones that fight against that stubborn fat.REMEMBER: stubborn fat is a direct result of individual hormones—Omega MRT is designed to address that directly.PROBLEM 2: NUTRITION LIESWhat you eat plays a vital role in achieving the look you want. It’s especially crucial when you’re trying to eliminate the last annoying 5-10 pounds.The problem is there is so much misinformation leading to confusion and more weight gain.Take, for example, these myths.Nutrition Myth #1: Eating 5-6 Meals a Day is Crucial for SuccessYou’ve heard this before. Many trainers, dieticians, and even DOCTORS are telling you to evenly space out your meals in order to speed up your metabolism and keep it fired up throughout the day.When it comes to eating, if you digest 3000 calories in 6 meals or 3 meals it still remains 3000 calories.At the end of the day, if you are in a deficit, regardless of how you get there, you’ll start to see the magic happen.If that’s not enough, research has been changing over the last decade suggesting just this.In fact, I’ve got not one (1) but two (2) studies which illustrate that it doesn’t matter HOW many meals you eat—as long as the calories are the same, you can eat 2 meals or 10 and it won’t make a difference.On top of all of this, it can be extremely difficult planning out six meals a day. Preparing, packing, carrying and maintaining this can be too difficult and not feasible.Nutrition Myth #2: Eating Carbs After 6 PM Will Cause You To Store Body FatOnce again inexperienced trainers, poorly written articles and magazines have suggested you stop eating carbohydrates after 6 pm.The theory behind this idea stems from the fact that you’ll be going to bed so your metabolism will slow down while your sleeping thus storing those carbohydrates as fat rather than utilizing it as energy. It’s also worth noting that it’s assumed insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance can be affected.This study (3) took 78 over-weight police officers and placed them into either an experiment group (evening carbohydrate consumption) or a control group over a six-month period.Greater weight loss, abdominal circumference, and body fat mass reductions were observed in the group that ate carbohydrates at night compared to the control group.There is nothing about nighttime that suggests it’s time your metabolism slows down and starts storing carbohydrates as fat.Nutrition Myth #3: You MUST eat only healthy, organic, and non-processed foodsListen, eating natural, whole, unprocessed foods is obviously good for you.And, yes, it’s unassailably better to eat a diet that is loaded with nutrients and provide your body with what it needs to function properly than one loaded with crap.The problem is that people have been conditioned to think they need to eat nothing but salads, seeds, and tofu in order to get lean.The thought of having to transform your pantry and kitchen to that of a co-op can be disheartening to many people with good intentions of getting in shape.Here’s the truth: eating all organic foods doesn’t AUTOMATICALLY make you lean.More importantly: it doesn’t matter how “certified” these foods are—if you eat too much of them, you will get fat.My point is, organic foods are awesome; they’re just not the end-all, be-all when it comes to dieting.In fact, it’s possible to strategically place the foods you enjoy into your overall diet and still get unbelievable results.When done properly, you can use this strategy to elicit crucial fat burning hormones that will help boost your metabolism and accelerate your fat loss.Taking into account all of the misinformation paralysis by analysis it’s finally nice to see a solution that WILL work for you…THE SOLUTION: OMEGA NUTRITIONAnyone who’s been on a structured fitness program can tell you that nutrition is BY FAR the larger piece of the puzzle.If you want to get your Omega body, you need to avoid all the mistakes laid out in the lies above, and really focus on the important stuff.Omega Nutrition focuses on a few things:INTERMITTENT FASTINGRather than force you to eat a certain number of meals each day, employing a flexible IF strategy allows you to eat WHEN you want, and as often as you want.Not only does this make it easier for you to make progress and adhere to the plan, it’s also incredibly effective from a hormonal perspective. It’s been shown that periods of fasting help you control ghrelin (the hunger hormone) and improve insulin sensitivity.CYCLINGIn the context of dieting, cycling means that certain aspects of your nutrition are modified on specific days, based on activity.There are a lot of ways to do this, but all of them have this in common: you eat more calories and carbs on certain days than others.The primary reason for this is energy utilization and recovery. To put in the most succinct way possible, you need to take in more energy on days you expend more energy.Apart from helping you look awesome, there are some other advantages as well: researches at Louisiana State University found in a 2005 study that calorie cycling prolongs your life; this conclusion was further supported by researched conducted by the National Institute of Health in 2008.In short, calorie cycling is going to help you lose fat while you gain muscle, optimize your hormones, and live longer. Not bad, if you ask me.These are just a few of the principles upon which Omega Nutrition is founded—and these, combined with others, make it insanely effective for losing those last few pounds.PROBLEM 3: DYSFUNCTIONAL HORMONESThese hidden gremlins tend to cause a lot of problems for the unknowing person. Your hormones are the key to solving a plethora of issues when it comes to losing weight.Long-term hormone dysfunction will prevent you from achieving any sort of fat loss. It’s critical that you understand the functions of specific hormones so that you aren’t wasting your TIME and $$$ busting your ass with minimal results.Or worse, doing permanent damage with ill-conceived crash diets and poorly designed programs (that may not have been designed for YOU) that is difficult and sometimes impossible to reverse.Ask yourself: do you ever feel tired, sore, fatigued, exhausted, irritated and hungry even though you haven’t done a thing all day? Do you wonder why your energy has plummeted and your appetite has increased?If you feel any of this you might suffer from the following:Low TestosteroneTestosterone is the most important hormone that aids in muscle synthesis. This means that it supports your efforts of attaining higher muscle mass and a lower percentage of body fat. Not only does it have these kick ass functions, but it is also the leading hormone to increase glycogen levels, bone mineral content, and water retention in your body. These benefits allow you to get even closer to that cut up look you desire.When you have low testosterone, all of these things start firing in reverse. It becomes much harder to lose fat, and nearly impossible to put on muscle. Your strength levels drop. Sex drive, motivation, and general feelings of well-being plummet. In fact, low testosterone has been linked to everything from high anxiety to depression to thoughts of suicide.Hopefully, people won’t experience anything that severe—but if your testosterone is even slightly below the normal range, nearly every physiological process in your body takes a hit.Decreased Growth HormoneWhen you have a high amount of growth hormone pumping through your system, it allows you to utilize protein more efficiently, resulting in more muscle mass growth. Your quality of sleep and ability to recover and heal improves as well. When these things happen it aids in even more muscle mass gain because it improves the overall cell growth in your body.On the other hand, LOW levels of growth hormone can be pretty disastrous. If growth hormone production slows down, so does everything else—especially with regard to recovery. You’ll be more injury prone, and it’ll take longer to bounce back from even the most minor damage; your immunity will be compromised and you’re more likely to get sick. Even your sleep will be less restful.One thing to remember is that growth hormone acts as a “super charger” to a lot of other hormones, like testosterone—so when GH levels are high, you get even more benefits from having high testosterone. PLUS growth hormone helps to fight aging. If your levels drop, you are in serious trouble.Suppressed LeptinLeptin, also known as the anti-starvation hormone, is a “master hormone” which controls the production of other hormones that regulate metabolism. Put bluntly, leptin is the primary hormone responsible for how much fat you can lose.The higher your leptin levels are, the faster you can lose fat. The lower they are, the harder it becomes to drop weight.$