
Nonprofitwebclass – Sherry Watson – Purpose Into Profits System

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Purpose Into Profits System by Sherry Watson


“Sherry Watson’s program has been the most powerful business investment I have ever made.”
Margaret Merrill

Scottsdale, Arizona
Results vary on many factors, see disclaimers

Module I Getting Started

Part I: Introduction

Part II: Nonprofit Fundamentals

Part III: Case Studies Of Our Successful Nonprofits

Part IV: Empowering Your Passion

Part V: 8 Step Nonprofit Road Map

Module II Purpose Into Action

Part I: Identifying Your Core Values

Part II: Develop A Powerful Mission Statement

Module III Biggest Opportunity In The Nonprofit World Today

Part I: The Power Of Free Real Estate

Part II: Turning Real Estate Into Revenue

Module IV Show Me The Money

Part I: Identify Funding Sources

Part II: Connecting To Grant Money

Part III: Connecting To Multiple Funding Sources

Module V Matches Made In Heaven

Part I: Partnering Your Nonprofit With A For-Profit

Part II: Bonus Expert Panel Session

Module VI Launching Your Nonprofit 101

Part I: Step-By-Step Nonprofit Incorporation Strategy

Part II: Selecting Board Of Directors, Forming Your Power Team

Part III: Drafting Your By-Laws

Part IV: Bonus Session With Special Advisor To Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation

Module VII Unlimited Powerful Connections

Part I: Awakening The Leader In You Bonus Session

Part II: Getting Backstage Passes With People In Seats of Power

Module VIII Million Dollar Grant Writing Techniques

Part I: Award Winning Grant Writing Strategies

Part II: Developing A Proposal Budget To Implement Your Project

Module IX Successful Grant Templates

Part I: Live Demo Of Awards Winning Grants

Part II: Grant Submission Strategies

Part III: Cut And Paste Award Winning Grant Proposals

Module X Roadmap Review

Part I: Live Q and A Bonus Video

Part II: Live Grant Review Panel

Part III: Road To Success
“Sherry’s program taught me how to get paid to help people in foreclosure. I now make $14,000 a month in my Nonprofit to keep individuals and families in their homes! I feel fantastic about the people I am able to help.”