Noah Miller – CFI Education – Carbon Market Fundamentals



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Noah Miller – CFI Education – Carbon Market Fundamentals
Carbon Market Fundamentals

Explore carbon credits & offsets and the markets they’re traded on.

Compare compliance & voluntary markets
Assess different project types and their implications
Determine carbon credit & offset quality, and associated risks & benefits


Carbon Market Fundamentals Overview

As corporate stakeholders demand that organizations reduce emissions to limit contributions to climate change, carbon markets have become more relevant than ever. It’s important to understand these markets and how to responsibly engage with them to reduce the risks of an ineffective carbon management plan. We will start the course with the basics of carbon markets: purpose, terminology, and key events and drivers that have converged to create today’s market dynamics. Next, we will discuss compliance and voluntary markets and how these differ, along with examples.
We will assess different types of projects, and their characteristics (in terms of the number of offsets generated vs. the value of those offsets), before discussing the seven key metrics used to assess projects. We will end the course by examining how analysts and management teams can engage with carbon markets and conduct due diligence around project quality.
Carbon Market Fundamentals Learning Objectives

Define the purpose of carbon markets and carbon credits.
Explain key concepts & terminology.
Determine carbon credit quality, as well as associated risks and benefits.
Provide insight on the role of carbon offsets in achieving corporate climate commitments.
Compare compliance markets and voluntary markets.
Assess the value of different project types and their associated implications.

Who Should Take This Course?

This course is designed for management teams, business analysts, management consultants, and financial analysts of all stripes at both private and public companies.
What you’ll learn


Learning Objectives

Download Course Presentation
Carbon Markets Overview

Purpose of Carbon Markets


History & Policy

Carbon Markets vs. Carbon Taxes
Compliance & Voluntary Markets


Compliance Markets

Compliance Markets Example

Important Compliance Markets & Market Dynamics

Net Zero vs. Carbon Neutral

Voluntary Markets

Voluntary Markets (cont.)

Project Types

Offset Characteristics & Credibility

Project Ratings

Project Ratings: Mechanism, Causality, and Additionality

Project Ratings: Marginal Additionality & Permanence

Project Ratings: Cost & Co-benefits

Projects with Co-benefits

Offset Certification Process
Engaging with Carbon Markets

Offset Lifecycle

Due Diligence Around Climate Commitments & Project Quality

Due Diligence Around Climate Commitments & Project Quality (cont.)

Where to Buy Offsets
Current State & Market Trends

Current Trends

Current Issues

Guidelines for Responsible Engagement

Qualified Assessment

Qualified Assessment