No Money Down Business Buying Course – Carl Allen


Course “No Money Down Business Buying Course – Carl Allen ” is available, If no download link, Please wait 24 hours. We will process and send the link directly to your email.Your Invitation To The Business Giveaway Machine Coaching And Mentored ProgramI want to give you my 10-step system blueprint to finding your dream million dollar (and more) business … And buying it for zero cash in just 18 weeks.This is the same plan that I used to buy and sell over 250 businesses with annual sales revenues up to $50 Billion in the last 23 years. Yes, that’s Billion with a B.Most of these deals have been made with 0, yes ZERO, cash upfront.You know my story. I was sick and tired of buying businesses FOR OTHER PEOPLE. I have created millionaires and billionaires many times over. Things had to change. I needed to do this for myself, then started teaching ordinary Joe’s how to do it as well.This plan has been tested in the trenches …It does work!Imagine how different your life would be if you were the BOSS of your own successful business …Instead of punching in every morning at 8am you could come into the office whenever you felt like it…Your boss would no longer be barking commands at you every day or telling you to come in on the weekends because now YOU’RE the boss …You’re the one whose bank account is growing year after year. You’re the one who runs the show. You’re the one whose employees look up to. YOU ARE THE BOSS!You could enjoy as many stress-free vacations as you want throughout the year instead of saving up all of your time off for a measly week-long vacation / where you spend most of the time checking in with the office and replying to emails …Imagine the freedom, flexibility and JOY you would feel as the owner of a million dollar (or more) business!I know what you’re thinking …Yes! This is EXACTLY the life I want to live … but I could never afford to start a successful business. I barely have a savings account let alone a huge heap of cash just sitting around so I can start up a business.I have worked with many aspiring business owners who were in your exact position …… and most of them were shocked to learn that they could buy a business (a super successful business at that) for absolutely zero cash …… but they were even more shocked when they followed my 10-step formula and successfully acquired the business of their dreams for $0.Believing that you have everything you need RIGHT NOW to buy your first business is the first big hurdle to quitting your job and becoming the boss … that’s why my goal is to show you how to find and buy your first million dollar+ business in 18 weeks.Also, once you know how to buy one business with zero cash, you know how to buy another one and another and so on …Remember, according to FSB,,, entrepreneur magazine, TLDR and Venturebeat, there are 2.44 million UNSOLD businesses just waiting for cash-free deals in the USA and UK. Let’s go get them together!The process is the same …It’s just doing what worked again and again.So here’s how you can find the dream business you deserve and buy it for zero cash …Join me inside The Business Giveaway Machine Coaching & Mentored Program.We’ve Included Everything In These 10 ModulesMODULE1: Pre Season TrainingGetting you into the deal making mindsetStart outlining what your dream business will look likeBasic financial analysis and deal structuring trainingHousekeeping and rulesMODULE2: Your Dream Deal SpecificationHow to leverage yourselfPicking sector, location, role, skills & experiences, etc.Building your dream deal specificationCreating a wealth creation plan to get you in the 0.2%MODULE3: Deal OriginationThe THREE seller types and how to find themBuilding trust, rapport and credibilityHow to stand out as the safe paid of handsOriginating deals from burned out owner managers, time starved investors and big business carve-outs.MODULE4: Analysis & ApproachesHow to research each target inside of 10 minutesHow to find the reasons for selling before you even meetBuilding and segmenting your origination funnelSetting up meetings and the tactics to adopt when you are thereMODULE5: Deal StructuringHow to quickly analyse a business financiallyHow to know what funding you will secure inside of 5 minutesHow to create a winning deal structureHow to ensure the business can make the future paymentsMODULE6: Raising External FundingHow to raise external fundingAll the various funder types and how to approachHow the business will work with the funding inside itWhy some of the funding doesn’t need to be repaid!MODULE7: Negotiation & OffersHow to negotiate like a proSimple and advanced negotiation methodsBuilding an offer sequenceSubmitting offersMODULE8: Deal ExecutionHow to hire contingent fee advisorsExclusivity & planningDue diligence: what it meansLegal contractsMODULE9: Closing & OwnershipWhat happens at closingFinal checklists & course reviewGetting your cash out of the dealGoing to your new business as the ownerMODULE10: Bolt-On AcquisitionsGrowing like a weedAcquiring other opportunitiesCross-selling and synergiesThe 650% value multiplierGet No Money Down Business Buying Course – Carl Allen, Only Price $207 Tag: No Money Down Business Buying Course – Carl Allen  Review. No Money Down Business Buying Course – Carl Allen  download.No Money Down Business Buying Course – Carl Allen  discount.