
No-Cold-Approach 4 Weeks Find a Girlfriend Blueprint for Men

Original price was: ₹37,500.00.Current price is: ₹10,375.00.


No-Cold-Approach 4 Weeks Find a Girlfriend Blueprint for Men
Do you often feel lonely?
Would you like to find a woman that’s worth marrying?
Are you tired of blue haired women with a 3 digit body count?
Picture yourself.
You wake up in the morning, next to your beautiful wife. She smiles at you, as she’s been waiting for you to wake up.
Her soft hands touch your body before she gets up to make coffee and breakfast for you two.
While you share your morning together she listens to you about your upcoming plans and projects, about your plan for the family, she looks at you as if you were the only man on the planet…
Right now this is a distant fantasy.

If you want to find a good woman without having to learn a nasty “PUA System” or cold approaching 10,000 women, then I will show you how.
My methods work not because you manipulate others or pretend to be someone you’re not. You don’t even need to cold approach for this to work.
They work because they rely on ancient mechanisms that are rooted in human biology. There are certain male characteristics that have always been and will always be attractive.
I’ll show you exactly what to do and how to do it. All you need to do is follow the plan I give you and finding the woman you want will be inevitable.
Let me be more specific:

Secret places you should know to find women that are worth dating and having a relationship with nobody else in this industry will show you
How you can overcome limiting beliefs that I and clients of mine have struggled a long time with
What you should look for in a woman so you can achieve a stable long term relationship without constant struggle, anger and frustration
How you can increase the quality of your approaches (Instead of dropping the same 3 lines on 5000 girls) to have a higher % of success
Universal rules and principles for texting that’ll cover 98% of the situations you will face when you’re texting a girl (Bonus Version)
Tiny behavioral tweaks that make you instantly more attractive, some can be implemented within seconds
What really attracts women to you and how to achieve it FAST
How your mindset towards women will improve with a lesson taught by a marketing expert that used to date some of the prettiest models in the world
How to flirt the right way with a hack I’ve learned from a seduction veteran that’s so easy it’ll blow your mind
A few tiny secrets on increasing your height you haven’t thought about that can be implemented today
How to increase the chances of women walking up to you and initiating a chat (Almost unheard of)
One sneaky technique that enables you to remain in a woman’s mind even when you’re busy stacking cash or hitting the gym that doesn’t even require you to speak a lot of words
One way to meet more women that was originally invented by a famous female diplomat that was well-known across continents
A lesson from two of history’s greatest conquerors that ever lived, that will change the view you have on male-female dynamics
… Much much more than I could list here

“Why is this so expensive?”
You’re not buying a “blueprint”, you’re buying the opportunity to date LOTS of women and make one (or several, lol) of them your girlfriend
This whole method ONLY works when you actually implement it. From my own experience I can tell that most people don’t implement a method they bought for $10. I want you to take this seriously or to just not buy it.
Also I want you to think for a moment about this price.
What is the cost of not having children?
What ist the cost of an unhappy relationship?
These things really cannot be quantified, but you understand that this one time payment of a few $ is nothing compared to the problem you’re solving.
Think about the cost of other things that you’ll not need anymore when you have learned what I teach in this course and this price becomes a nobrainer…

No more expensive dating apps
No more wrecking porn subscriptions
No more expensive dates for women who don’t care about you

You’re spending 5 bucks at Starbucks every day but cannot afford a course that will change your life and solve one of your biggest problems?
Don’t make me laugh man.
“Why No Guarantees?”
Because this program relies on application. If you’re not going to apply what you learn inside – Don’t buy, seriously. This is for people who have a little bit of patience (It can take more than 4 weeks, all depending on you, your character and your circumstances) and enough fire under their ass to get some things going. I know for a fact that the method works, therefore no guarantees.
You need to take responsibility for yourself.
“Does this work even when there are no good women in my city?”
I’ve heard this time and time again from my coaching clients. As a matter of fact every city has good spots to look for women and inside I will tell you EXACTLY where to look.
Unless you live on the north pole, some lonely island or the Siberian tundra I seriously doubt that there are no women in your city. (And even on the north pole you could talk to elves)
“I’m in my 40s, will this work anyway?”
Honest Answer? I’m not in my 40s so I cannot tell you for sure. The principles always remain. I only see reasons why it would work even better in your 40s compared to becoming the weird guy in a wolf T-Shirt who approaches girls in front of the college and gets told “You could be our grandpa” lol
“How long will this take?”
My initial thought was… Probably something around 90 days. But thinking back about implementing this myself… It works way faster. I’ve got my first dates within the first 2 weeks of using this method. So it truly depends on you. If you want to make things happen… They will happen!
No legal, medical or otherwise professional advice. All decisions you make, are your own. All risks that you take are your own. I am not liable for your mistakes, damages, cost or injuries. No Guarantees. No claim for correctness or completeness.