NLP for Sales Professionals – iNLP Center


NLP for Sales Professionals – iNLP CenteriNLP Center’s NLP Sales Training Turns Sales Professionals into Top Producers and Leaders in their Field.If you want to be the best, the iNLP Center NLP Sales Training will give you the tools to make it real.Do you want to..Feel more confident?Become a master of influence?Close more deals and lead your sales team?Visualize your dream and actually achieve it?These are the results NLP Sales Practitioners get!NLP Sales Training will help build your confidence and charisma as your non-verbal communication skills grow. You will gain the tools to understand your client’s needs at a deeper level so you can communicate more clearly and directly, thus increasing your personal influence and persuasion during their buying experience. By the time you’ve completed this course, you’ll be wishing you’d learned this stuff years ago. And you’ll use new NLP skills to build wealth – and your legacy as a top producer.The iNLP Center Sales Training course will put you in the top 1% of communicators.The skills you’ll receive in our training are not taught in school. They don’t come with a business degree. Frankly, you can’t find them anywhere in conventional education.Worse, most sales organizations simply do not offer high caliber sales training for their employees. You can’t sell to your true potential with outdated sales techniques and closes. It’s that simple.If you want to be the best, you need to do what elite salespeople do. They learn NLP. The iNLP Center NLP Sales Training is a unique, first-of-its-kind training. Take our course, increase your close ratio, and become one of the few NLP sales professionals in the world.NLP Sales Training Modules:The Ultimate Sales ProcessMost successful sales navigate a similar process. This module reveals the specific steps or stages in the Ultimate Sales Process. Each step is an essential element that brings the process to a successful close. NLP skills enhance each and every step, making this module unique in the world of sales.Module 1The Ultimate Sales ProcessUnit 1What is a Sales Process?Unit 2Phase 1: Meet and GreetUnit 3The Two Common Mistakes During the Meet & GreetUnit 4How NLP Training Can Help During the Meet and GreetUnit 5Phase 2: Outline of ExpectationsUnit 6Common Mistakes During Outline of ExpectationsUnit 7Phase 3: Information GatheringUnit 8Common mistakes During Information GatheringUnit 9How NLP can help with the Information Gathering PhaseUnit 10Module 1 – Ultimate Sales Process Quiz 1Unit 11Phase 4: Presenting the Product and/or ServiceUnit 12Common Mistakes During Presenting the Product PhaseUnit 13How NLP can help During Presenting the Product PhaseUnit 14Phase 5: Overcoming ObjectionsUnit 15Common Mistakes During Overcoming Objections PhaseUnit 16How NLP can help with the Overcoming Objections PhaseUnit 17Phase 6 – The Money and Closing the SaleUnit 18Common Mistakes During the Money and Closing PhaseUnit 19How NLP can help During the Money and Closing PhaseUnit 20The Sales Process Module SummaryUnit 21Module 1 – Ultimate Sales Process Quiz 2Foundations of NLPThis module contains the founding principles that put NLP on the map. You’ll be introduced to powerful principles that turn you into a more powerful, confident and flexible communicator. You’ll also be prepared in this module to successfully complete this NLP sales course.Module 2Foundations of NLPUnit 1IntroductionUnit 2Defining vs. ExploringUnit 3Themes of NLPUnit 4Sensory AcuityUnit 5Behavior FlexibilityUnit 6TechniquesUnit 7States of Excellence/PhysiologyUnit 8Challenges & OutcomesUnit 9Module 2 – Introduction to NLP QuizAdvanced Rapport Building with NLPWithout it, you’ve got nothing. Rapport is the first step in any sales relationship. Most people try to build rapport with words. In the NLP Sales Training, you’ll learn to build fast and effective rapport with your clients, nonverbally. Master nonverbal rapport and your level of influence will soar.Module 3Advanced Rapport Building with NLPUnit 1Introduction to RapportUnit 2Matching and MirroringUnit 3Calibration, Pacing, and LeadingUnit 4Activity: Matching and MirroringUnit 5Activity: Pacing and LeadingUnit 6Module 3 Quiz – Rapport BuildingAnchoring Trust and CredibilityWe live in a stimulus-response environment. Anchoring gives you the awareness to understand your client’s stimulus-response behavior and the power to control it. When you know how to offer stimuli that get predictable responses, your level of influence increases. When you know how to easily customize stimuli for each individual client, you’ll lead them right through the close.Module 4Anchoring Trust and CredibilityUnit 1Introduction to Advanced AnchoringUnit 2Anchoring to YourselfUnit 3Steps to Advanced AnchoringUnit 4Sales Creativity ExerciseUnit 5• Assignment: Anchoring YourselfUnit 6Spontaneous AnchoringUnit 7Sales Creativity ExerciseUnit 8Anchoring Your ClientUnit 9Sales Creativity ExerciseUnit 10• Assignment: Anchoring ClientsUnit 11Trust and CredibilityUnit 12Steps to Creating Trust and CredibilityUnit 13• Assignment: Trust and CredibilityUnit 14Module 4 Quiz – Advanced AnchoringLearn Your Client’s LanguageRepresentational systems are the visual, auditory and kinesthetic preferences we each have. While communicating, your clients give you their preferences. Are you noticing? Rep systems are the foundation of influence. When you’re aware of rep systems, you can speak your clients’ non-verbal language.Module 5Learn Your Client’s LanguageUnit 1The Psychological AdvantageUnit 2Introduction to Representational SystemsUnit 3• Assignment: Noticing PredicatesUnit 4Eye Accessing CuesUnit 5• Assignment: Eye Accessing CuesUnit 6Sales Creativity ExerciseUnit 7Module 5 Quiz – Learning Clients LanguageCriteria in the Sales ProcessYou’ve heard of “hot buttons,” those very specific buying triggers that push a sale through the objections to the close. What if you had a way to quickly discover your clients’ hot buttons and trigger them in the moment needed? This is what NLP sales criteria do. When you understand the technique in this module, you’ll be ready to push some buttons!Module 6Criteria in the Sales ProcessUnit 1What is Criteria?Unit 2Criteria Exercise 1Unit 3Criteria and the Sales ProcessUnit 4Words Matter!Unit 5Words Matter ExerciseUnit 6Important area’s to use criteria keywordsUnit 7Module 7 Quiz – CriteriaThe Buyers Subconscious MotivationMeta programs are like unconscious levers that push and pull us in different directions. When you know how to pull the right levers, you can take charge of any interaction. When you use metaprograms with integrity, you’ll know how to motivate clients, help them make decisions and make your product a must-have.Module 7The Buyers Subconscious MotivationUnit 1Introduction to Meta Programs Buyers MotivationUnit 2Toward/Away MotivationUnit 3Observation: Toward/Away MotivationUnit 4Internal/External ValidationUnit 5Observation: Internal/External ValidationUnit 6Proactive/ResponsiveUnit 7Observation: Proactive/ResponsiveUnit 8Self/Other MotivationUnit 9Observation: Self/Other MotivationUnit 10• Assignment: Buyer’s MotivationUnit 11• Assignment: Using Filters in SalesUnit 12Module 6 Quiz – Buyers Subconscious MotivationThe Meta ModelThe NLP Meta Model is a linguistic tool for getting specific, breaking rigid communication patterns, and identifying what’s happening beneath the surface. There is no better tool for understanding people at the deepest level and overcoming objections. This is the laser you need in a world of dull knives. With the Meta Model, you’ll even help clients understand their own goals and motivation better than ever. When it’s time to close the deal, you’ll be more than a salesperson. You’ll be someone who helps them get what they truly want.Module 8The Meta ModelUnit 1Introduction to the Meta ModelUnit 2Deletion, Distortion, and GeneralizationUnit 3Isolating ObjectionsUnit 4Meta Model DistinctionsUnit 5DeletionUnit 6Unspecified Referential IndexUnit 7Unspecified VerbsUnit 8NominalizationsUnit 9Modal OperatorsUnit 10Universal QuantifiersUnit 11Cause and EffectUnit 12Mind ReadingUnit 13Lost PerformativeUnit 14• Assignment: Meta ModelsUnit 15Module 8 Quiz – Meta ModelSelling with MetaphorsOur minds make sense of the world through metaphor. Life is a game. Make sure you’re on a winning team. The sales process is like a dance and you need to be the one leading. Problems are like a speck of sand in an oyster shell. Over time, they become pearls. Using the right metaphor creates instant understanding and new levels of motivation. In this training, you’ll learn to use metaphors so that your clients will instantly get your meaning and be motivated to buy from you.Module 9Selling with MetaphorsUnit 1Introductions to MetaphorsUnit 2Metaphors in SalesUnit 3Types of MetaphorsUnit 4Metaphors and Representational SystemsUnit 5• Assignment: Creating MetaphorsUnit 6• Assignment: Using MetaphorsUnit 7Third Party StoriesUnit 8• Assignment: Creating Third Party StoriesUnit 9Module 9 Quiz – MetaphorsHypnotic Language PatternsUsing language in a very specific way can have massive effects on a client’s subconscious. Commonly we think of this as hypnotic suggestion, however, it is really just using language patterns to allow your client to create, in their own mind, why they should take action. All you have to do is get out of their way and let them buy your product with their own motivations.Module 10Hypnotic Language PatternsUnit 1Introduction to the Milton ModelUnit 2Milton Model: Mind ReadingUnit 3Milton Model: Lost PerformativeUnit 4Milton Model: Cause and EffectUnit 5Milton Model: Universal QuantifiersUnit 6Milton Model: Modal OperatorsUnit 7Milton Model: NominalizationsUnit 8Milton Model: Unspecified VerbsUnit 9Milton Model: Lack of Referential IndexUnit 10Milton Model: DeletionsUnit 11• Assignment: Milton ModelUnit 12Module 10 Quiz – Hypnotic Language PatternsStates of ExcellenceSuccess in sales begins with you. In this module, you’ll learn and apply the secrets NLP practitioners use to control their own state. What mental and emotional state do you need to be in? Optimism. confidence, enthusiasm, calm and collected….You’ll gain the skills you need to go there at will, even when you’re in the middle of a slump. These tools will pull you out of your mental rut so that you can present well and close more deals.Module 11States of ExcellenceUnit 1States of ExcellenceUnit 2Association/DissociationUnit 3• Mindset Builder: Association/DissociationUnit 4Quick Sales TipUnit 5Accessing StatesUnit 6• Mindset Builder: Accessing StatesUnit 7Self-Anchoring for Personal EmpowermentUnit 8Creating a Powerful AnchorUnit 9Sales Creativity ExerciseUnit 10Module 11 Quiz – States of ExcellenceA Resourceful Frame of MindBeyond learning to control your mental and emotional state, in this module, you’ll discover and adopt powerful frames of mind. When your overall perspective is powerful, your mind and emotions tend to follow. If you don’t know how to specifically choose your frame of mind, then this module will blow you away.Module 12The Resourceful Frame of MindUnit 1Introduction to Resource FramesUnit 2Frame: Feedback vs. FailureUnit 3Frame: Blame vs. OutcomeUnit 4Frame: Possibilities vs. NecessitiesUnit 5Frame: How vs. WhyUnit 6• Assignment: Your Experience Using FramesUnit 7Quick Sales TipUnit 8• Assignment: Using Frames with CustomersUnit 9Module 13 Quiz – Resourceful FramesGoals and StrategiesIn this module, you’ll discover that goal setting is weak without a powerful strategy behind it. You’re going to use the specific strategy that made Walt Disney an icon. In this module, you’ll apply Disney’s strategy to your own career to position yourself for success like never before.Module 13Goals and StrategiesUnit 1Introduction to Goals and StrategiesUnit 2Disney StrategyUnit 3Explore the Disney StrategyUnit 4Disney Strategy TipsUnit 5Disney Strategy ExamplesUnit 6• Assignment: Disney StrategyUnit 7Outcome SpecificationUnit 8• Assignment: Outcome SpecificationUnit 9Module 12 Quiz – Goals and Strategies Are you interested in? NLP for Sales Professionals – iNLP Center Download, nlp for sales professionals, nlp for sales, nlp sales techniques, nlp sales scripts, nlp for sales book. Purchasing NLP for Sales Professionals – iNLP Center course now, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.