Nine University 2.0 – Kale Abrahamson & Taylor Hiott


CRITICAL question for aspiring and existing Amazon sellers who are READY to scale up to 250k+/year:In case you’re thinking it… It’s NOT to get as many 5-star reviews as possible.Or to get your product ranked on the first page of listings. Or even to source the best quality products at the highest margins. ‘Cause while these just might be the extra firepower you need to multiply your sales… they’re not *the thing* that will keep your profit-generating machine firing at full tilt. The thing is:Unless you’ve designed your business to handle massive scale, without you having to babysit EVERY SINGLE stage of the process…Your idea of freedom will become nothing but a fading memory — a distant dream you once had…Because you’ll have to burn your body to a charcoaled crisp JUST to turn a pocket-sized profit. Here’s why you NEED a scalable business with STAYING POWER…You’ve probably heard that the best way to leverage your time is to sell a product, one that customers can buy from you over and over again.So, you start your Amazon FBA journey pumped all the way up, and with every expectation that you’ll at least replace your 9-5 income. You watch A TON of Youtube videos, follow the hot shot Amazon gurus who appear to be raking in the most dough…  All the while, never knowing who’s legit or not… who’s got your best interest at heart or not… and what ‘magic bullet’ strategy will work this time around.But STILL, you manage to get through the first phase…After weeks (possibly months) of research, you select your product. Source it. And put in hundreds of hours to get it to market. It’s about time these sales come rollin’ in, right?Only, that’s not your experience!Instead of replacing your 9-5 income, all you get are stern, suspicious stares from your boss wondering if you’re doing the job he’s paying you for. (as he already suspects, you’re side hustlin’ on his time and dime).Instead of a steady surge of sales DAY AFTER DAY, all you get are a trickle of customers 2.. 3.. maximum 4 times per month.And instead of having the hyper-profitable business that was supposed to change EVERYTHING for you and your family… you end up committed to a life sentence of a miserable cubicle existence…Because you couldn’t for the life of you figure out how to make this Amazon thing work DESPITE putting in the time and effort.HUNDREDS of folks — less skilled, less dedicated, and with less integrity than you — are milking this ‘Amazon FBA thing’ for all it’s worth… Is there any reason you shouldn’t be doing the same?Having built a multiple 7-figure Amazon business in a few short months, here’s how we see it:✔️ If you’re going to leverage your most critical resource — your time… You deserve to put it into something that is guaranteed to pay off, not just today, or      tomorrow, but years down the line. ✔️ If you’re going to entrust someone to instruct you on the right path…You have EVERY right to expect the people who call themselves teachers, coaches, and mentors to know EXACTLY what they’re talking about. To have the most up-to-date, “what will move the needle for me now” kinda information. And they sure as heck should have accomplished it themselves. ✔️AND, if you’re going to hinge your financial freedom and the wellbeing of your loved ones on a business plan… You should at the very least have a proven, end-to-end, and up-to-date process that will get you RESULTS without the costly mistakes, time-suck, and stress. The ‘Make or Break’ Question You Should Be Asking….Ever stop to wonder why some people seem to profit on Amazon almost effortlessly, while others can’t even get one unit sold?Is it their product? Is it their PPC strategy?Is it their systems?TRUTH IS….It’s ALL of the above. But the real money-maker is not in the WHAT, but the HOW.It’s the PROCESS that makes every bit of difference between those who are swimming in profit, and those who are yet to make their first sale……How you research your products, land quality reviews, run your PPC campaigns… all the way to marketing and selling out your products.Because in reality, it’s entirely possible to…→Easily validate the viability of your business before you press GO (so you don’t waste any time on a plan destined to flop)→Start profiting on Amazon well within 30 days of hitting the ground running→Select a product (or products) GUARANTEED to sell like crazy→Source a TOP NOTCH product from a respected manufacturerat a low cost→Land legitimate reviews from customers who are passionate about your product →Magnetize the kind of customers that will buy from you time and time again→Consistently sell out so you never have excess inventory collecting dust in a garage →Build an insanely profitable Amazon FBA business that keeps profiting with or without you there to babysit itAnd all this is possible whether you’re brand spanking new to this game, you’ve started from scratch multiple times over, or you’ve already made good headway. …BUT it entirely hinges on your ability to take a clear cut, battle tested, fail-proof path.A proven path much like the one we’ll walk you through in our signature Amazon Success Formula…Get Nine University 2.0 – Kale Abrahamson & Taylor Hiott, only price $165NINE UNIVERSITYwith Kale Abrahamson + Taylor HiottNine University in the most end-to-end, up-to-date, and straightforward implementation system that walks you through how to start and scale an insanely profitable Amazon FBA business (in as little time as possible).3 Core Elements……each engineered to give you the most powerful and potent learning experience1. A Proven ProcessWe take the guesswork and costly missteps completely out of the equation. All our strategies have been put to the test not just by us, but by our students who are achieving spectacular results.2. A Dominant CommunityWith a highly engaged and supportive student community of 500+, nobody walks this journey alone. All your goals and intentions will be recognized, your wins celebrated, and your questions answered by your fellow Amazon sellers.3. Expert CoachingYou’ll be coached and mentored by not one, but TWO guys who are, without question, experts in the Amazon FBA world. You will receive feedback and insights specific to your stage of business and unique challenges.”It’s VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE NOT TO SUCCEED WITH FBA IF YOU’RE A Nine University student and you have the drive.” – Nick Nebula (now selling 130k Per Month) Here’s a breakdown of the content schedule:Week One – The Foundational Bedrock of Amazon FBAWeek Two – 7 Figure Product / Brand ResearchWeek Three – Crafting the Perfect Product with an Elite SupplierWeek Four – Shipping to Amazon Without HassleWeek Five – Creating a Listing that Sells on AutopilotWeek Six – Going from “A” Product to “THE” ProductWeek Seven – Elite PPC Launching + Robotic GrowthGet Nine University 2.0 – Kale Abrahamson & Taylor Hiott, only price $165Tag: Nine University 2.0 – Kale Abrahamson & Taylor Hiott Review. Nine University 2.0 – Kale Abrahamson & Taylor Hiott download. Nine University 2.0 – Kale Abrahamson & Taylor Hiott discount.