Niklas Göke – Write Like A Pro


Niklas Göke – Write Like A ProBecome A Professional Writer In The Digital AgeA professional writer publishes frequently, is read widely, and benefits from their work financially.Write Like A Pro will teach you how to finally establish a consistent writing practice, reach a wide audience, and monetize your work in different ways.Every failed writer has failed for the exact, same reason: they stopped writing.With this course, that won’t happen to you.This program is perfect for frustrated writers, who really want to make writing their career, but somehow got stuck or even quit along the way.It is optimized for non-fiction writing, but works for fiction too.In Write Like A Pro, you will learn:The professional mindset with which some of today’s most successful authors managed to continue in the face of rejection, sometimes for decades.How to use methods of behavior change to quickly build momentum and cement a regular writing habit.Why you need a deliberate writing practice, what that looks like, and how you can use it to let your work speak for itself (aka how to market yourself without marketing).What specific writing tactics must go in your toolbox, as you build your own arsenal of writing techniques.How to break into various, new writing platforms, like Quora and Medium, and reach a large audience within weeks, not years (without needing your own website).Why you don’t have to write books, and how you can work your way to a full-time income when you monetize your writing in multiple ways.…and a whole lot more!If you want writing to be your career, the only thing that matters is consistency.When I first ed writing, I didn’t know what professional writers know: the only thing that matters is being consistent.That’s the “big secret” of writing. You have to find a way to sit down in your chair over, and over, and over again. That’s it.But amateurs don’t know that. I didn’t know that. And so I wasn’t consistent.I would have three great ideas and write about them three weeks in a row. Then, I’d hit a snag and not publish anything for a month.It was only when I made a conscious effort at building a real writing habit that failure ed to faze me less and less.But when I think back to all my lowest points, my worst moments, the last thing I would have wanted to hear is “try harder.” I honestly believe it would’ve made me quit.Because here’s another truth about writing:If you’ve picked up a pen already,even just once, and loved it, consistency will come naturally once your frustrations wash away.That’s why you have to keep playing around with different things. Eventually, stuff will click into place. But to do that, you must find a practice that lets you enjoy the process itself.This course is designed to help you develop that practice. It is two parts strategy and one part tactics.I want to share all of my experiences, my frustrations, my highs and lows with you. All while giving you actionable marketing tactics, timeless writing techniques, and creative ways to financially benefit from your work.These are the tight ropes and loose ends I wish I had to guide and inspire me way back when.By the end of this course, you will have:The mindset to succeed in committing yourself to being a full-time writer.A system for writing regularly and publishing on a set schedule.A process to improve your writing, which will ensure you’ll get better.A set of marketing tactics that work, without taking away from your craft.An exact plan for creating multiple income streams based on your writing.Dozens of new writing tricks and techniques up your sleeve.Digested 10,000+ hours of experience in this industry in just a few hours of your time.…and an understanding of everything that separates amateur writers from the pros.What you will learn inside Write Like A ProThe main goal of Write Like A Pro is to help you establish a deliberate, consistent writing practice. We will with small steps to help you write regularly, publish frequently, and continue to work on your craft.To set the right context and quickly build further momentum, we’ll also look at the career trajectory of a professional writer from a high level.On top of that, I will share lots of actionable writing techniques. This way, you can immediately improve your writing, break into new platforms, and build an audience fast.Finally, we’ll also break down how to monetize your writing in many different ways. This way, you can find the income streams that work for you.The course is designed as a reference course. There is a structure to it, but you can wherever it makes most sense for you, depending on where you are in your writing career. You can go through everything at your own pace.You’ll also have immediate, lifetime access right away, including the community, future updates, bonus modules, etc.Here’s what you can get access to in the next 30 seconds:Welcome – The Clean SlateFirst, we’ll define the core problems all writers face and learn what separates pros from amateurs. We’ll establish a proper teacher-student relationship and show you how to best use this course.You will learn:A fascinating thought experiment that shows we’re all writers at heartHow most teachers set up their students for failure before the course even sWhy the best courses don’t force you to take them step-by-stepWhich 3 deaths all writers must die before they can become real prosHow the professional writer manages to come out ahead of the packModule 1 – The Mindset Of A ProLearn how professionals approach not just their career, but their entire life. We’ll dispel common writing myths, find proper motivation, and clear many roadblocks before you ever put pen to paper.You will learn:Why the self-improvement movement only clouds most people’s thinkingWhat to do when everyone tells you you’re wrong and your writing sucksWhere you can find endless motivation to writeWhy professionals don’t need to rely on ideas and inspirationHow ideas actually formWhich mental phases you’ll go through as you transition from amateur to proModule 2 – Building A Consistent PracticeLearn how to quickly build momentum with a regular publishing routine. We’ll break down the science of habits, use just the right tools, and build a content creation system that works effortlessly.You will learn:Where you should if you’re just picking up writing againWhich framework I used to help over 300 people change their habitsThe only two tools you need to succeed as a writerWhat coding principle helps the best writers ship relentlesslyThe simple spreadsheet you can use to plan a month of content in just one hourWhich technique will easily give you 100 blog post ideas or moreModule 3 – Making Your Practice DeliberateLearn how to actually improve as a writer. With lots of tactics and feedback mechanisms, we’ll make sure you get better and better, until the quality of your work speaks for itself.You will learn:Why the concept of deliberate practice is essential for all high performersWhich kind of feedback you need for your writing to truly get betterThe one variable most bloggers missHow to break into the most relevant writing platforms, like Medium and QuoraHow to write content that actually ranks on GoogleWhat frameworks you can use to tell stories in compelling waysThe single most valuable non-writing activity for all writersModule 4 – Attracting An AudienceLearn how to kick your growth on all platforms with the art of subtle marketing. We’ll debunk several promotion myths, expose time wasters, and focus on the actionable 80/20 of tactics that work.You will learn:Why the #1 mistake tech ups make is a great habit for writersThe big fat lie people have been telling you about email listsHow to bake marketing into your writing and outgun any active promotionWhat the most important variable of succeeding on Medium and Quora isHow to outrank the world’s biggest sites with dead-simple SEO tweaksWhy the greatest marketing tactic will also make you a better writerWhich 5-minute promotion hacks are worth your time and effortModule 5 – Making Money From Your WritingLearn why modern-day professional writers don’t rely on one source of income. We’ll dissect the 4 types of professionals making the big bucks and how you can become one yourself.You will learn:The two ways we pay for written words, and which is betterHow to your path to becoming an author, freelancer, marketer or artistAdvantages and disadvantages of the four types of earning writersThe only thing you should base your writing income onHow to live any writer’s dream with the purest way to profit from your artCourse CurriculumWelcome – ing With A Clean SlateEverybody Has A Book Inside Them, But… (3:08)I Need You To Trust Me (4:53)The Story of Netflix vs. Blockbuster (6:11)The Captain Of This Ship (8:37)The 3 Deaths All Writers Must Die (7:38)What Makes A Professional Writer? (5:12)Module 1 – The Mindset Of A ProLife Is A Single-Player Game (7:53)You Should Probably Quit (8:31)The 4 Kinds Of Writers (4:37)The Dip (8:22)Commit To The Jump (8:17)The Motivation Café (7:52)A Writer’s Two Wages (7:27)The Most Important Page Of Your Blog (7:19)You Can’t Patent Creativity (7:10)What Picasso Really Meant (10:53)How Ideas Actually Form (8:27)The Wrollercoaster Of The Writing Mind (15:43)The Professional Mindset In A Nutshell (6:40)Module 2 – Establishing A Consistent PracticeWhat’s The Last Thing You Remember? (5:03)Detention Is Wonderful (3:35)Nothing Else Matters (3:50)The Momentum Framework (6:00)Counting What Counts (3:45)How To Use Coach.Me (9:58)Falling To The Level Of Our Systems (7:25)The Only Useful Diagram From Programming Class (7:50)Hemingway’s Well (4:19)The Gourmet Cook Test (5:48)How To Prevent Your Partner From Cheating On You (6:12)Be Kind To Yourself (2:37)Learning To Walk Tightrope (6:30)The 1-In-1-Out System [Intro] (4:51)How To Plan 30 Days Of Content In 1 Hour [Quora Edition – Beginner] (11:27)How To Plan 30 Days Of Content In 1 Hour [Medium Edition – Intermediate] (11:06)How To Plan 30 Days Of Content In 1 Hour [SEO Edition – Advanced] (14:39)Clickbaiting People Into Happiness (7:29)How To Refine Your Headlines With A Simple Tool (9:14)The Only Tool A Real Writer Needs (3:10)In A Perfect World… (2:45)Module 3 – Making Your Practice DeliberateThe Writer’s Career Capital Market (5:17)17 Years In The Passenger Seat (2:41)Definitions Made Of Book Stacks (7:25)From Purpose To Deliberation (8:37)Why Rick Rubin Is Wrong (5:05)The Single Greatest Response A Writer Can Hope For (3:11)Writing In The 21st Century (5:45)Weapons Of Mass Reaction (7:15)What Stephen King’s Uncle Taught Me (5:10)The Most Powerful Words Are Those You Don’t Say (6:26)171,476 Words (3:42)Mr. Motsch The German Teacher (2:26)Your Authentic Swing (5:52)The Circle Of Questions I Live In (7:32)Die Hard On An Airplane (6:09)Let’s Take It From The Top [ing An Article From A High-Concept Headline] (19:45)A Trail Of Breadcrumbs [ing An Article From Content Scraps] (13:52)The Story Skeleton [ing An Article From Structure] (22:22)Why Alice Must Keep Falling (3:20)What Makes Good Subheads? [Examples] (20:13)The #1 Variable All Bloggers Miss (3:05)Breaking The Length Pattern [Examples] (9:12)Structural Types [Quora Edition – Beginner] (16:41)Structural Types [Medium Edition – Intermediate] (27:12)Structural Types [SEO Edition – Advanced] (19:59)The Lucky Pot (7:01)The Hero’s Journey In A Can (3:43)Creating Your Own Structure [Example 1] (15:52)Creating Your Own Structure [Example 2] (19:06)Acts-Ray Vision (1:37)Finding Structures Through Analysis [Examples] (16:22)The World Is Made Of Words (4:42)How Particle Accelerators Work (4:50)Benjamin Franklin Was A Copycat (2:24)The Himalayan Pine Tree Sap (2:59)That Was A Lot! Let’s Recap Module 3 (4:02)The Single Most Deliberate Thing A Writer Can Do (5:18)Module 4 – Attracting An AudienceThe Article Is The Product (4:53)What Kills Tech ups Makes Writers Stronger (6:16)Nobody Wants To Read Your Sh*t (4:53)The Big Fat Lie About Your Email List (4:40)Content Is King. Who’s God, Then? (2:43)How Sherlock Holmes Makes Bricks (2:34)Making Bricks [Quora Edition – Beginner] (13:46)What’s Your Boy Scout Badge? (8:24)All Roads Lead To Rome (5:00)Leveling Up Your Quora Game (10:12)Great Quora Bricklayers [Examples] (8:48)Making Bricks [Medium Edition – Intermediate] (27:46)Hi, My Name Is… (10:03)Wall-Building With Will Smith (6:10)Leveling Up Your Medium Game (16:50)Great Medium Bricklayers [Examples] (8:29)Would You Like Some Rank With That? (8:04)Making Bricks [SEO Edition – Advanced] (23:45)I Saw Off-Page SEO Once (3:23)Leveling Up Your SEO Game (10:44)Great SEO Bricklayers [Examples] (19:57)After The Game Is Before The Game (1:53)There Is No Such Thing As Writing (2:18)Self-Republishing Walkthrough [Medium, Quora, LinkedIn] (20:51)Marketing Hacks For CBBs (2:52)The Gatekeeper Profession Is Dying (But Here’s How To Make The Epitaph) (3:28)Pitching Like Tommy John (3:38)How To Write An Email Pitch (18:25)Today I Learned That Reddit Sucks, But I Use It Anyway (15:12)The Value Of Hand-To-Hand Combat (3:07)Likes For Dinner (3:11)Module 5 – Making Money From Your WritingThe Economic Cycle Of The Media (8:53)Hi, I’m The Guy Who Does Everything (6:21)The Only Variable Your Income Should Be Built Upon (9:14)500,000 Words, But No Book (7:14)Modern Kinds Of Writers (4:15)The Freelancer (8:36)The Author (10:59)The Marketer (10:39)The Artist (11:40)Freelance: Average Is Crowded (29:37)Writing Books: Your Novel Is The Last Step (42:43)The Ethical Marketer: Transparency Wins (31:46)A Digital Da Vinci: The Purest Form Of Living From Your Art (38:22)The Greatest Feeling In The World (5:26)Closing ThoughtsThe Destiny All Writers Share (3:15)The True Purpose Of Write Like A Pro (3:11)The Single-Greatest Interview Question (Course Feedback) (3:22)Bonus VaultHow To Use Medium SEO To Rank In The Google Top 10 Without Your Own Blog (11:15)How To Find Interesting Connections On LinkedIn (1:41)How To Make Money On Quora (4:51)Medium Headline Hack (4:25)How To Find Scientifically Credible Sources (10:05)How To Find Great Cover Images For Your Articles (10:18)How To Write A Great Author Bio (9:42)Should You Write in Multiple Languages? (5:28)Do You Need a Writing Niche? (6:55)Can You Make It If English Is Not Your First Language? (6:23)Your InstructorNiklas GökeIt took me 6 years of 60-hour workweeks, thousands of wasted dollars, and LOTS of failure to learn how to write in a way that truly connects with people and makes money in the process.For less than $500, Write Like A Pro will upload all this knowledge right into your brain. Learn in just a few hours what took me several YEARS.You’ll even get direct access to me, all the tools and templates you need, and tactics you’ve never seen before to help you write like a true pro.