NewsFeed Fire – Matt Stefanik & Chris Blair


Course “NewsFeed Fire – Matt Stefanik & Chris Blair” is available, If no download link, Please wait 24 hours. We will process and send the link directly to your email.STILL STRUGGLING TO DRIVE TRAFFIC?DISCOVER HOW YOU CAN TAP INTO FACEBOOK’S MASSIVE (AND HIGHLY TARGETED) TRAFFIC WITH NEWS FEED ADS…As you probably already know, the BIGGEST problem with Internet marketing is getting TARGETED TRAFFIC.Some say “content is king” — but they are WRONG.The truth is, you can sell your own products or affiliate products… but, if you don’t have targeted traffic, you won’t make a dime.That’s just the harsh reality of the situation.To make matters even worse, most traffic sources are either too expensive to profit from or too slow to produce results.The world of Internet marketing has changed. As Lee lacocca would say, “You can lead, follow, or get out of the way.”For example…Consider AdWords pay-per-dick. Once again, the old days are done and gone.Google doesn’t even like Internet marketers anymore.And the clicks frequently aren’t cost-effective.Then there’s SEO (which is basically just the “flip side” of pay-per-click). The thing is… pleasing “The Big G” (and the other search engines) is a thankless job.It takes a lot of work, a lot of time, and – in the end — only so many sites can be on page one. Furthermore, with a single algorithm change…GOOGLE CAN DESTROY ALL THE WORK & TIME YOU’VE INVESTED…In a nutshell. News Feed Fire will teach you EVERYTHING you need to know to promote anv business or service with News Feed AdsWe’ll teach you the rules… and how to do it right -for MAXIMUM RESULTS.HERE’S A QUICK “TASTE” OF WHAT YOU’LL LEARN:How to get high quality leads by finding the perfect TARGET audience for your business. (Tip: Targeting is the key to high conversions.)How to drive traffic — on demand — to ANY website. (Without traffic there are NO CONVERSIONS; without conversions there are NO PROFITS.)Understanding news feeds vs. side bar ads. (They both have their place, but news feeds offer some HUGE advantages.)How to profit as an affiliate marketer using News Feed Ads (aka Promoted Posts… the most effective traffic method available today).How to drive down your advertising costs by using the optimal bidding strategy, (we n show you how to pay less… so you’ll have an advantage over your competitors.)How to increase your “edge rank” and social engagement. (Few people really understand these concepts, but we’ll give you the inside scoop.)Discover whether you should keep your traffic on Facebook or link out to external web pages. (LITTLE decisions can sometimes have a BIG impact — that’s why you NEED our training.)HOW to explode your ROI. (Discover how “Retargeting your ads” can result in HUGE conversion gains.)The difference between CPM, CPC, and Optimized CPM. (This is a topic that confuses a lot of marketers. But we’ve done our testing and know EXACTLY what to do and how to do it. We spill the details inside.)Understanding the Graph Search. (You’ll discover how and WHEN to use it.)How to use fan page “tabs.” (Hint: Tabs are POWERFUL… but there are some problems. We’ll explain how to use them PROPERLY.)How to select images that attract views by utilizing modem “best practices.” (Tip: Images can have a MAJOR impact on your conversion rate. You’ll learn what works… and what doesn’t.)How to create ’awesome* fan pages. (Your goal is to attract a LARGE following. Inside our course, you’ll SEE how it’s actually done… step-by-step.)Discover basic copywriting tricks that increase your Conversions. (Note: If you don’t understand the fundamentals of writing persuasive copy, your profits will suffer. But don’t worry… we’ll show you what works.)How to use Facebook Events to get a high attendance rate tor webinars. (We’ve had over 60% of people registered show up to webinars… these are numbers that stun even big-name affiliates!)And Much, much more…We provide video-based training that gives you all the knowledge, tips, and insider resources necessary to grow your business on Facebook.We discuss strategies that can be applied to many different fields, business types, models, and marketing plans.As I said… we’re Facebook EXPERTS. Using the same strategies you’ll learn, we routinely make sales of $200 to $1,000 per day, win affiliate contests, and coach clients (who pay $1,000 to $2,500).Furthermore, we recently did a webinar where we grossed $32,000 in sales (at 50% commission) all by driving traffic to a Facebook event, running ads, and mailing the list we built from Facebook.News Feed Ads are becoming more and more popular all the time – and Facebook is encouraging their use.Are you starting to see the amazing potential of Facebook, yet?We’ve built our entire business around it – Facebook is just that powerful.News Feed Fire is ideal for Internet marketers and offline businesses with (or without) a storefront.These include:Network Marketers (MLM)Affiliate Marketers LocalBusiness OwnersPersonal TrainersCaterers, DJ’s, Photographers, and other “specialty” service providersBloggersConsultantsReal Estate AgentsInsurance AgentsLawyers, Doctors, and DentistsAnd More…HERE’S WHAT YOU ‘LL GET…46 Video Tutorials46 specific video tutorials, from the very basic to the incredibly advanced, to walk you through exactly every thing you need to know to tap into Facebook’s massive and highly targeted traffic.3 Bonus WebinarsWe’ve included three bonus webinars we recently hosted taking the total video count you will receive up to 49 total videos! That’s less than $1 per video! Where else are you going to receive this much value for so little?Video TranscriptionsBased on feedback from our previous customers, we have decided to add video transcriptions for every video tutorial! This will make following along even easier. PLUS, you’ll be able to quickly refer back to the content to find exactly what you want to when you want to.Secret Bonus DownloadsWe’ve included several relevant Private Label Rights products in the back office that you can not only download and use personally, but they also have a license that allows you to actually SELL the product and keep 100% of the profits! Products come complete with sales page website, copy, graphics, and more, so even if you don’t have your own product to sell, you will now!Tag: NewsFeed Fire – Matt Stefanik & Chris Blair Review. NewsFeed Fire – Matt Stefanik & Chris Blair download. NewsFeed Fire – Matt Stefanik & Chris Blair discount.