
Neuroplasticity, Primitive Reflexes, & Pediatric Rehabilitation – April Christopherson

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Neuroplasticity, Primitive Reflexes, & Pediatric Rehabilitation – April Christopherson

April Christopherson
1 Hour 53 Minutes
Audio and Video
Jul 26, 2019


Discover the ‘why and how’ of primitive reflexes. Neuroplasticity, primitive reflexes, and developmental milestones will be presented along with current research regarding the brain and child development. Learn about the research and principals highlighting the role of timing in the brain and how it manifests differently in a child diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, Delayed Milestones, and genetic disorders.
Gain creative and evidence-based approaches to implement timing and movement activities that will work directly on primitive reflex integration, brain development, and sensory motor skills for working in schools, clinics, and inpatient rehabilitation.

Manual – Neuroplasticity, Primitive Reflexes, & Pediatric Rehabilitation (1.8 MB) 21 Pages Available after Purchase


Brain anatomy review
Research review on brain development
Primitive Reflex development, integration, and milestone achievement
Understanding Neuroplasticity and development
Discussion of auditory, visual, motor, and vestibular sensory development areas
Understanding application of neuroplasticity concepts to pediatric rehabilitation
Treatment approaches using Neuroplasticity concepts
Definition of sensory processing and sensory integration concepts
Identifying children who present with specific Primitive Reflex delays
Treatment approaches and movement activities combining Neuro and Sensory Integration
Case Studies and Video Examples


April Christopherson, OTR/L

April Christopherson, OTR/L, has been an occupational therapist for over 25 years and has worked with diverse populations in a variety of settings. She is the founder and owner of Exploration Kids Therapy in Colorado. April worked as the director of OT and director of training and development for over 10 years for The Shandy Clinic in Colorado Springs, CO. She sits on the clinical advisory board for Interactive Metronome Corporation. She is a member of both the Advanced Brain Technologies and Interactive Metronome adjunct faculty where she teaches introductory and advanced continuing education courses to professionals. She has traveled around the USA and the world teaching on Neuroplasticity and Development. April was granted her degrees in Occupational Therapy and Psychology from St Ambrose University in Davenport, IA in 1991.
Speaker Disclosures:

Financial: April Christopherson is owner of Exploration Kids Therapy. She receives a consulting fee from Interactive Metronome; and Advanced Brain Technologies. Ms. Christopherson receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.

Non-financial: April Christopherson has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.