Neeraj – All Things Ecom – Million $ Christmas


Actual Cost $5500 Price Right Now: $997 After the above-mentioned timer expires, the discount will be lowered and the cost will be $1999. Later Discount Will be Lowered Again & Cost will be $3000.

Neeraj – All Things Ecom – Million $ Christmas

Actual Cost $5500 Price Right Now: $997 After the above-mentioned timer expires, the discount will be lowered and the cost will be $1999. Later Discount Will be Lowered Again & Cost will be $3000.
Complete Case study & Course
A Complete Journey for $1M Christmas
How to sell custom-made shirts
How to set up a shop
What apps should you set up?
How to convert it
How to make 10% more from your traffic
How to take orders and fulfill
How to avoid $200k worth of mistakes
How to set up helpdesk
All Secrets Revealed
All Recent Updates
How to make it your life business
How to set up SMS campaigns using twilio
How to scale your ads
How to save 20-Fulfillment 25%
How to manage your shop perfectly
How to manage chargebacks and accounts
Walkthrough of 5 Hours Live
Complete Course included
&&& Expect More like group support and free designs.
Cost: $5000. No gimmicks of $4997
The Early Bird price will be $500 from 15 July to $5k. It will continue increasing each day up to $5k. Launch Date: 15 August. It will be restricted to a few people only.
Enrol Me. I’m a hardworking gal/guy. I Don’t Believe In Quick Rich Schemes. I am in this for the long haul. It is an honor to be a part of this. Cost: $5000 Early Bird Price, Subject to Date
I am not the guy who wants spoon feeding. I know what I’m buying. I understand that there are no guarantees or promises of the same results. No Refunds. Today’s price is $997, valid until August 25, 2017. After that, the cost will be $2000 and the discount will continue to decrease with time.
Here’s what I’m going to oFFer you right now:
IF you’re ready to dominate your competition and finally master selling t-shirts and print on demand with Shopify™, then you need to join the Million $ Christmas Coaching Program.
I want you to learn the strategies that work right now, so that you can fully take advantage of the amazing opportunity that is T.-Shirts/Print on demand
This program is for you if your goal is to change your life and finally see results with your business.        
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